*spoiler* get the 'uber physcannon' early *spoiler*


Aug 1, 2004
Reaction score
set sv_cheats to 1

complete the game and save at some point when you have the physcannon, go to that point.

type in the console:

changelevel d1_trainstation_01

type impulse 101 in the console. Or if you just want the phycanon then type

give weapon_physcannon

enjoy :)
Thats not a spoiler, thats just a cheat!


Why didnt valve just make a spawn command?
because they wanted to keep it a secret, so they've made it so that youi can't get it with impulse 101.

it can be a cheat and a spoiler...
And yes it would seem obvious that its some sort of map based variable but I'm just pointing it out to those who don't know, making it easier for those who search.

Glad to see this forum still has some angst left in it fender, even after the games came out :p

(too hard? ;))
Wow thanks dude! I completed the game yesterday and have been looking how to do this. I searched and nothing came up.

Just as a note to those who want to play through the game with the super grav-gun. You will need to cheat to advance in other places.

- When you fight the first ant-lion queen it will disappear when it is killed and the vort will not be able to get the bug bait for you causing the door to the base to stay closed

- If you try to pick up one of the combine tanks or the buggy the game will crash

- Dog's ball, the roller mines, and turrets will create holograms if you try to pick them up with it and the turrets will disappear if they fall over

I am sure there are quite a few other bugs but those are some that I found.
weird, I just got the impression that the upgraded grav gun was just enabled to pick up more "weight." I wonder why it would cause all those errors...
throughout the entire game no one should put sv_cheats to 1. heck, no console!
Rad said:
weird, I just got the impression that the upgraded grav gun was just enabled to pick up more "weight." I wonder why it would cause all those errors...

It does more than that. It kills AI characters with that electrical effect. It also makes any weapons or objects they drop dissolve, so you can't pick up ammo and warpons from dead soliders.
I ran into the same problems reznod did. I finally just did a changelevel d2_coast_12. That put me at a point where you already have the spores and the sand lions are your minions.

Plus you get to keep your upgraded grav gun!
reznod said:
Just as a note to those who want to play through the game with the super grav-gun. You will need to cheat to advance in other places.

- When you fight the first ant-lion queen it will disappear when it is killed and the vort will not be able to get the bug bait for you causing the door to the base to stay closed

- If you try to pick up one of the combine tanks or the buggy the game will crash

- Dog's ball, the roller mines, and turrets will create holograms if you try to pick them up with it and the turrets will disappear if they fall over

I am sure there are quite a few other bugs but those are some that I found.
What about when Alyx gives you the grav gun in black mesa east?
Does it go back to the normal grav gun and you have to do the cheat all over again or can you not pick the gun up and therefore not pprogress?
Merrr said:
What about when Alyx gives you the grav gun in black mesa east?
Does it go back to the normal grav gun and you have to do the cheat all over again or can you not pick the gun up and therefore not pprogress?
You can take the gun just fine and it will not change back to the original. I was rather surprised there was not some sort of problem there myself.
When you are given the HEV suit in Kleiner's lab, you cannot get it if you type the "impulse 101" command, which inturn, causes everyone to just sit there and yell at you to get the suit on.
I have found a way to go around this though,...you use the "noclip" cheat and find the area on the map that shows the outside of Kleiner's lab. Turn noclip off and go where you would normally go outside the fence to load the next map.
edit: or...I guess you could load the next map in the console :rolleyes:
I love it when the characters prompt you to do stuff, it seems like they are starting to get really annoyed but they try to hide it because they respect you so much.
If you type:

give weapon_physcannon

You will not be given the HEV suit (like the impluse does) but you will still be able to have the cannon.