Stop advertising every Steam Game on RSS

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Jul 30, 2009
Reaction score
I used to have this newsfeed on my RSS list, but took it off today.

Why does every game that gets put on Steam have to have its own posting? What are you - an extension of Doug Lombardi's world domination plans or something?

With the number of games on Steam increasing exponentially you have to decide what focu this site is going to take.

Jesus - at least give us the option to filter out the fanboism on RSS.

Make an option for "Valve News Only" please
I for one don't want you blatant bum kissing rammed down my throat.
Where would you like it rammed then?

Sorry, champ, there just isn't sufficient Half-Life 2-related news to go around, so we report Steam-related news as well. Most people seem to be quite happy with it.
Maybe we should rename the site to
We don't post every Steam game on the front page news / RSS feed. We post the most impressive sale items and most interesting new releases. Believe me...we don't post anywhere near all the Steam game releases on the front page.

Also as Pi said, news around HL2 and Ep3 is very sparse, so most of our news is around L4D2 / TF2 / Mods and Steam at the moment.

But I do recognise your problem and this is something I have thought recently. We won't stop posting the most anticipated new games on Steam but we are working on a separate 'Steam Games' section which will show all new releases on Steam, but keep it separate from the front page news (and RSS). This will allow us to cover more games with less front page intrusion.

Oh and if you're not that interested in some of the RSS stories, why not just skip them? I use plenty of feeds and they don't always have content I'm excited to read!
Clogged up geez. CBA

I just mean have a feed for

Valve Games (so inc TF2, Mods, L4D2 etc)
Steam (as in the platform) Nooz
Valve Iviews

All that good stuff.

I play Valve Games - most of the other stuff on Steam doesn't interest me or I get my nooz on it from other specialist sites if I am.

Not tryin to tell ya ya biz, but the reason I bookmarked it in first place was cos you're a specialist Valve website init.

Know what I'm sayin?
Clogged up geez. CBA

I just mean have a feed for

Valve Games (so inc TF2, Mods, L4D2 etc)
Steam (as in the platform) Nooz
Valve Iviews

All that good stuff.

I play Valve Games - most of the other stuff on Steam doesn't interest me or I get my nooz on it from other specialist sites if I am.

Not tryin to tell ya ya biz, but the reason I bookmarked it in first place was cos you're a specialist Valve website init.

Know what I'm sayin?

manchester mate, fook off gangsta smarmy git

Stop typing like you have an accent, it's getting annoying.
fookin ave it!

that other bloke needs to relax, go crack one out mate :p
This thread isn't going much further.

We have already identified that we're looking at different methods of reporting all the various bits of news out there, and so we will take your comments on board.

Furthermore, can I ask you cut out the profanities while you're here. Most of the time they're completely unnecessary.

Also, Barnz, you've been warned before - not all of your posts add value to a thread and are therefore pointless. Single word posts like "gangsta" don't really have much use! There seems to be quite a few of these...

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