System gripes


The Freeman
May 13, 2003
Reaction score
I'm running on an Athlon XP 2200+ @ 1.8mhz with a Geforce 4 MX. I'm wanting to upgrade my video card to an ATi but I'm told it'll bottleneck on my system. I'm lookin towards 9700-9800 pro, and also getting a new computer at some stage with a better processor. Say I get a 9800 pro now and run on my 2200, will that damage my system in any way or will there be alot of slowdown? Or will it just perform as well as it can but not optimally. Also I'm on a pretty current motherboard so no prob there, hopefully.
Depends on the rest of the stuff in there. I think it'll be fine though :)
I'm on a 2400+ and a 9700 Pro, can get nearly 5000 3d marks... And that's pretty good I think, for a system that's not overclocked in any way.
Of course its always better with more, but whether its a bottleneck that you'd notice, dont think so. It will NEVER perform optimally (well it will, but running something around a 200ghzer on a 9800 Pro... Lets just say you probably have a 34000 Pro at 100$ by then ;)).
i'm running p4 1.8 gig with 512mb RDRAM on a 9800 Pro and it runs like a dream
Originally posted by Doobz
i'm running p4 1.8 gig with 512mb RDRAM on a 9800 Pro and it runs like a dream

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! RD RAM REPRESENTIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT!