So apparently the f*cks are releasing it tonight

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Originally posted by BrewHaHa
That looks like CS, if you look closely u can see the arm and the shape of an AK47, or some other gun I dunno its late ppl jeez.

thats not CS, its the HL2 engine with shitty homemade textures/levels.
Hmm all of this will be solved at 12.. or alot of fakes will appear.. either way.. who cares..

i want the full freakin game!
Originally posted by genocide604
Hmm all of this will be solved at 12.. or alot of fakes will appear.. either way.. who cares..

i want the full freakin game!

that was an hour and forty minutes ago.
Originally posted by BrewHaHa
its waay past 12 here

and its still a hour and a half shy of it on the west coast. where most of the jerks in the usa live.
yea... those scrennies have got to be fake..
untill i see some full screen pic of something thats not in one of the bink videos, i wont believe it...
What makes you people think that this is more important to the FBI than the current releases of FULL version RETAIL products?

What makes you think unfinished code being released is any better than getting the mod making pack for this game free?

What makes you people think that it's getting released by some novices who are gonna do something stupid, like host it on their ISP webspace or something equally obvious and trackable?

It is most likely being released first to the same people that distribute normal pirated software, and if the FBI hasn't caught very many of those groups yet, then I doubt this case will be more exciting than any other release.

All this is, is a big slap in the face to valve. You guys are taking this way farther than it needs to go. Everyone point and laugh at valve and it's ever-growing fan-boy collection.

edit: If my points have all been covered by other posts, that are past page 3 where I stopped reading this mind-numbing thread, my apologies for adding to the clutter
Which timezone is this "midnight" in? because it's 12:38 here. I just want to know what's going on. As much I want to play HL2 I don't think I'll be D/Ling this game, even though I'd still buy the game if I did. I feel so bad for these guys. Gabe Newell must feel like crap...Even though VALVe bold face lied about the release date, I still feel sorry for these guys.
Originally posted by Dabura
What makes you people think that this is more important to the FBI than the current releases of FULL version RETAIL products?

What makes you think unfinished code being released is any better than getting the mod making pack for this game free?

What makes you people think that its getting released by some novices who are gonna do something stupid, like host it on their ISP webspace or something equally obvious and trackable?

It is most likely being released first to the same people that distribute normal pirated software, and if the FBI hasn't caught very many of those groups yet, then I doubt this case will be more exciting than any other release.

All this is, is a big slap in the face to valve. You guys are taking this way farther than it needs to go. Everyone point and laugh at valve and it's ever-growing fan-boy collection.

(If my points have all been covered by other posts, that are past page 3 where I stopped reading this mind-numbing thread, my apologies for adding to the clutter)

stfu and die kthx.
Originally posted by Dabura
What makes you people think that this is more important to the FBI than the current releases of FULL version RETAIL products?

What makes you think unfinished code being released is any better than getting the mod making pack for this game free?

What makes you people think that its getting released by some novices who are gonna do something stupid, like host it on their ISP webspace or something equally obvious and trackable?

It is most likely being released first to the same people that distribute normal pirated software, and if the FBI hasn't caught very many of those groups yet, then I doubt this case will be more exciting than any other release.

All this is, is a big slap in the face to valve. You guys are taking this way farther than it needs to go. Everyone point and laugh at valve and it's ever-growing fan-boy collection.

(If my points have all been covered by other posts, that are past page 3 where I stopped reading this mind-numbing thread, my apologies for adding to the clutter)

that post was very mind numbing at 1 43 EST

Remember ppl
Half-life radio will have a live person to person interveiw with the one and only gabe at 8 pm EST
What makes you people think that this is more important to the FBI than the current releases of FULL version RETAIL products?

As Justin Timberlake so nicely puts it "Cry me a River".

ps- its 10:55 here in BC.. pst time.
Originally posted by BrewHaHa
that post was very mind numbing at 1 43 EST

Huh?.. Wait a sec, my eye's are uncrossing...
Hmm...I'm still considering that there may actually be a beta about to be released. Why would a hacker take the time, and risk, to break into VALVe's network and steal source code? There's no major gain to this crime, maybe it gives you the one up on making CD Cracks and Cheats, but not when you release it to the public and let VALVe know you've done it. There has to be more substance to this event than we've seen thus far.
Hmm...I'm still considering that there may actually be a beta about to be released. Why would a hacker take the time, and risk, to break into VALVe's network and steal source code? There's no major gain to this crime, maybe it gives you the one up on making CD Cracks and Cheats, but not when you release it to the public and let VALVe know you've done it. There has to be more substance to this event than we've seen thus far

I concur.
Originally posted by Wesisapie
Major gain is a HUGE reputation boost in the warez scene.

acctually... werent many hackers outraged by this?
That's what I'm saying. There's no major gain unless some real substance comes out of this. If your actions can be counter-acted before you even get you crack in the underground there's no point. Besides, the hacker(s) had access to Gabe's account, and other computers, for some weeks. I highly doubt you'd get 100 Megs of source code. And keep in mind, the point behind Warez is to undermine the Corporations, giving out the Source Code helps VALVe's competitors. I think the only reason the source code saw the light of day was in retaliation to the delay. Why else would someone hold on to source code for a month and not even patch it up?
they were outraged by the source code leak, not by the beta leak. betas are leaked all the time.

i don't see why this is special.

has it occured that we are using this forum as a chat room?
Fbi nsa and every1 else can go after em. Unfortunately they wount get caught. Why? because they never got caught till today. All major game warez realeases is like from the same ppl razor, deviance etc and none of those network has been shot down. Also it might be a virus or not lol but there is lots of stuff that works around the net with no virus so....

Now that we clarified that I will freaking buy this game the instant it comes out, probably buy a 2nd copy for my poor friend 2, but I dont know even I (even cuz I am strongwilled) would be able to resist the urge to dl it. When one of my fav game addon pack was released, it came out a couple of days earlier on irc, but I still payed for the real once it came out, just cuz the game was so freaking awesome and the developer need more money to make more amazing work.
So dont think I am a cruel SOB I love valve but I want the game so bad
Originally posted by kemical

Actually, that could be quite convincing if someone just made a bunch of stupid place holders for textures... Although, I did say could be convincing.
HAHA Sauce. Let us call Sauce Code from now...
I seriously think I've been up too long.
So thiss is what it feels like to be addicted to heroin, hmmmmm.
Enough, I think.

There is no beta.
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