Spider-Man 2 DVD

Dr. Freeman

Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
i was surprised someone hasn't already started a thread on the DVD being released this coming Tuesday :O
so anyway who is getting it?!? :D

i want the pack which includes both number 1 and 2 although i don't think i have seen anything on that yet.
there is a "Comic book" pack which will be available here at the local Bestbuy.. it includes 5 postcards, an artist sketchbook, a sketch and a photo booklet.. sounds pretty decent for all the artists out there :)

anyway so who will be getting this DVD? can't wait to get my copy!
I downloaded the Xvid version with AC3 sound, and was like "Meh .." Didn't like it. So I'm afraid I won't buy it. I only get DVD's worth buying and putting into my collection.
probably getting this and Hero tomarow
i can't believe theres almost no interest in the Spider-Man2 DVD around here... i remember when the movie was in the cinemas, there was like 3 different threads in the Off topic section and how impressed pple were with it..

but i guess pple weren't impressed enough to purchase the DVD.
i am getting the DVD for X-mas pretty soon tho.. :thumbs:
I watched spiderman2 back when it was at the cinema. Its an amazing film but its a cinema film really. Unless of course, you've got a mini-cinema in your front room then by all means go get it :p