SPOILER ><"? Aaaaahh, The Extract


Apr 20, 2007
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Okay, so, Haven't been here in a LONG time ^^""

Figured I'd take a break cause everyone was hopping onto EP2 and so on ._.
[Which I still have yet to beat Dx, only as far as "under the radar"]
But I DO have one question, because I AM an enthusiast of the "where the hell do antlions come from :S?" topic.

So, not sure if this is needed, but
In EP2, "Vortal Coil", you search and raid the Antlion hive for 'the larval extract'. Along the way back, the Vortigaunt accompanying you mentions things like the many compounds made from the extract, and its powerful use. So, being a "Antlions = XEN" follower, would this imply that they must have deep, underlying knowledge of antlion biology, and thus, a long history with them? Or could it just be that in the past 20 years [game time] the Vorts have just gotten to understand the antlions a bit more than ourselves?

IF it IS revealed later in EP2, just say so, and I'll go back into hiding xD
No spoiler tags needed, imo.

Vortigaunts and Antlion are probably not original inhabitants of Xen. I guess they know Antlions from another world, probably their homeworld.
Yeah, I know that NOTHING is REALLY 'Native to XEN', except maybe the fauna, but I still uphold the possibility of Antlions having been there with vorts, as in reference to the 'Thumpers' there. Albeit, they could just as well be drills, but still : /
Wait, sense whan have the creatues from Xen, never acually be native to Xen?!?
I think i missed something :eek:
I think Antlions share the Vort's homeworld, they weren't necessarily also on Xen.
What if Antlions are Canetoads? The Vortigaunts and Antlions just didn't happen to wind up on Xen by chance, perhaps they brought them because they needed them for the extract...

Well, interesting question none the less.
Antlions would be perfect in Xen, what with the wings an' all
What if Antlions are Canetoads? The Vortigaunts and Antlions just didn't happen to wind up on Xen by chance, perhaps they brought them because they needed them for the extract...

Well, interesting question none the less.

A) I think you mean ARE LIKE Canetoads, I started thinking Chum toad when I read it and got all confused xD

B) We don't know if they were on Xen, thus is what I suggest

C) I like your last point though. . .
Hearing that the vortiguants brought the antlions to xen with them, it would seem that the antlions are like the vortiguants "cows" in a sense. They aviously dont get milk or meat from the antlions, but they do harvest the extract, which could be...like........milk for the vortiguants (yes i do dought that slashing extract milk all over a vortiguant will bring out its life saving powers, that was only an example).
where the hell do antlions come from :S?"

Well, when a mummy ant and a daddy lion love each other very much, they get certain urges...
Wait, sense whan have the creatues from Xen, never acually be native to Xen?!?
I think i missed something :eek:

Marc Laidlaw said so, I think it's quoted in a thread called "The Marc Laidlaw Vault" here somewhere. Everything living on Xen originally came from another planet/universe, supposedly due to some kind of random, naturally occuring teleportation. Given that the vort says the herding of antlions was once their ancesteral practice, the two species probably did come from the same planet. Like Rimmer said, I'm fairly sure they fled to Xen to escape the Combine. I think Laidlaw said that when he was thinking about the plot for HL2, he realised that the Nihilanth must have fleeing from a much larger, more aggressive adversary.
I'm not sure about the details of what Laidlaw said, some of what I wrote there might be inaccurate, but I got the gist of it.
Well, when a mummy ant and a daddy lion love each other very much, they get certain urges...

And then the mommy antlion lays millions of eggs and the King Antlion gets scared of child support and runs away never to be seen in one of the games in the series no matter how much he is promised :mad:

And then the antlions pretty much kill everything and so must be crowbarred by many people cause theres not enough ammo in the caves
And then the mommy antlion lays millions of eggs and the King Antlion gets scared of child support and runs away never to be seen in one of the games in the series no matter how much he is promised :mad:

And then the antlions pretty much kill everything and so must be crowbarred by many people cause theres not enough ammo in the caves

Well, I unno about you, but I'd be killing everyone/thing if my father ran away, and never came back. . . wait a second. . . I don't even know my father D<
Ehhh, you grow up without them, and you leanr not to care really [some how Oo"]

. . . WAY off topic 8D