Sometimes, you guys fail at being friendly

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Who the **** are you to ****ing judge us?

I am a supernatural being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe.

But that is not the case...I'm actually asking, what do you think?
Meh, if somebody gets upset and cries in teh corner and never visits this site again because of some text, their loss.
If someone is being rude to you, be three times ruder to him back. That's the way it works over here.

Why the feck dont img tags work in here?!
He is right in the fact you guys sometimes don't even welcome in these threads, and use them as a boat for spam. There are a handful of those people, but plenty of people who are nice welcoming folk :) Everyone else...TRY HARDER.
If I were a newbie I'd rather have a spam boat then a welcome thread tbh. They have moar funneh.
We're preparing them for the harsh world outside. When they get here they think, "Oh, a Half-Life forum! I will discuss with my peers about Valve games, and then maybe I'll post about some funny stuff I saw on the internet today, and read the news on other games (HL2 engine-based and otherwise), maybe read about some music and talk about my favorite TV shows, and a good time will be had by all!" And then they skip off merily into the forums, never expecting the impending rape, spam, harsh differing opinions, and WEREWOLVES OR NOT.

We're doing them a service here. We do it because we care.

Or not, y'know; maybe we're just a-holes.
We're preparing you for the Political forum. If you don't plan on going in there, it's still fun for us.
The only decent impression you can do is of a man with no talent...?

woot, one more post!
This thread gives me a hard one, and disgusts me at the same time.

Is that friendly enough?
Shut the hell up and get back in the soup!
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