Something we missed? *spoilers, obviously*


Sep 24, 2004
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I haven't seen this around, so I'll make a new thread about it.

I was thinking about this:

Look familiar?

Well...yes, obviously its the intro to Episode 1.

Oh, hang on...we've seen that before:

There's some obvious similarities between the two pics.

Perhaps we've been looking at the Vortigaunts in the wrong light...
By my count, that's twice the vortigaunts have saved you - the second time was between HL2 and Episode 1, the first time was during the experiment. I would argue that not even the Hazard suit would have protected you from whatever was happening in that chamber.
Both times involve some kind of reactor overloading, but that's probably irrelevant.

My point is that the vortigaunts quite possibly saved you in the first game, even before you liberated them. And that maybe your rescue in Episode 1 wasn't just out of gratitude.

But why?
Is it because they had been watching him? If so, how? And why Gordon?
Could it be that they can see the future? As much as I don't like that theory, it is possible.
Is Gordon an alien/host body? Probably not.
Is the G-Man involved in this? I doubt it. my theory is a little dry right now. However, I do not think this is a mere coincidence.
Perhaps the vortigaunts' 'hidden' rantings in HL2 contain somthing that can make this into a proper theory?

Whatever the case, I'm going to bed. But I would like to hear your opinions on the matter (the theory, not me going to bed).
We have been discussing for this for so long. D:
But it is good you get the picture.

There is four vorts in the beginning of Half-Life1. The number of (visible) vort in the beginning of Ep:1 is always ten. The number is the same for those which saved Alyx, and those which saved you. They are always in ten. Just a reference.
Vortigants can sense things through Vortessence (The Force), so maybe they weren't just watching him all along, maybe they knew when it started that he could die. Gordon did in fact see the beginning of the Cascade but not all of it. All in theory, they might not have had their red eye's on him all the time, but they did decide to save him.

By the way, there is some weird shape refelction in the first picture but it's not Gordon, I've been trying to make out what it is. Weird looking shape too.

Oh yeah, I've also been thinking about Marc Laidlaws reasoning for the name Vortigaunt, maybe knowing the elements of the name could help us understand them better?

I'm thinking Vorti came from "vortical" meaning Of, relating to, or moving in a vortex; whirling.

And I looked up gaunt, it means Thin and bony.

It seems I'm even more confused :|
I don't think this is the case, as you did KILL an innumerable amount of Vorts in HL1, not to mention they were under the yoke of the Nihilanth, who you also fought at the end. They don't attack you because you are in a weird teleportation flux thingy.

I just think Gordon was randomly teleported to places, ie the Bullsquid pond (the squids don't attack you either) it was a nice way to show enemies you would face early on, simply that.
I always thought that those were Vortigaunts awaiting teleportation from a Manta. Can't remember why I had that impression though...

BTW Post 1001!
Pity I didn't notice post 1000, oh well.
At first I thought it was just supposed to be a strange freak-out scene, even though it didn't seem to make much sense (bunch of vorts standing in a semicircle in the middle of nothing). But given Laidlaw's penchant (in other works) for exposing seemingly trivial aspects of his stories as surprisingly integral, as well as the similarity between the two scenes, I do believe that they could be linked.

Any noticeable differences IMO are simply due to the HL1's engine limitations.
I never knew about it, i never knew about Ep1 cuz its not in my retail yet too hmmm intresting
While reading your post I have come up with a little theory of my own.

Maybe they paid the Gman to make the events in Half Life 1 happen, then they paid him agian for the events in Half Life 2. But at the end of HL2, notice Breen says Gordon is a fine pawn for those who controll him, Gman also says he has gotten other offers that are good enough for him to think about them, when its agianst his behavior to. This suggests to me that either the Vortigants could not pay anymore, or the Gman nulled the contract because other forces (Combine?) offered more. Then at the begining of Aftermath, they steal you from him. This I think compliments your theory.
Max35 said:
I just think Gordon was randomly teleported to places, ie the Bullsquid pond (the squids don't attack you either) it was a nice way to show enemies you would face early on, simply that.

Maybe, but the scene in Half-Life is very similar to the one in Episode 1, with vortigaunts flashing into existance in midair, plenty of special effects everywhere, and then darkness, followed by (ok, bullsquids, who ignore you, but then...) a ring of vortigaunts in a dark place.

I'm thinking that either Valve did that deliberately, as a tribute to the first game, or subtly, as something plot-related.

I've been theorising a theory, which would explain the ring of vortigaunts, and why the bullsquids don't attack Gordon.

It's gonna sound strange, but...Gordon Freeman may well be a host body. Possibly for a Vortigaunt, although that idea is only really based on the 'gaunt speeches in HL2.

It would explain his contract - maybe some outer-dimensional beings rent out his body? If not, the G-Man has employed him by the end of HL, so maybe the contract is purely a mercenary one. I'm not really going to theorise about the contract here.

It could possibly explain the hidden message in the Psyche trailer:
under observation. Galvanic activation with seve...
...cidence of seizure and muscular catatonia, reco...
...titration of 30 ml sample, sustained alpha activit...
...reeman, Gordon: increased activity in neural iso... response. Subject to availability and urgency...
lambda [HL simbol here] unknown vector at this time. Requirements of
...eyond current threshold for amgydalic suppressi...
...ark energy remnant in the simulation until basa...
...f evaluation despite objections of caretakers give​

Increased neural activity? Muscular catatonia? These could imply that while he doesn't have a host, possibly between Half-Life 1 and Half-Life 2, Gordon is in a catatonic state with no mental activity - he is just a shell that a host could fit into.

Vectors, and dark energy? This seems like it is referring to teleportation - quite possibly into a host body (just as Breen attempted).

Caretakers? Well, a host in a body could be referred to as a caretaker.

If Gordon is a host body, it could explain his muteness. It could explain why the vortigaunts know so much about him (the ones that attacked you were enslaved, remember? And Gordon is the Free-man, so maybe his host is a 'gaunt that managed to free himself?). It could explain why the first bullsquids he sees don't attack him (this idea comes from a theory that maybe the first time Gordon teleports, his host left his body and returned to Xen, or experienced some kind of interference).
Hell, it could even explain the title, Half-Life (I know that it was supposedly a joke, but it would make more sense if Gordon was a braindead host body, making him only be half alive.

There's probably some more I can think of. But I wouldn't want to make this theory any more complex (and ridiculous) than it already is.
Adding to that, 'the right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world' - the host is the right man? And he's in the wrong place, as in not his body?
"Could it be that they can see the future? As much as I don't like that theory, it is possible."

That may be possible, Bees are hive minded, like vortigaunts. And they know where the food is even before it's there :O.
Perhaps one of Freeman's random teleport destinations was this mysterious "stasis dimension" which he visited again in HL2/EP1. However I would think this was purely by accident, and Freeman interupted whatever the Vortigaunts were doing there.

However I'm more inclined to think that was only another area in Xen for now. Maybe I would have been more convienced if the Vortigaunts in the scene questioned in HL2 were blue.
It is possible that there is a council of Vortigaunts from the future or operating on another deminsional level, trying to weave whatever is happening in opposition to whatever the G-man wants to happen. An angry G-man was powerless to stop the Vortigaunts during their rescue at the citadel, despite his seemingly omnipotent control on events until then. I look foward to seeing more on the Vortiguant's role come Episode 2, and if the ones who saved Alyx and Gordon were based on Earth or not.

As far as the beginning of Half-life goes, doesn't Gordon also teleport to a Bull Squid (Or other Alien creature) before returning to Black Mesa? I really need to replay Half-life, I think. :LOL:
Leviticus said:
As far as the beginning of Half-life goes, doesn't Gordon also teleport to a Bull Squid (Or other Alien creature) before returning to Black Mesa? I really need to replay Half-life, I think. :LOL:
Yes but they appear to be completely unaware of him, unlike the Vortigaunts.
Leviticus said:
It is possible that there is a council of Vortigaunts from the future or operating on another deminsional level, trying to weave whatever is happening in opposition to whatever the G-man wants to happen. An angry G-man was powerless to stop the Vortigaunts during their rescue at the citadel, despite his seemingly omnipotent control on events until then. I look foward to seeing more on the Vortiguant's role come Episode 2, and if the ones who saved Alyx and Gordon were based on Earth or not.

As far as the beginning of Half-life goes, doesn't Gordon also teleport to a Bull Squid (Or other Alien creature) before returning to Black Mesa? I really need to replay Half-life, I think. :LOL:

Please, nothing involving time travel. Please.
To be honest time travel isn't really that far from teleportation... in fact in breaking the event horizon you are travelling in time. And HL2 does have that 'slow teleport'.
If you can tunnel through space, you can tunnel through time. I'd like the HL plot to involve time dilation somewhere :p
I really dont know and I am a little confused but I do believe that the vortigrunts can see the future. I seem to recall a time i enter acted with a vortigrunt I am no sure but I think he said something along the line of " we are co-terminus" and " we see you now in black mesa" Its sketchy but I will reply hl2 and find out, but if I am right I think the vorts can see through time as in past, present and future at the same time. Like I said I am a little confused and its been a while but if I am right this may prove a portion of Plane Forger's theory correct.
Well I dont know about a lot of stuff such as motive but there is somethings to think about I went back and played hl2 and talked to the vortigrunts. I'll give you what I made out of the message but here it is check these quotes out for your self.

We remember the Freeman, We are conterminous
(Saying that they are in the same bounderies as freeman)

There is no distance between us, no faulse veil of time or space can intervien
(Vorts know there is timeline but they can look at it as past present and future all at once)

we see you in black mesa, Clearly we see you in the nialiths chamber.
(as I stated before they see the time line as one so they can see gordon in the chamber as they see him in hl2){seeing that every vortigrunt gordon came across was killed this could be a clue that they have a collective mind}

For a brief moment you joined with us, you are one between the worlds
( saying that gordon is a part of them or have some kind of connection to the vorts wheather it just be that he teleported to xen or some other strange connection)

we are there still in observance of your final stroke
(saying that they are present with gordon to the end)

your bright face obscures your darker mask
(Your guess is as good as mine. maybe gordon is a host)

far distant eyes look out through yours
(more than gordon is in his mind or body what ever it maybe i dont know im just guessing here)

something secret steers us both, we will not speak of it
(the G-Man perhaps?)

we are you freeman and you are us[dont know if thats correct]
(godon is one of the vorts?)

This is more than anyone can bare, yet we will persever
(im not sure but in a trailer for episode 2 a vort was saying this as well as in hl2 my guess is that it is important somewhere)

We call you sib, although your mind is a mystery to us
(this contridicts itself because If the vorts are a collective then freemans mind should not be a mystery however the "we call you sib" could be the name of the vort side of gordon or it could be another word for hero or some other glorifying name)

Let this war end in total victory or extiction, no further comprimise shall we allow
(self explanitory except the " no further comprimise shall we allow" part maybe they were talking about the G-Man seeing that they are at odds with him)

How many in are there in you? How many hopes and dreams do you incompass
(how many vorts or how many people are counting on Freeman)

Could you only see the eyes in your own mind then you could see how much we share
(showing how much gordon and the vorts are alike?)

Like I said I really dont know but I think that the vorts play a larger part than what has been said all I know is that the G-Man should not be trusted. At least in my book he shouldnt. There was no point to putting Gordon on ice for so long. I really think he has his own motive and he is using Gordon to fulfill them. Besides he's creepy. Draw your own conclusions.
wait thay guy in the back ground looks alot like G man! and teh vorts are teleporting him so that odviuosly can c him :eek:


I'm in an image posting mood today.

-- Mikael Grizzly
yess i have beeteen it a hundred times, il prove it in the middle thay get abourd a combine train and there are stalkers an d then thay creash and alyx get tackled by one [or some thing like that] and she getts freaked out for a while then you fight the zombines!
Dear ..Steve231...,

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...Mikael GRizzly....
omf did he haev eth h4x cannon too?!?!?! g-man nstlrke
Dear stewe231, allow me to enlighten you in a manner you'll understand:

ok so in the endo f halflife 2 thays in the citedil and the kaboom yes so than G man comes in and than dark. in e]isode 1, you go back to the kaboom and you see teh vorts teleporting in, thay save alyx and than its dark and G man agan and teh vorts teleport in and thay ar all goen lau lau lau lau lau and thay like push the G man back and he goes well see about that! and the vorts all go lau lau lau and blue stuff comes out of there hands, remeber???
You realise he may not have updated his drivers and would get the resulting rendering error that I got the first time I played the intro. Which would mean the whole intro sequence would be rendered as black and white flashes with only the sound. I was quite surprised when, just because I wanted to watch it again, I booted the intro and went 'HOLY SHIT WHAT THE HELL?'
Dear ..Steve231...,

as a person who ...loves English..., I ask you to:

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...Mikael GRizzly....

Oh, that's sad. If this is true, I believe I speak for all of us when I say we're sorry about wondering how you could possibly have missed that part. On the other hand,
I think the vortigaunts stole Gordon Freeman and Alyx. I could be way off on this theory.
For a brief moment you joined with us, you are one between the worlds
( saying that gordon is a part of them or have some kind of connection to the vorts wheather it just be that he teleported to xen or some other strange connection)

I think this quote could be the connection to the scene at the beginning of HL1. For a brief moment we were with the vorts, they were in complete darkness, the same place that you are put in by the G-Man which is void of space and time.

my 2 cents :p
The vortigaunts say that line after talking about how he defeated the Nihilanth. Apparently, Gordon's been in the vortessence three times: once at the beginning of HL1, once at the end of HL1 that we didn't see (when Gordon blacked out), and in Episode One.

The vortigaunt quote is, I believe: "Clearly we see you in the Nihilanth's chamber. You leap, you fall, you flash; for a brief moment you joined us; you are one, between the worlds." Something along those lines.