Stalker Interview!!!


Companion Cube
Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score


News from the eastern front...

True to my word, I am not doing my work and finally putting the stuff I got from the show right after I recieved Oleg's e-mail of authorization.

I know the quality sucks, but at least it is something that you don't have to wait 2 hours to download. Also, keep in mind that the video was thrown together very quickly by the devs, it contains some old footage with glitches. The game will be much better than what is in these clips.
-Oleg made me say that

Interview: (What I say, and the questions I ask are normal text. Oleg's responses are italic)

1)Release date? Please, please, please, least guess.

It is in September.

2007, right?

No, in 2006. Q1 in 2007 is a backup date, the demo has been given to THQ and they are testing it and making requests on what they think needs to be changed. This process has begun a while ago and is almost done. Currently we are fixing what THQ is asking for. In case that is not done by sept. 2006, the game will be postponed until 2007, but that seems unlikely.

2)Approximate # of weapons?

That is too specific, I don't have the game memorized. Sorry.

3)Approximate # of vehicles? Examples?

Let me guess: Same as the last question?

Yeah, but there is the Moskvich.

4)Any 7.62mm rifles besides the Dragunov?

The AK-47 is in, for sure. There was a typo on that site, the AK-74 is supposed to be AK-47. And the AKS-74u will be in as well.

5)Is the 1980-86 GAZ Volga in?

Too specific, but there is a possibility. From what I know, it is not.

6)How will jamming be done with weapons? How do you unjam them?

When a weapon jams, an icon appears that signifies "weapon inoperable". If you are good with weapons and have proper knowledge, that won't be a problem.

So if your Makarov jams, and you know what to do in this situation, you can clear it the way you would in real life?

To a point, yes. With the Makarov, you press "reload" and the magazine is removed, the slide pulled back and the casing or round that failed to fire is ejected, then the mag is inserted again and the chamber loaded with one more pull. Just like in real life, but the way around it is to clean the weapon regularly, but the AK-47 is very hard to jam.

Wow, very in-depth. That is accurate. I look forward to that.

7)When will you update the site with all the...

Sorry, did not ask that. No point anyway...

8)How do you sleep, is it when you are not playing or is it a few seconds, like a dreamless sleep?

Hmm I forgot that, sorry.

9)Is it game over if you are taken over by a controller? How can you be saved?

don't remember, too specific. Sorry.

10)Why is the Makarov cocking sound exactly like the sound of cocking the H & K USP .45 Tactical in Counter Strike 1.6? Why did you not record the actual sound of cocking a real Makarov?

At the time that clip was made (the one I {Siro} am referring to is the one on the site), the sounds were not finished. We had to improvise, the sound is different now. We may have gotten a better one at this stage.

11)RPG-style weapon modification? Or will there be actual animations?

It will be RPG-style. You will add the upgrade through your inventory and then next time you take the weapon out the upgrade will be on it.

12)Will be possible to change the settings of the camera while driving a vehicle (for instance to bring closer or further away the camera view)?

The camera will be movable, definately. And it will also be possible to fire small-arms from your car while driving.

13)Are vehicles customable?

No, what you find is what you get.

What about the Moskvitch with the roof missing in one screen? There were no Moskvitch convertibles back then.

But then again, some owners liked to modify their automobiles to suit their needs back then. You won't have the tools to modify them in the Zone post-explosion, we will stick with that.

14)Will be released, when the promo campaign starts, a demo of the game?

Yes. As soon as we are done with the beta testing and refinement.

15)Is a demo possible at all due to life simulation system? Will it work then?

Yeah, it is. But the demo will be too short to show the full capabilities of the life simulation. It will probably be a mission. It is too early to tell, though.

16)Will be included in the final version a map editor (for multiplayer)?

Yes. We are working on that. No idea how we will include it yet (as in a seperate disk on the actual game).

17)When an interaction with objects is required like opening doors will they open magically like in hl2 or there will be an actual animation of player's hand reaching for the door knob?

Right now, same as with the weapon modifications, we are trying to keep it as simple as we can. Honestly, you have to find a door first.

18)Have the reload animation got the same speed no matter what the situation is, for instance when a bloodsucker is charging at the player or when there is no enemies at all (after a firefight)?

Again, simple as possible. It will be the same speed.

19)On the final release is it going to be some bonus materials like interviews with developers, a documentary about the development of stalker and especially what was happening there during the media silence? Siro says: Do you really want to spend the rest of your life in front of your computer watching it?

Haha, yeah. We got some pretty nice bonuse features.

20)About the languages of NPC's are going to be in Ukrainian, Russian, or English (I’m referring to the EU release)?

It is going to be in Russian and Ukrainian with English subtitles for foreign releases.

21)After finishing the game is it possible to unlock new content (like bonus maps levels, weapons,quests, and characters)?

Yes, we have some pretty nice bonuses for you guys. We might include it in a seperate cd as a "making of" or keep it as an unlockable.

Thank you very much Oleg.

*Oleg blacks out and wakes up in hotel as if nothing happened.*

Damn, I did not even get the number of that girl that kissed me.

YOu are welcome guys. All of this is for you. Enjoy.

Oleg with "Larissa" btw.

(Pic on the bottom has been adjusted to be brighter. And Odaise, I would have stuffed more socks behind the bra if I were you, but nontheless good job)

Nice disguise Odaise!


Really cool interview, cant wait for this game!
was I the only one who thought most of the questions were really bad?
I'll hold back any judgement until I get my hands on the demo or full thing...
I really hope this game turns out good :(.

EDIT: And don't anyone even start about the date. We all know the fiasco that is Half-Life 2 :|.
but before Stalker you can get Lada Racing Club, and have fun driving some old Ladas in the streets of Moscow :D
that was one of weirdest interviews ever ...anybody see the videos? what the hell is that? a heavy metal band playing in front of a screen which has a video showing someone playing stalker ..all at about 160 x 120. cant tell what the hell is going on ...heh the rock bad is pretty bad ..loud guitars mixed in with Flute ..too funny
pvtbones said:
was I the only one who thought most of the questions were really bad?
i thought they were horrible, and the answers were as bad . .

one of the only worthwile questions/answers was the first one, the release date !

i might go preorder it, i've been asking @ eb for over a year when stalker will be released and if they have a date for it.
What a stupid interview, he has no idea the weapon or vehicle count? Sounds more and more like DNF everyday.
After having already permanently lowered my expectations for this game, well, I can;t say this changes anything. I still don;t think it will ever be released.
pvtbones said:
was I the only one who thought most of the questions were really bad?


it was a shitty amateurish(sp?) interview.

I'm not really interested in stalker at all anymore, they've completely ruined the hype with all the delays and what not.

ontop of that the developers sounds more and more like George Broussard clones...only they can't speak proper english.:hmph: :sniper: :sniper:
nutcrackr said:
What a stupid interview, he has no idea the weapon or vehicle count? Sounds more and more like DNF everyday.

wee I'm here to do an interview but I don't know shit about the game I'm supposed to answer questions about....weeeee...*inhales glue*
Was that a real interview? I mean it sounded like the questions were asked by a 13 year old on crack & then answered by a 15 year old on marajuana and crack. I'm going to throw up a huge BS flag.
1. The questions wasn't asked by a real interviewer, but a normal gamer.
2. Oleg is only responsible for the PR department, thus he doesn't do any real development, and doesn't have full check on what weapons/cars they add etc.
3. If you check out pics from the party where he was interviewed, he was obviously distracted by a) alcohol, b) women and c) sexdrive!

It's nice to know tho that Q1 2k7 is a backup date, hopefully they'll be able to get it out in Sept this year, I mean, the people who got to visit THQ recently and play the SP game "only" had 4 crashes during their hours of gameplay, and these bugs were all memory errors.

And Cadaver, neither can I, especially considering I've been waiting for this since I was like 11/12 years old(This was one of the games that made me buy my first PC yaknow.. And yes, I am a nerd..)!
If you're the PR evangelist for a game, you should know every damn detail.
Meh, I can understand him, I too get way to easily distracted by females.:p
And alcohol doesn't exactly make those situations any better.
That was quite possibly the most retarded thing I have ever read, and one time I watched an episode of Crank Yankers with subtitles on.
Pi Mu Rho said:
If you're the PR evangelist for a game, you should know every damn detail.

Exactly. He seems to be one of those PR people that only get paid, and doesn't do shit.
Noticing some of the official screenies had been 'shopped with the exact same stalker guy pasted into them a while back kinda convinced me this game wasn't worth the webspace it's site was taking up. :rolleyes:

and that interview was conducted by an 11 year old kid, or a chap with a cellar full of automatics, shotguns, land mines and rocket launchers all lined up on special custom built racks. You know, just in case.
Gargantou said:
2. Oleg is only responsible for the PR department, thus he doesn't do any real development, and doesn't have full check on what weapons/cars they add etc.
3. If you check out pics from the party where he was interviewed, he was obviously distracted by a) alcohol, b) women and c) sexdrive!
How the hell did this guy get a job in PR? This is some of the shittiest PR I've ever seen!
Keep in mind, this was not an official interview, he wasn't prepared in any way for an interview, and the interviewer is just an ordinary former-commie union gamer afaik.:p

It might help checking out the threads in the forums about the interview, it has some pics from the party or w/e, to help you understand xD

Oleg with teh babez0r!
yeah pretty bad interview tbh, too many f**kin weapon questions about ammo type and crap like that, i could care less about that, the only decent question was the first one...
Hmm, interview was kinda odd, but as it was at a party, i accept it for what it is, a poor interview.

Am goin to wait for the demo for this
Okay folks, imagine this. You're at a party, wanting to hang out, and enjoy your self, some random person comes up to you, and bombards you with all sorts questions about your job. Now are you going to give all sorts of detailed answers to each question?

I mean for goodness sakes folks, grow a brain.

If this was an official interview, then I'd agree with you, but it isn't.
sorry but party or not, he should know his stuff ...but I'm sure some of what he said was lost in translation ...still it doesnt look too good that a company that has been in the media over repeated delays PR man doesnt know what he's talking about. I'm willing to excuse ppor written english but he should know the answers to some of those questions