Strange Problem caused by either graphics card or monitor...

Dec 14, 2004
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So recently while I've just been browsing the web. My screen has just been going black for a second and then going back to normal, and sometimes it even looks like it's adjusting itself, almost like I pressed auto adjust on my lcd... So in hope of a fix I reset all the settings on my lcd monitor but the problem prevails. When this behavior happens, it blinks like 4 times every twenty seconds, so like once every 5 seconds and then it will be fine for about another 1-2 hours as far as I know. I'm just a little curious as to what this could be. I don't think that it's overheating but I'm just going to do a routine internal dust of everything just in case. Maybe you guys have some suggestions as to what I should do to trouble shoot and/or figure out what is causing this situation. Thanks.
update: I think the problem has something to do with the dvi input on my monitor because, It's sometimes hard for my monitor to link to the dvi signal. But I really have no idea. Maybe you guys could throw some suggestions my way. Thanks.
You could start by using the other DVI port on the card, see if there are any changes. Apart from that I would definitely try the monitor and card separately in a different machine. If you don't have a different machine, run to any electronics giant or pc store. Purchase a cheap pcie card with dvi to test and return it when finished. Just make sure they have a normal return policy.
Hmm, my mate had something similar happen. Could just be refreshing, or re-resolutioning? (Yes, I know it's not a word.)
refreshing is what it looked like was happening except, at one point fairly recently it just starting blinking so much that it was difficult for me to turn my computer off. I couldn't even track where my mouse was or anything, It was very strange. I Kind of want to return my monitor just to be safe, But i don't know if i can, i bought it at fry's and still have the packaging, the only problem is i bought it a matter of months ago...:(
Does it usually matter what Dvi Slot you use on the cards with the x1950 series or not?
Thanks for all the replies thus far.:cheers:
Hey guys, So I uploaded a video recently that shows exactly what I see when the flashing/blinking of the screen happens. Maybe actually seeing the event will help to diagnose exactly whats happening, and how to fix it. Heres the Link: "Screen Flashing Problem"

Thanks for all the help so far.
I had a viewsonic 17" LCD (the VP730b) that had a similar problem, except that instead of the screen blacking out, the colors would distort and vertical lines would appear every 25 mins for about 5 min. Happened only when I used DVI + sRGB color profile on the monitor. Really weird stuff. Never was able to fix it on my own, and had to get it repaired under warranty. Turned out it was faulty electronics inside the monitor.

You could try changing resolutions, refresh rates and timings to check if the problem persists. The best thing would be to test the monitor with another videocard/PC to eliminate non-monitor components as part of the problem.