So many MMOS, so little money D:

May 30, 2009
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So recently, I have been playing City of Heroes and I'm really into the fact that you can customize your characters outside of just hair colour and race.

But since I have been playing for about 2-3 years now, it's really boring lately.

But I have no fear, because I might go to a different MMO.

but there are 4 coming out. Almost at the same time D:

Since I don't nearly have enough money and time to play 4 MMOs, I need your opinion on which I should choose.

Champions Online
: very similar to City of Heroes; you create a superhero with very in-depth customization and fight crime or be the villain and do crime >:3 in a new cell-shaded look.

DC Universe Online: from what I've seen, similar to Champions Online, but it is DC, so NPCs are DC heroes and villains.

Aion Online: I haven't been into the fantasy MMOs since Guild Wars and I wasn't sure if I wanted to go back, but this one seems really interesting. Flying wings at a pretty low level and Summoner class :)D) is really enticing. Speaking of Guild Wars...

Guild Wars 2: this bastard snuck up on me when I was looking at the first three. Despite getting sick of Guild Wars and giving up on it, I played it for about 4 years. The free-to-play setup is still there and they are adding quite a few elements to it, but I hope it doesn't take up the things that made me stop playing Guild Wars in the first place.

Thanks for all the help.
Aion is just WoW with anime, I played the chinese beta and the NA weekend thing. It's really not that great unless you love WoW. I don't know anything about the comic book ones so I can't really give you an opinion on those.

I'm personally looking forward to Mortal Online and the Star Wars one but that's at least one year away.
If you must play a Far Eastern MMORPG, just wait for Final Fantasy XIV. The korean ones are usually considered pretty poor examples. It's about the only MMORPG I would considered getting into eventually...
Something tells me you're not into this type, but just to get it out there

Eve Online!
Fallen Earth, if you like Fallout.
Planetside, if you can put up with the hackers and absence of any Dev attention it is STILL A GREAT GAME that's like a cancer patient on life support, but who cares right?
Warhammer... if you like PvP and WoW.
Age of Conan if you like blood and boobs.
EVE Online if you like learning, mining, and passed Economics class.
Runescape, if your standards are LOW.

Those are most of the MMOs I know.
I'm going to be giving Aion a go for a bit. Eventually, I'll most likely end up playing Old Republic though.
EvE - quite a few folk are on regular so you can have some fun with us :)
Fallen Earth, if you like Fallout.
Planetside, if you can put up with the hackers and absence of any Dev attention it is STILL A GREAT GAME that's like a cancer patient on life support, but who cares right?
Warhammer... if you like PvP and WoW.
Age of Conan if you like blood and boobs.
EVE Online if you like learning, mining, and passed Economics class.
Runescape, if your standards are LOW.

Those are most of the MMOs I know.

Learning - Yes
Mining - No
Economics Class - Never took it...
Stop giving me more options!!


Yeah, if Aion is like WOW, I might not try it, since I didn't really like WOW anyways.

I tried the Eve Online trial and I thought it was pretty boring.
Although, at the time, I didn't have anyone online to help.
Check out Mortal Online if you haven't already. That seems to be pretty hardcore. The open beta will start beginning of july.
Most MMOs are pretty shit.
At least with EVE your character can progress while not playing. i.e. better for casuals than 10-hour-a-day MMO players.
Fallen Earth, if you like Fallout.
Planetside, if you can put up with the hackers and absence of any Dev attention it is STILL A GREAT GAME that's like a cancer patient on life support, but who cares right?
Warhammer... if you like PvP and WoW.
Age of Conan if you like blood and boobs.
EVE Online if you like learning, mining, and passed Economics class.
Runescape, if your standards are LOW.

Those are most of the MMOs I know.

I just looked up Fallen Earth, it looks kay, joined the stress test. :3
Mortal Online reminds me of Oblivion which is cool.
I'm gonna try out the beta at least.

I looked up a bit more on Champions Online, and it looks really good.
Although, it might be just City of Heroes all over again.

So I guess either Eve Online or Champions Online

Champions Online

Eve Online

(sorry for the pics for low internet connections)
I'm almost done with MMOs. I'm lvl 77 in WoW and almost have no desire to complete it to 80. been there done that before it feels all the same.
MMO is an acronym for, "Mostly, Mediocre, Online" :p

Seriously, few MMO's appeal to me and I can't even think of what it was I once played.

I might take another look in the future once I make the jump to hi-speed though.
Maybe things are different now than it was a couple of year ago now that WoW mania has died down a bit.
Champions and Old Republic are the ones that are appealing to me (including those already released). I don't think Old Republic will be out for, like, years, though. Champions comes out Sept. 1 and is one of the only games to look forward to this year apart from Starcraft 2 (maybe).

Guild Wars 2 could be good... but the PvE shit-direction they turned to in the first one doesn't leave me with much hope.

EVE Online infuriates me just looking at screenshots. :p
If you can use Excel, you can play Eve.

And we all know that Excel is ****ing complicated.

I'm kidding, it's rather fun. :3




Yeah, since Champions is not going to be out for a bit, I'll try Eve Online.
But yeah, I'm probably going to go with Champions Online.
Thanks for the help guys.

(except Warped and Saturos, this ain't a "whether or not you like MMOs" thread :p)
OP has no mention of The Old Republic, the only one I'm really all that excited aboot

If you can use Excel, you can play Eve.

And we all know that Excel is ****ing complicated.

I'm kidding, it's rather fun. :3

This is why I avoid it like it's super-AIDS.
If your going to play eve join this steam group

We also have a room ingame. There are about 4-5 people who have been playing for a few months so should be able to help you thought those first few frustrating weeks. And I have been playing for about 4 years so can also help out.

In game tutorials are a lot better now too.
I Am taking a break from CoX myself. None of the current MMO's appeal to me.
I used to play SWG until SOE butchered it. I tried getting into WoW but Sword and Sorcery MMO's just ain't my thing.
Eve Online may look gorgeous but it's a chore to play. It's dry and lacks personality.
Age of Conan discourages teaming and that's a big turn off to me.
I Am currently in several betas but i am not too overly excited about any of them.
Champions Online is no City of Heroes 2. It's rather disappointing than anything else.
I can't give you any details since the NDA is still in place but i can assure you that i am not the only one that feels this way. It got delayed for a reason. Jack Emmert and Co. are repeating the same mistakes as they did with the City of Heroes beta. Having Bill Roper on team ain't helping the game much either. Fallen Earth has potential but it needs a lot more work done. It feels more like an alpha than a beta. I'd delay it for a few more months if i were them. Crime Craft is crap. Remove the RPG elements and all you have left is "The Club". Which is a ****ing bore. I don't know about Huxley besides the fact that it will have micro-transactions. An instant turn off for me.

I have yet to get into the Jumpgate Evolution beta but i have heard good things about it.
It reminds me of the Freespace and Freelancer games. Lets hope it's as fun to play as those games.

DC Universe Online looks like a lot of fun but i am worried with SOE on helm.
They have a tendency to **** things up. Same goes for "The Agency".

It's too early to tell how Star Wars: The Old Republic might turn out to be. I have faith in Bioware but not in EA. Who knows? If the atmosphere is there and if it's as half as good as pre CU/NGE SWG, than i'll be first in line to get it.

APB aka All Points Bulletin is another one to look forward too. The devs did a pretty good job with Crackdown. A somewhat underrated game imo.
EA is the publisher though. It could go either way.
That's too bad about the Champions Online thing.
I'm gonna keep looking up what they have to say about it, but if what you say is true, that's a pretty big

Thanks for the steam group invite, Stormy, but I probably won't be able to get on the trial until Saturday
because my desktop is decommissioned until then.
PM me and email address and I'll send you a trial code for EVE if you like.
Giving away Fallen Earth beta account, pm me for details.
I recently looked at some gameplay for Champions Online and I have to say I'm very disappointed. It looks like crap. I enjoyed CoV so I was looking forward to Champions, but the combat just looks...bad. Compared to DC Online, which looks pretty good, although I kind of have a problem with being a hero/villain in the DCU. I'm not really sure why, it just doesn't sit right with me, coming into this universe already populated with heroes and villains and throwing another into the mix.

APB looks good.

Skeptical about Old Republic.

Lost faith in Huxley.
Yeah, I tried the Eve Online trial for the whole 21 days and it didn't really appeal to me that much.
I preordered Champions Online at Gamestop and I'm just waiting until they get the beta keys.
I won a beta key for the Jumpgate Evolution beta. I'm looking forward to it.

I still got my lifetime for LotR: Online, which is amazing, of course.
SWG was my first and only MMO I really played. I loved it from day one, then I learned a painful, hard and fast MMO rule... "what the devs giveth, the devs can taketh away." Maybe it's nostalgia, maybe it was a good game despite the bugs early on, I don't know. Either way I never felt that way when I trialed any other MMO. Sad one game can jade me so much from even trying another MMO again.