for those 20 and under, the strider is unnervingly similar to the tripods from 'War Of The Worlds' methinks a 99% inspiriation
There was an old book with tripods in that spawned a BBC series called, funnily enough the Tripods. And it was actually very very good, considering the effects at the time. The tripods themselves weren't organic though. Speilberg was said to have been interested in making it but it was probably just a rumor started by the original rumors of his involvement with WOTW.
I read the series in year 6, the when the tripods came, I really enjoyed it back then. Was about 3 or 4 books I believe.
Smigit said:
I read the series in year 6, the when the tripods came, I really enjoyed it back then. Was about 3 or 4 books I believe.
yeah, I don't remember the books, not sure if i even read them so no idea if the TV version was close to them or not, but I liked the series all the same, I think they only filmed the first two or something though. Be fun to see it remade.
If you look at teh claw in the left side of teh pciture, the claw loks exactly like the strider claw. Are striders part organic?
wazzledoozle said:
Are striders part organic?
Most Combine machines are part organic, SO I'd say it is. But if you look at it it's hard to see any organic matter there. Just metal.
babyheadcrab said:

OMFG the tripod trillogy...I loved those books...Bought em as soon as I was old enough for a job. I still casually read those. First one was the best....Ozymandias..tastey

*EDIT* My god, I just pulled out "The Tripods Trilogy" by John god...these books are WORN! I'm suprised they are still moving..ahtough I can tell that a few pages are about to fall out :( Gotta get ready to buy some new ones.
functionality wise , very similar, design wise very different. I can imagine its quite hard to vairy something to look origional when you want it to look good on 3 legs
Striders are more cool!!!! :D They looked like 3-legged mosquitoes or somethin' ....:dozey:
CREMATOR666 said:
Striders are more cool!!!! :D They looked like 3-legged mosquitoes or somethin' ....:dozey:
naa Rodney's look better, obviously :p But then I would say that hehe.

Really though, they'd look much cooler stomping around City17 :D
Ya, something about them trapsing around a populated city making delicious human shish-kabobs makes them a little more intense then blowing up Jebediahs Possum Farm =D
Those books were *great.* At least... I remember them being great, back when I was 13. The City of Gold and Lead? Oh man.
there's been plenty of 'monsters' thought up that have 3 or so legs and are really tall and shoot lasers .. i mean, it's not original at all.
I saw a preview the other day for a new War of the Worlds that's being directed by Steven Speilberg and starring Tom Cruise. It looks sweet! As soon as I saw the "Striders" in the preview I thought of HL2, they look almost the same! The special effects that you see in the preview look crazy, so this should be a good movie. It kind of is like HL2 because you can see some Striders totally annihilating some town.. just like I'm sure happened between HL1 and HL2.
Oh no the pictures of my home made striders have been found! Abondon the base!
The chances of anything coming from mars, are a million to one they said.

Yet still, they come..