Starcraft 2 won't support LAN play

One thing I don't get is how everyone has accepted that Blizzard is going to be making us buy the game 3 times to experience the entire game.
No one has any issues with that? I mean come on, the game's campaigns can't possibly be that long.
Even if it were true, what's wrong with packaging it all onto a DVD? They're big enough to hold that much data. :|

It is prolly gonna be one game and two expansions. Knowing Blizzard they'll test it to death so we'll see SC2 in Q4 this year, expansion one in Q3 2010 and expansion two in Q2 2011. It would be madness to launch three separate full price games within a short period of time.

EDIT Someone made me do this <3
It is prolly gonna be one game and two expansions. Knowing Blizzard they'll test it to death so we'll see SC2 in Q4 this year, expansion one in Q3 2010 and expansion two in Q2 2011. It would be madness to launch three separate full price games within a short period of time.

EDIT Someone made me do this <3


No, we get one game with the Terran campaign and then we have to wait for the next two to release so we can play the Protoss and Zerg campaign.
It's absolutely moronic and is obviously just them trying to capitalize off of the massive hype that looms over their sequel.

I don't know about you guys but I only ever played Starcraft for the singleplayer, love the characters and just the lore in general.

edit: Also, congrats on becoming mod. :D
One thing I don't get is how everyone has accepted that Blizzard is going to be making us buy the game 3 times to experience the entire game.
If the content matches the price, bring it on.

No one has any issues with that? I mean come on, the game's campaigns can't possibly be that long.
They are, the Terran campaign is going to be 25-30 missions which is around what SC1 and BW both had. And each mission is going to be much more variable that SC1s "buid base -> destroy everything -> repeat". And the content won't just be matching the multiplayer stuff, units, upgrades, abilities, etc that won't be in multiplayer (expect for possible UMS games) have been created for singleplayer.

How much do you actually know about their plan for singleplayer? It sounds like you just read a headline and got pissed.

Even if it were true, what's wrong with packaging it all onto a DVD? They're big enough to hold that much data. :|
I'm sure a DVD could hold it all. In fact that should be the new standard, a game that doesn't fill a DVD is a rip off. BRB I'm gonna call Gabe and tell him that Valve shouldn't have released HL2 they should have waited until they had done Ep1, Ep2 and Ep3 as well.

I don't know about you guys but I only ever played Starcraft for the singleplayer, love the characters and just the lore in general.
Then you should be loving having huge amounts of new content planned.

Now I might have been sucked into the hype, only time will tell how good singleplayer turns out to be but everything I've heard so far about singleplayer is awesome.
Now I might have been sucked into the hype, only time will tell how good singleplayer turns out to be but everything I've heard so far about singleplayer is awesome.
Same, and I never get excited about singleplayer RTS campaigns. Just watching Dustin talk about the game, you can tell how excited he is and how much he loves it, and I can't help but be excited seeing someone care that much about how well-balanced and fun their game is.
Hey, I can't wait for the return of one of the best RTSes either but, I'm just saying that I think the money has really gone to Blizzard's head and now they're going to milk Starcraft 2 for all its worth just because they know everyone is going to eat them all up.

Hell, even I'm going to end up buying them all just because I want the complete game... since I don't really have any other choice.
You're still in the wrong mindset. It isn't milking the franchise if the content per dollar is good.
Hey, I can't wait for the return of one of the best RTSes either but, I'm just saying that I think the money has really gone to Blizzard's head and now they're going to milk Starcraft 2 for all its worth just because they know everyone is going to eat them all up.

Hell, even I'm going to end up buying them all just because I want the complete game... since I don't really have any other choice.
Think of it this way: Instead of spreading their development resources across three campaigns at once, they're putting all their focus on into the Terran campaign, which means it will be as good as three normal campaigns.
I dont see what the fuss is all about. If you dont have internet access these days in the form of broadband, you need to stop paying for porn every month and get broadband instead.

Think of it this way: Instead of spreading their development resources across three campaigns at once, they're putting all their focus on into the Terran campaign, which means it will be as good as three normal campaigns.

I really hope so.
I don't want to feel like I'm getting screwed over when the campaign is over.

But, judging by a few interviews I just read it seems like they're going to try and make each mission as varied as possible.
So, I'm really looking forward to seeing what they've done.
I really hope so.
I don't want to feel like I'm getting screwed over when the campaign is over.

But, judging by a few interviews I just read it seems like they're going to try and make each mission as varied as possible.
So, I'm really looking forward to seeing what they've done.
Yeah, it sounds like the Terran campaign will be as epic as the entire Starcraft singleplayer game, and at least twice as varied. I'm a little worried that the non-linear format might make the story more difficult to follow, or make the game seem directionless though. But we'll find out, all in good time.

I should probably go buy another copy of Starcraft and hopefully get in the beta. I wish I could find my CD key...
I really hope so.
I don't want to feel like I'm getting screwed over when the campaign is over.

But, judging by a few interviews I just read it seems like they're going to try and make each mission as varied as possible.
So, I'm really looking forward to seeing what they've done.

When they first announced it, I was a little taken aback...didn't know what to think. The more I heard and learned, the more I realized it's going to be awesome. And with varying difficulties *Easy Normal Hard Insane* it will have a shit ton of replay value.
I'm sure a DVD could hold it all. In fact that should be the new standard, a game that doesn't fill a DVD is a rip off. BRB I'm gonna call Gabe and tell him that Valve shouldn't have released HL2 they should have waited until they had done Ep1, Ep2 and Ep3 as well.

Half-Life 2 was a full game.

Starcraft 2 is a game that will be released in thirds.
Halflife 2 - Full game.
Halflfie 2 - Ep 1 - Game with extra parts to the storyline new things happening
etc etc

Starcraft 2 - Full game. Full singleplayer of one race. Full MP etc etc
Starcraft 2 Expansion - Expanded Singleplayer with some new units possibly...

Sounds like a normal expansion to me?
Except, we're only getting one race's campaign and we'll have to buy the others to get them. :(

It's a good thing that the Terran campaign was my favorite one in SC1.
Except, we're only getting one race's campaign and we'll have to buy the others to get them. :(

It's a good thing that the Terran campaign was my favorite one in SC1.

It's not JUST a campaign, though. The only extra bit they've released about those is that they are also thinking about releasing 2-3 new units each time. So they are also expanding the game play. Though, they also have fears of balancing...which is VERY warranted. That would scare the shit outta me, too. *Think the C&C expansions...*

I guess it is a lot of money *depending on how much they charge per expansion...I'm hoping 30...*. But like any expansion pack, you'll need to buck up if you want to keep up with the story/people who upgrade. *if they do bring in new units*
Starcraft 2 is a game that will be released in thirds.
Please tell me more about Starcraft 2's singleplayer. You clearly must have played it to make such a judgement about whether or not it's content justifies the tag "full game" or "a third of a full game".

The three races' campaigns are being shipped separately. If you can remember correctly (try real hard now), the original Starcraft had all three campaigns in the box. So when you ship a sequel that doesn't come with all of that out the door, I'd say it's incomplete.

So what are your thoughts on what you've played so far? Huh?
Basically it all comes down to "I have complete faith in Blizzard" versus "I'm quite skeptical of Blizzard".
The three races' campaigns are being shipped separately. If you can remember correctly (try real hard now), the original Starcraft had all three campaigns in the box. So when you ship a sequel that doesn't come with all of that out the door, I'd say it's incomplete.
If you want to complain that SC2 won't have a Zerg and Protoss campaign then say, "I'm pissed that SC2 won't have a Zerg and Protoss campaign". That's fine. IMO that's a fair complaint considering it's going against the precedent most other RTS games have set, including SC1 & BW. But don't say SC2 isn't a full game because it won't have a Zerg and Protoss campaign. With that logic SC2 could come out with 1000 Terran missions and you'd still be, "it's only a third of a game".

Personally, I think I get where Blizzard is trying to go with SC2's singleplayer and the results will be much more effective with 25-30 missions per race in one big lump than spread out over the expansions like a more traditional model would do.

So what are your thoughts on what you've played so far? Huh?
I'm not the one making unconditional statements about how much content is in a game that isn't out yet.

The three races' campaigns are being shipped separately. If you can remember correctly (try real hard now), the original Starcraft had all three campaigns in the box. So when you ship a sequel that doesn't come with all of that out the door, I'd say it's incomplete.

So what are your thoughts on what you've played so far? Huh?
Half-Life had bullsquids, and I really like bullsquids. Half-Life 2 is an incomplete game.
If you want to complain that SC2 won't have a Zerg and Protoss campaign then say, "I'm pissed that SC2 won't have a Zerg and Protoss campaign". That's fine. IMO that's a fair complaint considering it's going against the precedent most other RTS games have set, including SC1 & BW. But don't say SC2 isn't a full game because it won't have a Zerg and Protoss campaign. With that logic SC2 could come out with 1000 Terran missions and you'd still be, "it's only a third of a game".

Personally, I think I get where Blizzard is trying to go with SC2's singleplayer and the results will be much more effective with 25-30 missions per race in one big lump than spread out over the expansions like a more traditional model would do.

I'm not the one making unconditional statements about how much content is in a game that isn't out yet.

Starcraft 2 was not planned as a trilogy. They're partitioning it into chunks as a result of extended development. No matter how you cut it, the overall game they have envisioned is being released in pieces, regardless of the quantity of its content. And in any case, my first post was arguing against your comment regarding Half-Life 2. I'm not even really angry any more about buying three games to "complete" Starcraft 2, even though I know it's going to a more expensive investment. But it's entirely fair to say SC2 is not a full game until the other two parts are released, at least to people like me who will be playing it largely for the campaigns.

Half-Life had bullsquids, and I really like bullsquids. Half-Life 2 is an incomplete game.




Think of it like this: It's late 1990's. You just finished reading the Lord of the Rings triology which you just love. Wow. It gets better and better each time you read it. One day you hear about this director named Peter Jackson announce that he is going to make the Lord of the Rings books into one 3 hour film. You're so excited that you just can't hide it. But then he decides that he wants to make three 3 hour films instead one. Would you complain? Sure you don't get to see it all unless you buy all three movies, not to mention you'd have to wait for years for them all to be released! But then again instead of having 3 hours of what you love you'll have 9. That's how I look at it.





It doesn't matter if a game is 33% completed or 99% completed, they're both still incomplete ;).
It doesn't matter if a game is 33% completed or 99% completed, they're both still incomplete ;).


The three races and all their associated content are central to Starcraft 2. It is a critical element to the game's design and focus. To compare that to something like a minor nonessential enemy completely misjudges the scale and the importance of the two.
Starcraft 2 was not planned as a trilogy. They're partitioning it into chunks as a result of extended development. No matter how you cut it, the overall game they have envisioned is being released in pieces, regardless of the quantity of its content.

Shack: In terms of the singleplayer campaign, and the decision to include one per game--the response, I think, has been mixed. Some people, myself included, can see how the content could ultimately justify the split, while others are still skeptical.

Dustin Browder: Yeah, no I know. And maybe they just won't like it and that's the way it is. You know, previously you were going to get a game and two expansions. Now you're going to get a game, and you're going to get two expansions. The only difference is that instead of having three campaigns in the game and in each of the expansions, there will be one campaign in each of these expansions. And that's the only difference.
So we just view it as, look, we're just making two Brood Wars now, except instead of having a bunch of ten-mission campaigns which are too fast, and don't let you experience the full story, we're taking all of that work and putting it into a single story per game.

So I don't think there was any intention to milk anybody of any additional money. This was always going to happen, it's just where the content is placed is now different.

And in any case, my first post was arguing against your comment regarding Half-Life 2.
I only brought up HL2 to illustrate to Lucid that just because a game doesn't fill a DVD doesn't mean it isn't a full game.

But it's entirely fair to say SC2 is not a full game until the other two parts are released, at least to people like me who will be playing it largely for the campaigns.
Well that is at the heart of where we disagree.
To me if the content of the Terran Campaign justifies a full price, it's a full game.
Alright. Now that we have stated our positions and both of us understand each other more, I believe this can come to a peaceful resolution, and we can return discussion to its original subject.

I was actually enjoying the new and fresh discussion :p