Star Wars Galaxies

May 24, 2003
Reaction score
does any1 have it, if you do tell me so we can team up or something :D

i know a great place to level
i would but i still have to buy it. busted all my cash on a new computer so i can play these kinds of games. ;(
you can basicly make money in the game and sell it in ebay, and make a little extra cash too. so it pays for it self basicly if you know what to do.
You're two forums off. But it does not matter, right Ray?

I would play SWG if it were not for two things.

1: A 56k modem.

2: The inability to spare enough cash each month to play a game I would probably lose intrest in very quickly.
I play.

Server: StarSider
Name: Grimm' Zamta
Proffession: Trying to become a Bounty Hunter.

I Role play, so be prepared for that. :D
i play on kettlemoor, ITS THE SERVER FOR ROLE PLAYING DUHHH :P my name of course is ValVed RaY im a carbineer.
btw mitokid this is GENERAL OFF TOPIC CHAT
so once again you've proven yourself wrong trying to correct someone else.

/me claps
Originally posted by ValVed RaY
btw mitokid this is GENERAL OFF TOPIC CHAT
so once again you've proven yourself wrong trying to correct someone else.

/me claps

General Gaming
"Discuss new games, online gaming and consoles"

I'm not really right, I guess, or wrong.

But I guess it is up to you to decide where it fits better.

Through I don't blame you for posting it here. General Gaming looks like it does not get much traffic.

Also, when else was I wrong in correcting someone else?

I think I only did it twice, one in a steam subject in the General HL2 forum and this one. I think that accounts only for one possible. Please, enlighten me to when I went wrong.
I want to play SWG so bad, but I can't.

$20 a month (Canadian)
A modem and a connection speed of 28.8k
i would LOVE! to play this VERY fine looking game :(, I just think a monthly fee as well as buying the game just pisses me off
I'm never going to purchase a game if it requires me to pay a monthly fee if even only 5 dollars. Unless the singleplayer is good of course... which I doubt. NPC's still sucks these days. :(
HeY, you`re lucky, in Poland there`s no chance to play SW:Galaxies :/.
(if there is any, I`m too lazy to check, cause I`m a 56K (un)happy owner :/).
BTW. You pay 15or20$ a month, and how much for purchasing it?

game pays for it self and more, just seel credits on ebay for easy cash and scam people