Steam Workshop Coming to Left 4 Dead 2 on PC, Mac and Linux


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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The Left 4 Dead blog has posted an announcement promising future Steam Workshop support. Similar to Portal 2 and Skyrim users should be able to download community add-ons directly into your game without having to worry about messing with files. The update will also feature a scripting tool to allow users to easily create custom Mutation game modes and share them through the workshop. For the uninitiated Mutations are special gamemodes with altered stats to spice up the usual game. For instance in the Taannkk! Mutation all infected players spawn as tanks and only tanks for the the entire game. This new tool should let you create your own game modes to play with friends. Ever wanted to play a game mode where all enemies are clowns and everyone has infinite ammo machineguns that light them on fire? You can (probably) make that a reality!

Those of you who for some reason aren't interested in clown genocide may be more interested in the bomb Valve rather nonchalantly dropped in the middle of this post. This system, and therefore Steam and Left 4 Dead 2, will be available to Linux users from "the middle of next month." We're hoping this means an open beta. We'll post more Linux news as we get it.
actually this is ONE deadline valve will keep i believe.

All the new microsoft OS and hardware starts shipping at the end of october (26 october rings a bell, feel free to correct that).

Valve need to make big picture mode and vanilla steam, "more valid" over whatever plans microsoft have in order to keep a foothold on the pc,

otherwise it's retreat to linux, which they appear to have a working version of source ready for roughly just before Microsoft releases their stuff.