Terminator 3! (spoilers)

Private Snafu

May 28, 2003
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Hey, I just got back from seeing T3: Rise of the Machines. It was pretty good, but I haven't made up my mind yet whether it was a worthy successor to T2. I like how they set us up at the end with the end of the world and all that. that was pretty cool, plus there is going to be a 4th sequel if i'm not mistaken.
I loved T1, T2 was slightly JarJarred by that annoying kid who couldn't act his way out of a cardboard box. So I won't be seeing this one. The female Terminator is a little more pc propaganda than I'll endure for the sake of seeing some FX.

Can't wait for Return of the King though!:bounce:
Did T3 have really kewl special effects ?, blood ?, guns ?, etc ? :D
It would have to have flying laser shooting glow in the dark hippos to get me to go see it.
T3 was great! And how does having a female terminator automatically make it PC? I mean think about it, if she's an attractive female, she won't have as many problems with human interefering. LOL
T3 was freakin awesome. I thought it was a very worthy successor to T2. I LOVED the ending.
I haven't seen it yet and dunno if I want to. The fact that ames Cameron isn't involved kinda turns me off of it. Plus this whole new Terminator idea.
I have a feeling the Terminator franchise will be like the Aliens franchise.
1. Good
2. Better.
3. Not so good.
4. Not good at all
5.+ Increasingly worse.
Can people forget about freaking Cameron? Like he is a God or something. T3 is a worthy sequel, a great movie, ****\****, the best action\sci-fi in years (yes, much better than Matrix Reloaded).
Yes it was a FUN movie, plot is kind of thin yes but where it lacks in plot it makes up with action. And LOTS of action. The special FX were about 10 times better than the ones in Matrix Reloaded, but no it wasnt nearly as good as T2. T1 was alright, T2 was the SHIT (the only movie were the sequel was actually 10 times better than the original) and T3 was good just cause it had some really REALLY cool action scenes.
It was a good movie. T2 was better, but thats expected.

Great ending, i dont think anyone predicted that.

Also the effects are better then Matrix Reloaded?

Why you ask?

Well, if a Car exploded in Matrix Reloaded, it was done on a computer.

If a car exploded in T3, a car REALLY exploded, they used some Computer stuff, but for the most part the effects were real, which is why it looked better, (they had 175 million dollar budget, and its put to good use).
Originally posted by Lordblackadder
I loved T1, T2 was slightly JarJarred by that annoying kid who couldn't act his way out of a cardboard box. So I won't be seeing this one. The female Terminator is a little more pc propaganda than I'll endure for the sake of seeing some FX.

Can't wait for Return of the King though!:bounce:

That kid isnt it this one. John Connor is played by a different better actor. The acting in this is actually better then T2.
I think Terminator 3 was the worst movie i ever saw in this year.

Why ? No ending, sucky story line, all the good scenes were shown in the commercial,unknown actors, extremely stupid ending.
Funny XSMGX, first you say there is no ending, at the end of your post there is an ending. Story line? It's the same as it was in T1\2, nothing new. Unknown actors? Well you got Arnold back. So what else do you want? A Ben Affdick (sp?) as Conner?
The FX where much better than Matrix Reloaded. Because most times you coudlnt tell when they were using FX. Like that whol car chase sequence where arnold was hanging from that crane, that was some of the best CG i have ever seen.
T3 was indeed awesome, and definately a worthy part of the series. Plot wasn't really innovative, but it doesn't really need to be, it still worked perfectly. The best part (besides Arnold smashing a urinal over the T-X's head) was definately the ending. Terminator 2 was incredible, but it always disappointed me that judgement day, although it was a threat, never felt like a real possibility. I was overjoyed when I realized that it would not be prevented in T3. There aren't too many movies where the heroes fail to save the world from blowing up...

I personally would have liked to see Edward Furlong return as John Connor. Yeah he was squeaky and annoying in T2, but I think his absence in T3 made the movie feel less convincing as a sequel. I don't think he's a horrible actor either... he was pretty decent in American History X. He would have been the perfect age to fit the role too, I believe. Too bad he is a drug addict or whatever...
Yes the reeally smashed a ****ing stunt guy into a building on a crane
Yeah I don't know how they did that.... but it didn't look like CG. Maybe they used some sort of dummy...