Smooth Mapping?

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May 14, 2003
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will HL2 have smooth mappin like ut2003? i saw some of the geography in hl2 and its hard to say, i mean i could be with jaggedness that they could iron out by a lil confused on this topic and would like some clearification, any input besides gee i dont know would be very grateful.

Edit: oh and does anyone know how large MP maps will/could be(maybe somfin was mentioned in an interview or preview?)
The mapping will be easier to make and it will be more smooth. Im not sure of the size of how big the maps can be but all i know si that it will be bigger than the current size of the hl maps.
can u point me to the place where u got your info i wanna leanr more, i love smooth mappin, so much more realistic.
Heh i dont remember. Probably a news post linking to an article from Csnation or Planet Half-Life.
geez, relax King...

do you really need to know every single detail about the game, 4 months before it's released???
yeah they only just announced halflife2 even existed..
so getting info like that will probably take a while before we get
how is wanting to know about the smooth mapping wanting to know "every detail" about the game, this is not meant to be defensive or harsh im just curious as to how realistic the enviornment will be :)
If they changed the geo in retime, it means that they is a option for making terrain. Unlike HL, just look at any DoD map to see that.

Hopefully it'll be alot easier than UT ( whose mapping prog i hate). which, judging worldcraft, it'll be fine.
this is a reply to what someone said about grid size before, currently the grid is fairly small from what i seen from the videos i suspect that the hammers grid size will be up to 10times bigger than the current grid but who knows ;)
In the E3 video of when you go in the car. He drives for quite a while and hes going pretty fast. It looks like you can make a map quite big. Actually a lot bigger than hl's maps.
yeah well the quake2 engine (which hl is based upon) isnt really known for its wast maps.. its more of a indoor-engine, so its not very strange that hl2 will have bigger maps
Originally posted by Mackan
yeah well the quake2 engine (which hl is based upon) isnt really known for its wast maps.. its more of a indoor-engine, so its not very strange that hl2 will have bigger maps
Correction its a heavily modified version of the quake 2 and quake 1 engine ;), but thats irrelevant
Im guessing there wont be a loading time every 2 minutes like in hl1.
Has Vavle made an announcement about multiplayer at all? I've only seen details on the single player game, so how do we know just how multiplayer is going to work on this new engine? I'm sure the maps will be huge (take the buggy video for example), but will maps that large be feasilbe via multiplayer?
In the Interview video...Gabe did say there WILL be multiplayer, answer your question Sirius ? :D
:cool: I guess that's sort of an announcement. I was hoping for a little more deail though. Hopefully we'll hear something soon.
He said once there done showing off the singleplayer them they will move to multiplayer. Thats the whole hl2. After that whats next? TF2?
LPC said:
geez, relax King...

do you really need to know every single detail about the game, 4 months before it's released???

4 months??/ wtf ... god ure stupid
You really should read the date of the post before you call somebody stupid.
What on Earth are you doing, resurrecting such an old thread for no apparent reason?
Don't kick up old threads please.

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