Some new footage at Kotaku

Doesn't look too bad. I like how they changed the HUD color...slightly.
You can tell that gun is based on the hunting rifle crossed with something off CSS.
You can tell that gun is based off a gun.
How do the civilians get these nice, high powered weapons? Did the military mass distribute these weapons? I am confused as to how ordinary civilians get silenced smgs, SPAS 12's, and scoped G'3s (or a variant of the G3 it looks like).
TV would have me believe that every American a is a gun freak with several assault rifles and a personal defense Turret.
^ And TV would be partially right. While I don't own any guns, my dads collection is quite extensive (though its mostly revolvers and other hand guns). But many of his friends have lots of guns in their collections too... many of my friends own plenty of guns. So maybe they just found a stash? Or raided a gun store?
I daresay everyone is looking too deeply into this.
How do the civilians get these nice, high powered weapons? Did the military mass distribute these weapons? I am confused as to how ordinary civilians get silenced smgs, SPAS 12's, and scoped G'3s (or a variant of the G3 it looks like).

Dead military personal, dead gun collectors, looted weapon stores/police stations/army barracks...

In the event of a zombie apolcalypse, I'd be heading right for my nearest RAF base down the roa in search of weapons.
They said there would be new special infected in the video and there weren't. Tank is a tank and having a fireproof hazmat suit doesn't make you special.
They said there would be new special infected in the video and there weren't. Tank is a tank and having a fireproof hazmat suit doesn't make you special.

At 2:22 you see the charger in action. Not as impressive as I was hoping but I cant wait to see from the players pov.
They said there would be new special infected in the video and there weren't. Tank is a tank and having a fireproof hazmat suit doesn't make you special.

It showed the Charger performing it's smack-down animations on a downed survivor. Not new in the sense that we saw him last week during E3, but new footage of a technically new enemy. Considering the footage was from E3, I wasn't expecting anything other than him myself.

EDIT: Beaten by the above, drat! :p
It puts players into a bind much like the Hunter and Smoker does, meaning he physically restrains the player until someone kills him or pushes him off, where he picks up and slams the player down repeatidly. I think he can bowl people over, or knock them back a bit, too. I guess in a way he is kind of similar to the Tank, but actually as a fairly common enemy that will be controllable in Verses.

I'm presuming, anyway.
its like a smaller, slow-minded hick version of the tank. So maybe the tanks backwoods cousin?
Alright. I thought it was just a new skin for the tank, but I guess this is alright.
How do the civilians get these nice, high powered weapons? Did the military mass distribute these weapons? I am confused as to how ordinary civilians get silenced smgs, SPAS 12's, and scoped G'3s (or a variant of the G3 it looks like).

In L4D2 it's suppost to be more obvious the military is making an effort to stop the infection, you've seen the planes dropping bombs, they've said infection notices and checkpoints are passed through the game. So you probably steal most of the weapons from the checkpoints. I remember the player stealing the SPAS 12 from one during Gameplay video 2 on IGN
Did anyone else find the frying pan way overpowered in the gameplay vids. It's better than a gun at close encounters.
I really want to see the chainsaw in game.
I'd be quite happy to see the pan get taken away but I don't see it happening. Though I haven't seen the chainsaw the very concept of it annoys me to no end so I feel the same about that, but I'll wait for some gameplay.

I don't mind a baseball bat, if only because it's the American equivilent to a cricket bat and I love Shaun of the Dead.
I think there should be a wear effect on the melee weapons. Like the frying pan, since it seems to be so powerful, after a while it starts to get an imprint of zombie faces on it, and eventually the handle breaks off, or something to that effect. Same with the Axe. The blade gets dull, it starts to do less damage, and then the head flies off the handle. The chainsaw, obviously, would run out of gas, and the Bat snaps.
I think there should be a wear effect on the melee weapons. Like the frying pan, since it seems to be so powerful, after a while it starts to get an imprint of zombie faces on it, and eventually the handle breaks off, or something to that effect. Same with the Axe. The blade gets dull, it starts to do less damage, and then the head flies off the handle. The chainsaw, obviously, would run out of gas, and the Bat snaps.

Good man.

I hate to say it, but it really just doesn't feel like L4D after watching all the gameplay videos. The music just pisses me off to no end; I don't even need to explain myself here. I hope they do have some night settings, because daylight seriously does kill the L4D atmosphere, for me.

And god. The characters. This is what kills it for me I think.

As soon as I layed eyes on Bill, Francis, Louis and Zoey (including the early concepts), I knew Valve were winning. These 4 captured my interest in the game.

But now, with L4D 2, as I'm typing this post, I literally just can't remember ONE of the new characters names. First impressions are everything. And with these new characters, first impressions were average, at best.
Good man.

I hate to say it, but it really just doesn't feel like L4D after watching all the gameplay videos. The music just pisses me off to no end; I don't even need to explain myself here. I hope they do have some night settings, because daylight seriously does kill the L4D atmosphere, for me.

And god. The characters. This is what kills it for me I think.

As soon as I layed eyes on Bill, Francis, Louis and Zoey (including the early concepts), I knew Valve were winning. These 4 captured my interest in the game.

But now, with L4D 2, as I'm typing this post, I literally just can't remember ONE of the new characters names. First impressions are everything. And with these new characters, first impressions were average, at best.

lets not act like we've played the game here... the day-time setting might be rather interesting, ya never know. Same goes for the survivors, but until then, "you'll just have to wait until after the test!" :p
Nice! Anybody see the new pipebomb explosion? The zombies fly like bitches this time.

Edit: 1:45
It's more like a contrived, unoriginal, tacked on enemy.

Again, I've got to agree. If anyone denies that "The Charger" is pathetically unoriginal... well, then god help you. A bulky common infected with an oversized arm? That charges people? Of course, Valve blatantly taken this idea:

I haven't got a probably with Valve picking up ideas from fans. Let's get that straight. But this idea, in my eyes, is just far too simple and completely uninteresting to actually add to L4D2.
But this idea, in my eyes, is just far too simple and completely uninteresting to actually add to L4D2.
He is an anti-shiva stacking special infected. Concidering how that one tactic screwed with L4D I can't blame Valve for being a bit paranoid in L4D2. My only complaint with the Charger is that Valve didn't try putting him in L4D1 first.
- Melee weapons. I like the punch alt-fire for the frying pan, though the pan strike shouldn't send them flying like a shotgun blast. At 3:26 you see the fire-axe deal out a multiple kill in a single swing. That's handy for crowd control.
- Pipebomb explosion. Very satisfying acrobatics.

- New Guns. I like the new pistol, but the SPAS-12 has too much exposure from HL and is not really something you'd find all that often. Same for the silenced mac-10/11 which also seems gimmicky to me. The scoped G3 could totally be taken off a dead SWAT team. Incendiary rounds? For a mounted machine gun maybe, but the shotgun? Come on. Might as well have Pulse Rifle Grenades.
- New Characters. Don't have the same appeal. The original cast was the quintessential zombie survivor group. These guys feel like the made-for-TV substitutions with someone trying to be "sort of original".
- New infected. Hazmat zombies immune to fire... okay that is a new challenge. Only problems are that hazmat suits are not usually fire-retardant, and you should not see many of them at all. It's not like they dole them out like candy, even during a pandemic. They should be slower (30lb airtank) and other hindrances associated with a hazmat suit.
The charger also seems somewhat uninspired.

Anyway that's my thoughts.
Is it different from the tank at all?

Charger cannot normally melee somebody, his arm is too small - He can only lift and continuously smash then to the floor after he has ran into them. Tank charges then punches, lifts up rocks and is the ultimate badass of the zombified world.