Steam Accounts Banned

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
Last night, Erik Johnson of Valve, made a post on the Steam forums about another round of Steam bans.
Today Valve disabled more than 30,000 Steam accounts which had been used to try to illegally gain access to Valve games without a valid purchase.[br]
Valve takes such activities seriously and reserves the right to disable Steam accounts engaging in piracy, cheating, illegal activities, or any other activity in violation of the Steam Subscriber Agreement. The accounts that are disabled today will not be reactivated.
In a time where major warez sites are shutting down and the authorities are cracking down on piracy, this is hardly coming as a surprise, but let this be a lesson to you. You will get caught, just like the other 50,000 people have been.[br]
You can catch the original hilarity here.
Oh noes! They're gunna have to make another account!
Thats really showin em.

Piracy fuels the economy.
They might as well have declared, "Release the hate-mail floodgates!!" :rolleyes:
Based soley from the posts on the steam forums, It's like Valve specifically banned only the people who either use far too many or far too few capital letters and periods in their sentences.

It's actually pretty funny, all the people who are like:
"i tried to put in a CD key i found on the internet and now my account is badd kthnxlol :)"
And we're still waiting for the main event to begin...
Lemonking said:
for that I hate Valve.....

I know how you feel, the other day I stole a car and the police arrested me! The bastards.
Good move by Valve.

People who tried stolen HL2 keys and later purchased HL2 can't refund their purchases now since it's past the typical 14-30 day policy.
There's been suprisingly little fallout from this set, even though it's the biggest by far.
Maybe the pirates realised they got done :p

And have run out to buy the game.
Great work Valve :)

And for those complaining that they have bought the real deal after they tried illegal copies. Come on. You don't steal a car, test it, buy a car, and keep the stolen car around. If you want to try a game before buying, you wait for a demo.

Way to kick some warez-ass!
I wuv Valve. :D

Now we just have to wait for the the pirates to come in and make the usual feverish attempt to justify what they do.

/me starts waiting.
Me thinks this is a great time for this


Dumbasses who don't want to pay for a quality game...
OMG al iwantd 2 d owas tyr teh gmae!!1

omg vlvae u suxxzor!11!

GG nextmap no re!
pwnt lol.

[/random stupidity]
This is why I <3 Valve.
i applaud valve for their work in stopping Pirates. Why should I have to pay for what a few theives take anyhow? I mean, even the person who gave his CD key away should be banned as well. You just don't do it. It's like copying alot of new CDs and giving them away for free on the street. It's still illegal.
this post is halarious: "i didnt play the game untell i bot it i just tride the key out didnt work so i fianly got the game and entered it then my account disabled"

he's effing illeterate!
I was one of the people that didn't have an internet connection when I bought HL2 and it really upset me that all I could do was stare at the beautiful box and be pissed.

Man, I was mad!

But these slimy little gutter-trash punks who steal everything they have without blinking an eye piss me off more.

That said, I have a connection now, and the anger I felt for the steam implementation has worn off. I have decided that I LOVE steam.

"Why?!! Why????" you ask?

Because finally we have an awesome piece of Valve's hard work to enjoy that isn't being ripped off much.

Those nasty little wastes of skin must be in agony over this, and I'm loving it!
I must say, good for Valve, although I got one of the emails for an old account I had with Steam... I have never seen a game so cleverly protected, although I do enjoy looking into internet piracy groups, and they've already found a way of hacking steam, its damn clever, and makes me feel stupid for paying for it... but Valve deserve the money
My sons steam account have been disabled

I am very upset with steam! I bought HL2 for me and my son (each a copy) to play CS:Source. It worked fine until X-mas day when his account had been disabled. Reason given was that his account was involved in hacking the night before. BUT him and I where playing alla afternoon, AND night!
I have tried to get help from steam support, from Valve etc and got completely ignored. There is no mail adress to state your requests to, the questions i raised in the steampowered forum have remained unanswered for 1.5 weeks.

I WILL NEVER BUY ANOTHER VALVE GAME AGAIN. IF this fascist methods prevail.
I am 40 years of age and BUY my SW and I want to USE it!

HAve anyone else experienced this?

Best Regards
Benny Hansen
[email protected]

Chris_D said:
Last night, Erik Johnson of Valve, made a post on the Steam forums about another round of Steam bans.In a time where major warez sites are shutting down and the authorities are cracking down on piracy, this is hardly coming as a surprise, but let this be a lesson to you. You will get caught, just like the other 50,000 people have been.[br]
You can catch the original hilarity here.

Whatever bud, Valve haven't made a mistake. Your son or you may have tried to warez any one of Valve's games in the past, and they may have just caught up on you right now for it. If you have been, I've got no sympathy either.
bhansen64 said:
I am very upset with steam! I bought HL2 for me and my son (each a copy) to play CS:Source. It worked fine until X-mas day when his account had been disabled. Reason given was that his account was involved in hacking the night before. BUT him and I where playing alla afternoon, AND night!
I have tried to get help from steam support, from Valve etc and got completely ignored. There is no mail adress to state your requests to, the questions i raised in the steampowered forum have remained unanswered for 1.5 weeks.

I WILL NEVER BUY ANOTHER VALVE GAME AGAIN. IF this fascist methods prevail.
I am 40 years of age and BUY my SW and I want to USE it!

HAve anyone else experienced this?

Best Regards
Benny Hansen
[email protected]
Well if your sure you didn't do _anything_ illegal, not even "just to try it" your gonna want to talk to your son who's not telling you the truth.. and at 40 you can't be naive enough to think anything a kid says is true.

The system they use records everything each account does. Logging all actions and changes. If they closed it they had a reason to.

It's possible your son or even you let a friend borrow the account, but even then, thats your responsibility, being your account that if the other person tried something illegal with it, your the one punished, not them.
Or in short terms...

....Your son (or one of his friends) is probally the one at fault, not valve.
Yes of course your son is lying!
Valve is never wrong, they are the closest to god we have on this earth.

PooSlice said:
Yes of course your son is lying!
Valve is never wrong, they are the closest to god we have on this earth.

I'm sure it's quite simple.

"Have any CD-keys been issued to retail stores ending in FAY98?"

"The internet exploit involved, were all the CD-keys ending in FAY98?"

Find: "All accounts attempting to register a CD-key ending in FAY98"
Delete "All accounts attempting to register a CD-key ending in FAY98"

Not much room for error there.
I feel sorry for his son but then again, I have never seen a situation where someone's Steam account was banned for something they didn't do...
bhansen64 said:
I am very upset with steam! I bought HL2 for me and my son (each a copy) to play CS:Source. It worked fine until X-mas day when his account had been disabled. Reason given was that his account was involved in hacking the night before. BUT him and I where playing alla afternoon, AND night!
I have tried to get help from steam support, from Valve etc and got completely ignored. There is no mail adress to state your requests to, the questions i raised in the steampowered forum have remained unanswered for 1.5 weeks.

I WILL NEVER BUY ANOTHER VALVE GAME AGAIN. IF this fascist methods prevail.
I am 40 years of age and BUY my SW and I want to USE it!

HAve anyone else experienced this?

Best Regards
Benny Hansen
[email protected]

Don't be too upset, Steam is hideously bad protected and you'll find a hack for HL2, HL2DM AND CSS at almost every warez site there is...