Shotgun Conept

Jul 6, 2003
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hey guys, im fleshing out a weapon for my game and i wanted some crits on the shapes , details etc. right now i've worked out the back of the gun and the handle but i havent the slightest clue about the barrel im playing around with a few ideas (you can see one in the bottom right corner) but i havent found anything that clicks. any help would be much appreciated :D .
I see... so this is basically just the "body" of the shotgun without the barrel right.
Before reading your post I thought that's one weird ass shotgun:E
Well the bottom right concept of the weapon looks like something out of Q3, and by the looks of it, it could very well pass as a rocket launcher or something LOL. By the way for what game are you designing this?
I'd like to see a shotgun without a barrel. > >
Small update.
it could very well pass as a rocket launcher or something LOL. By the way for what game are you designing this?
yeah the sketch on the bottom does look a lot like a rocket launcher but i don't think I'm going to go with that . the barrel is too rounded it doesn't fit in with the faceted style of the handle and the body. its for a game I'm programming on the irrlicht graphics engine , I'm going to use newton for physics,raknet for networking and openAl for sound.
i just updated the game with some physics and i thought i'd show you guys where im at.
its a small 4mb file featuring one map and a view model.
use WASD to control the cam and E to shoot boxes :D . the boxes dont interact with the player yet, im still working on that.
small update

what do you guys think off the front ?

The body is WAY too textured.

Just keep it sketchy imo.

And the front looks a little TOO stubby. I personally like ingame weapons that are fairly short and feel like they are close ranged, but i'd say give it just a TAD more length.

Maybe extend the barrel a bit past the little block part at the front. It'd not only help make it feel longer, but it'd match the little tubular barrel you got going down near the base of the gun. It looks really weird as it stands, because the barrel you see at the front doesn't match the barrel you see at the back.
thanks for the comments .would you mind doing a small paint over in paint ? i didnt really get what you meant by the barrel at the back.