Show us your computer desk!

my desk is home made and boats 60 cm deep by 125 cm long mouse and keyboard spaces and a 60 by 60 extension for my puter and mega crt to sit on :p i love space :p

But sadly my art books take it over :(
/cries Send me More desks!



pints? it's an expresso mug that I just use for supersize coffeeeee. I've been McDonalised, but I hate the place :\
craig said:
pints? it's an expresso mug that I just use for supersize coffeeeee. I've been McDonalised, but I hate the place :\
Oh yeah...I didn't notice the handle first time round.
The inside of the mug, looked like the head.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Oh yeah...I didn't notice the handle first time round.
The inside of the mug, looked like the head.

LOL. Well Guiness tastes like pisch. Last time I drank that shite was in Italy in 2002.
This was taken a few months ago. I got a new monitor now.
Same desk, Pressure :D

Although your pull out bit looks fcked :/
Here is my desk...and in my sig there is a close up picture of my computer.
My brother took the digi cam back to Arizona for the last few weeks of his Army Adv. Training. =|

But to describe,

My computer sits on top of a counter that is built into the wall. Speakers are on a shelf above (woofer below). Chair slides into a gap in the counter. The top drawer (the only on it this section has been converted; its cover has been removed to allow access to the keyboard when slid out. Another piece of wood slides out of the bottom of the drawer (much like a handicapped check signing station) for the mouse.

'Tis a bit easier to understand with pictures.
Here's mine. A bit small, but usable with care. I shoved everything off the top to get the picture. Including the monitor.