Something weird in that Steam announcement picture...


Party Escort Bot
Aug 22, 2013
Reaction score


Coincidence? I think not.
Ahahah, That would be really hilarious if they would call it steam engine in the end.
Well - our hopes of having an announcement today concerning HL3 were dashed once again. Instead, we get a game controller. Big whoop. :(
Well - our hopes of having an announcement today concerning HL3 were dashed once again. Instead, we get a game controller. Big whoop. :(
That controller looks beatutiful, and is very well done. I think its still great
Well - our hopes of having an announcement today concerning HL3 were dashed once again. Instead, we get a game controller. Big whoop. :(

Perhaps there will be another announcement in three days.....
I really don't know why people were expecting HL3, especially after the second announcement.
Well - our hopes of having an announcement today concerning HL3 were dashed once again. Instead, we get a game controller. Big whoop. :(

i know right? valve dropped so many hints at half life 3.
It was rather obvious that it would not be announced. Anyway i do think there will be more in the near future, the new engine and probably a HL3. they might even announce it as a first title at the official launch of the steambox.
I guess people were too expecting of a HL3 announcement after it was said that there would be three announcements; I can almost see these people wearing tinfoil hats with "3" written all over them...
They clearly stated that the announcements would be related to bringing Steam into the living room. I don´t see why people expected the announcement of a new Half Life even if it was split up into three parts.
This whole "3" mania is crazy. I say just buy into the absurdity, and accept that HL3 isn't coming out until March third of the year 3333. So just give up hope of ever seeing it, or of your children or grandchildren ever seeing it for that matter.
And also that HL3 will most likely will be the next DNF or Aliens CM if it ever releases, it will feature QTE and wolverine health because the current gaming audience would never accept a game based 90's game mechanics. Let's just accept that, and the reason why it will never release.
And also that HL3 will most likely will be the next DNF or Aliens CM if it ever releases, it will feature QTE and wolverine health because the current gaming audience would never accept a game based 90's game mechanics. Let's just accept that, and the reason why it will never release.

Yes, because Valve has always done what any other company would have done.