Steam HL2 media - kind of bug



So now I've downloaded this Steam thingy...wanted to start the HL2 movies. Clicked on "Display" and got a bar called "Updating Media".

Its percentage counts are sky high. I've got 76438% complete now...kind of weird, as the range is from 0-100% (or am I wrong:dork: ).

Anyone knows what that is...or what that not is?
lol :)

Well I didnt look at the precent, but it showed me the download rate, which was about 280KB per second. Now thats not so possible considering my max download rate is 67KBps, 512 kbps package :/

But it did finish the download after like 3-4 hours :E
So I guess it doesnt matter what it shows you, just keep downloading.
Yeah, you're right, after...well...maybe 20-30 mins the videos were loaded. Cool stuff:afro:

But I didn't see the D/L rate:flame:
The reason it downloaded faster than your connection is because you are a fool. No really, sorry bit harsh that. It isnt measured in kilobytes, but kilobits, just like you net connection. So if it was dloadin at 256kb then it was using only half your 512kbs connection. It threw me at first aswell
yeah, I'm on 56k dial up, :( yeah adsl router is sitting next to me, but no adsl on phone line, anyway, it shows my download speed at 56k, many people have complained about this sudden download rate change, they have stated from what I've heard that they will either change this to the 'norm' or give you an option, probaly defaulting at the 'norm'
Yeah, I get stupidly high download rates for 56k as well... but I checked it and it accually *IS* downloading at that rate!