Staying up for the release?

Staying up to play HL2?

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May 19, 2003
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I'm curious as to how many of you are staying up until 12am, 2am, or 3am, or even later if you have to, that only live in America.

I may be up until 2am, play until 7am, then go to school, im debating, what should i do?!?!
its 5.30am in the UK... and im still awake, wtf.
Staying up baby! But only for 2 hours..:( 2 am CST.
yeah im staying up partly because i have no work tomorrow.. or at least i am not scheduled.. if i get called in, thats entirely different story.
Americans? Canada is in the same time zones, that should read North America.
Ownzed said:
Staying up baby! But only for 2 hours..:( 2 am CST.

so wait dude, your up until 2am and playing until 4am, then bed? You may as well stay up all night, then drink a monster drink in the morning before school or work. It will be harder for you to stay awake to only get like 4hrs of sleep instead of being up all night. I want to stay up all night but playing HL2 until 7am? That's 5hrs straight, i dunno if i can do offense to HL2 but i dont believe ive ever done that :(
I'm staying up till 1 to play ... MST. Man, I'm gonna be dead at work tomorrow.
3AM here. What the hell am I going to do for 2.5 hours? Watch a movie, read a book, watch TV ... read
Staying up till 2. Probably gonna play all night, depending on how good hl2 turns out to be.
eff you americans only

I live in canada bc
west coast
What do i do? Stay up until 2am, play all night if its great or go to bed eventually OR go to bed now, wake up at about 5am, play until 7:30 and then go to school, play all night when i get home around 4pm..?