So... does Gordon "speak" in the game world?


Dec 6, 2004
Reaction score
Are we supposed to imagine speech on Gordon's behalf or what?

Don't the characters in the game find it odd how he never says a damn thing? He's mute! How did he get a job as a scientist if he can't communicate his ideas??
Gordon doesn't need to talk...people can see everything he wants to say in those deep, gorgeous green eyes....
You are Gordon Freeman so you are supposed to fill in the blanks with your own dialogue.
Damn... in that case, Alyx is one frigid ice-queen for ignoring all the "I love you"s my iteration of Gordon Freeman was screaming at the end of the game.
Mister_Pie said:
Damn... in that case, Alyx is one frigid ice-queen for ignoring all the "I love you"s my iteration of Gordon Freeman was screaming at the end of the game.
Well...she was kind of pressed for time, dude...
He is a mute. He must be, the only thing you can here from him is his heavy breathing at some parts of the game
Mister_Pie said:
Damn... in that case, Alyx is one frigid ice-queen for ignoring all the "I love you"s my iteration of Gordon Freeman was screaming at the end of the game.

I just crouch and stare at her "assets". :eek: She looks at me like I'm a horrible, short, weak-chinned disaster with man-boobs...oh wait that's real life... :(
TheCorps said:
You are Gordon Freeman so you are supposed to fill in the blanks with your own dialogue.

The Mesh-vid with Eli's lab comes to mind.

Alyx: She's one of the reasons I spend so much time outdoors
Mesh: Ugh, can't blame ya.

Or when a zombie crashes through a door in Ravenholm:

eLGee said:
The Mesh-vid with Eli's lab comes to mind.

Alyx: She's one of the reasons I spend so much time outdoors
Mesh: Ugh, can't blame ya.

Or when a zombie crashes through a door in Ravenholm:


The only time you hear gordon is during the disaster sequence in Half-Life 1, don't remember hearing him in HL2 but I wouldn't have noticed anyhow :D

I do think it's a bit strange how alyx ignores my sex requests
Another Mesh quote I love:

Mossman: The zero point energy field manipulator is *not* a toy, Alyx.
Alyx: Ugh, let's just get out of here.
Mesh: Yea it is! I wanna use it as a toy! You have no idea! Seriously, look at me! Yeah, that's right. With your eyes. Come on. (Judith looks) That's right - *toy*!
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Gordon doesn't need to talk...people can see everything he wants to say in those deep, gorgeous green eyes....

lol... he's so dreamy :upstare:
TheCorps said:
You are Gordon Freeman so you are supposed to fill in the blanks with your own dialogue.
Then why don't my resistance buddies follow my orders when I shout "Ok guys, do you mind going over there and staying there? NO! DON'T RUN BLINDLY TOWARDS THAT STRIDER WHEN YOU ONLY HAVE THE GODDAMNED MP7!"

HL2 was lacking a "Stay the hell there, you pathetic excuse for a freedom fighter" button.
well there is a console command to set npcs on fire, that'll teach them not to get killed
All that non talking business made Blue Shift kinda weird. I mean, Barney was practically made by his catch frases and yet, silence...

Thus, IMO, an Alxy expansion to HL2 would be a bad idea. Developers can't seriously expect me to fill in the personalities of these established characters.
bliink said:
lol... he's so dreamy :upstare:
Haha...Jude Law may be the sexiest man alive but in the virtual world....
DesertChicken said:
All that non talking business made Blue Shift kinda weird. I mean, Barney was practically made by his catch frases and yet, silence...

Thus, IMO, an Alxy expansion to HL2 would be a bad idea. Developers can't seriously expect me to fill in the personalities of these established characters.

Well, for blue shift, you can run around offering everyone beer in your imagination. :p
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Gordon doesn't need to talk...people can see everything he wants to say in those deep, gorgeous green eyes....
Gordon doesn't need to talk; he's a highly trained professional. ;)
Audiophile said:
The only time you hear gordon is during the disaster sequence in Half-Life 1
eH? What are you talking about,. you never hear Gordon.

And its not that you're supposed to 'fill in the blanks'. Gordon is a certified mute.

Alyx makes a point of this when you first meet her; she mentions that youre a man of few words.
f|uke said:
eH? What are you talking about,. you never hear Gordon.

And its not that you're supposed to 'fill in the blanks'. Gordon is a certified mute.

Alyx makes a point of this when you first meet her; she mentions that youre a man of few words.
I hate to say it, f|uke, but the man is right. You can hear Gordon's heavy breathing during the resonance cascade scence in HL1. At the end, too.
It's true. Gordon isn't mute, he just doesn't really have annything he feels like saying. Okay so Valve couldn't figure out a way of having your character talk without breaking immersion (didn't really work in Far Cry did it?). Frankly, I never really cared.
I was too busy enjoying HL to really care either
No no no, you don't understand. Gordon as a character doesn't exist. You are Gordon.

Since the start of HL1 Gordon and the player's experience is one and the same.
subtlesnake said:
No no no, you don't understand. Gordon as a character doesn't exist. You are Gordon.

Since the start of HL1 Gordon and the player's experience is one and the same.
Right, Gordon isn't a unique person all to his own. He is meant to be an identity that the character assumes.
In the last chapter, The Citadel, I turned on closed captionning for some reason and there gordon would reply to things that were said to him even though there was no voice. Thats pretty wierd. Has anyone played the whole game with Closed Captioning on?
onewacko said:
In the last chapter, The Citadel, I turned on closed captionning for some reason and there gordon would reply to things that were said to him even though there was no voice. Thats pretty wierd. Has anyone played the whole game with Closed Captioning on?
Gordon would reply? What are you smoking?
1st time through, I played with closed captioning on, and I never saw anything that gordon "said"
Valve have officially announced that Half Life 3 will have perfect voice recognition and the new engine will be applied to both of the former games so that you can fill in the gaps.

They think really far ahead.
its similar to link in the zelda series, you are supposed to assume the role

this method works if you do it right, and the only two games i know that use it are zelda and halflife, and they both do a pretty good job of being unintrusive to the player's own personality
g911turbo said:
this method works if you do it right, and the only two games i know that use it are zelda and halflife, and they both do a pretty good job of being unintrusive to the player's own personality
The System Shock games probably also apply to this rule... you stay as the Hacker or Soldier for the duration of the playable game, but cutscenes at the beginning and end of the game do show you externally - your character even says "Nah" in the Shock 2 ending. It works just as well as the HL games because you get emails and logs and stuff that refer to you. You don't break immersion with the character for key scenes, just like Half-Life :)
Going back to the dumb AI for the guys on your squad isnt there a mod that lets you kill them? :O
just tell them to walk out into combine fire. They don't last too long if there is alot of combine.
ABout the AI to the squad you have either basicly "Go" or "Come back"
If your see a strider, face the opposite direction then press "Go" they SOMETIMES go away then but others decide to be "Have a go heroes". Then you get to pick up ammo supplies heh hehe hehe
Whenever I see an oppotunity, I let all my teammates walk into their deaths...