So I've been playing Doom 3.


Mar 12, 2010
Reaction score
To be honest, I'm disappointed. I never really had any fun in the game. I spent about an hour wandering around Mars City's ridiculously dark corridors, even before the accident. Then I FINALLY found the missing scientist.

I promptly wandered through an evironment that was even DARKER, whacking zombies with my flashlight which for some bizarre reason did more damage than my actual fists. Not to mention I had to either use my flashlight OR my gun, and I honestly can't imagine why DoomGuy can't just tape the Flashlight to the gun or something.

I was also amazed by the stupid Soldier zombie AI, which made them hide behind everything FOR NO DAMN REASON. The worst part is, they don't even come out. They just SIT THERE, waiting for you to come around the corner. The Imps also ticked me off, for the fact that they randomly crawl out of nowhere and shoot fireballs. Now the fireballs aren't that bad; they take a long time to charge up, and are easy to dodge. However, for some reason, Mars City is NOTHING BUT EFFING CORRIDORS, and I have been hit with an un-dodgeable fireball SO MANY TIMES.

However, the graphics were AMAZING. The lighting was amazing, and it's what truly made the game come alive. All in all, even through my many complaints, the atmosphere was perfectly concocted, and would make the original Doom quake (lol) with envy. The gameplay reminds me of the original Doom: The environment is your enemy. And I love that, even through the flaws.
Man, I can't wait to finally play Half-Life 2. That blue tentacle thing is the shit.
maybe we will see a new trailer of duke nukem forever next year
Man, I can't wait to finally play Half-Life 2. That blue tentacle thing is the shit.
Do you think my toaster will be able to run it?

pic related my toaster

Hey, I played Portal this year. Be nice.
Hey, I started playing Deus Ex this year so I'm even further behind.
**** me that toaster is awesome. Seriously, forget Doom 3, just look at that! I'm literally fapping right now.
So I take it it's completely implausible to assume someone could be playing for the first time a game that's 6 years old?

quit bein a babybitch, we all know its okay to play an old game for the first time, BUT EVERYONE knows doom 3 blows, we found that out like, like 6 years ago man, and this guy comes waltzin in like "guys wait, doom 3 sucks" and we are like "ya we know bro, u come from the time machine or somethin?"
I can't wait to try DOOM. Many surprises are in for us, guys.

I'm predicting the future now. *Rubs temple* OK, I'm seeing something... No, it's dark and I can't see anything.
Except, when you read the whole post, it sounds like he really liked it.
1)Whacking zombies with my flashlight which for some bizarre reason did more damage than my actual fists.

2) I However, for some reason, Mars City is NOTHING BUT EFFING CORRIDORS,

1) Ofcourse the flashlight does more damage, there are flashlights specifically designed to be used as self defense. They are made heavy and bulky for the soul purpose of inflicting damage when hitting something/someone. Its like swinging a brick at someone.

2) Ofcourse its nothing but corridors, its a god damn space station on another planet with no air on it. It would be unwise to build it with large open areas that would kill EVERYONE inside incase of a leak. It is much better to build a space station with small tight corridors and rooms that are easily sealed off.

Its also an art direction and a game design choice. By putting the player in a station build upon narrow dark corridors, it adds a claustrophobic feel to the whole game. It feels as if you are trapped within the walls, deep underground, unable to escape, drowned in total darkness with nothing but electric sparks and a flashlight as your lightsource. I seriously cant understand people who complain about these things. You must have watched the trailers for the game, and they clearly showcase this type of setting. How you can be suprised by this once you are playing the game is beyond me.

No im not some crazy doom fanboy, in fact, i didnt really like the game too much. But i find it weird how some people complain about things that are obvious. Its like as if you played Freelancer and complained that "there is too much space to explore, its too vast and big, i dont know where to go" OFCOURSE ITS BIG, ITS SPACE GOD DAMNIT, ****ING SPACE

Dont mean to insult you or anyone, sorry if i come off as an asshole. No harm intended :)

Crossfire/SLI, ay? Bet that uses a lot of power and generates a lot of heat. You could fry an egg on that thing!

But why would I want to fry an... when I can just... what??
In all seriousness, I liked the dark atmosphere in doom. However, the flashlights on weapons was something that should have been on the rifle weapons (but perhaps not the double barrel shotgun from Resurrection).

I think their idea of handicap (flashlight or weapon) was cumbersome more than a game-play feature. And if they wanted to stick with the stock pistol, there are plenty of ways to hold a flashlight and pistol:




I mean, he's a marine for hell's sake, he should have known!

Anyway, there were other weapons that could still have benefited from their handicap idea, like the soul cube, fists, chainsaw, etc.
Duct Tape mod that fixed that almost immediately after release.
Yeah, but I think it would have been cool to see him holding it (as pictured above), or have the proper weapon models with flashlights on them.
I actually really enjoyed Doom 3, one of the few games I ever finished.
I enjoyed doom 3 also and I think it is underrated. I liked it most for its monster variety and atmosphere. However the thing that annoys me the most is the sound effects on the plasma rifle. Pew pew pew. Pew pew pew. Pew pew pew. Ugh. I hope they fix that in doom 4. Also make hell longer considering it was the best part of the game. Nothing beats owning a hell knight with a chainsaw.
I have to admit that while it was overdone to the point of being irritating, and while the entire thing made no sense whatsoever, I kind of liked the gameplay mechanic of having to choose between your gun and your flashlight. There were a few moments where it actually added some tension.
The cube thing was supposed to be the item that enables game play to be renewed.

It wasn't.

However I did enjoy the hell bent areas, the game was pretty stingy on the amount of twisted spectacles however.
I have to admit that while it was overdone to the point of being irritating, and while the entire thing made no sense whatsoever
The water harvesting machines were pretty plausible, but I'm not a scientist. The game was a nice sequel, only if they fixed the boredom problem; you can't base new games on older concepts.
I have to admit that while it was overdone to the point of being irritating, and while the entire thing made no sense whatsoever, I kind of liked the gameplay mechanic of having to choose between your gun and your flashlight. There were a few moments where it actually added some tension.

Turn up da brightness.
The water harvesting machines were pretty plausible, but I'm not a scientist.

I was referring to the player not being able to hold both a flashlight and a gun at the same time, or not having having a flashlight built into a gun. It didn't make any sense.

Though to be fair, the "science" in Doom3 was pretty silly too.
I really couldn't stand much not having the light and gun together, added the fact that I suck at playing scary games. I downloaded the Duct Tape Mod, it was just the only way to go for me. I'm a loser when it comes to playing scary games, just can't play them for too long!