The awesome screenshots only thread

Ritz said:
Got some screenshots from the last game, nothing overly interesting but whatever.

We did some quality helicopter work those games. We captured almost every point one of the games. :thumbs:
I love hovering over a flag. Especially in the Blackhawk with 4 guys. They jump out while hovering, take the flag, and jump back in for some more action. :D
It looks everyone has horrible graphic cards here, all the screenshots have horrible resolution also.
Vetrox said:
It looks everyone has horrible graphic cards here, all the screenshots have horrible resolution also.

Have you seen my screenshots? Mine and Red's are good... 1280x1024 resolution. Although, we only have a radeon 9800 pro. Only because we havent upgraded yet. I dont feel the need to upgrade yet, the game looks beautiful.
Vetrox said:
It looks everyone has horrible graphic cards here, all the screenshots have horrible resolution also.

Thanks for that, I needed you to tell me this, as me.. as well as the other people who have posted surely had no idea how bad our computers where without your helpfull post.

Some of us cant go beg daddy for a new computer every few seconds.
OMFG your graphics aren't perfect!?!?!?! Better shoot yourself now or live with those unperfect graphics, and we all know what the better option is.
Plant the bomb on the plane and hide and when you see someone get in BOOM!
Pressure said:
Plant the bomb on the plane and hide and when you see someone get in BOOM!

Even better for destroying enemy planes... is when I was sitting out on the runway prone, with my AT thing. I'd fire a rocket down a huge distance and kill the planes, when people got in them. Gotta get em before they take off though.

Works best against MEC team.
Vetrox said:
It looks everyone has horrible graphic cards here, all the screenshots have horrible resolution also.
I wouldn't expect any better than this from someone who lives in Atlanta.
Ritz said:
Thanks for that, I needed you to tell me this, as me.. as well as the other people who have posted surely had no idea how bad our computers where without your helpfull post.

Some of us cant go beg daddy for a new computer every few seconds.

I hate people that do that 6char thing.
This are just some screens from me messing around in Battlerecorder. It's pretty cool. I took some videos with fraps but they just kill my performance and a short 15 second vid is like 82mb...

Chopper attack

Missile barely misses me

Mig barely misses me

Same Mig

Split-second later - tank shell barely misses me going right under me as I pulled up

Another near miss.

Dodging missiles
Raziaar said:
Even better for destroying enemy planes... is when I was sitting out on the runway prone, with my AT thing. I'd fire a rocket down a huge distance and kill the planes, when people got in them. Gotta get em before they take off though.

Works best against MEC team.

Another ineffective yet fun method is to hide near the artillary wit the buggy and when he starts to take off drive infront of him.

Also, you should record demos and then take screenshots after the game. You play more effective that way and get cooler shots!
Wow Amish those are 1337. How do I get demos from the recorder?
Pressure said:
Another ineffective yet fun method is to hide near the artillary wit the buggy and when he starts to take off drive infront of him.

Also, you should record demos and then take screenshots after the game. You play more effective that way and get cooler shots!

I have NEVER even used battlefield recorder. Its pissing me off! I wanna use it! I always have so many awesome moments.

All my screenshots thus far, have been taken using the screenshot key in the heat of battle. And i've got 5 more cool ones to show you guys :)

This first one... Holy hell, I love this screenshot. It just has lots of 'action' in it. I was driving as a gunner for a guy in a boat, going to the carrier, and we had two boats ahead of us. I was firing, and firing, not doing much damage, and we nearly rammed... but the enemy boat swirved to the side, then swirved back towards us, and this is when I captured it. Cool huh?

One of my many anti tank rocket to infantry kills. This poor bastard was trying to make it up on top of the roof to cause hell for my team. I don't think so! I also... over near hotel, managed to hit a guy JUST before he went over the topmost point of the ladder, and saw him sail down down down and splat. I took a screenshot of him coming down, but didnt think it was that neat looking.

I'm the nose gunner in a MEC helicopter, and artillery comes crashing down as we're taking off. We barely make it out alive, before going back down to repair.

Heh... I was trying to pick off one of the guys hanging out the side of this blackhawk. No luck, but makes for a cool screenshot.

And this last one... an enemy plane coming in for a successful bombing run. Ouch! Glad I wasn't over there waiting for the other plane.
sometimes, for tricky landings
I try for the most realism possible and always use 1st person.
3rd person is very useful when driving the jeep and you have a gunner, helps to see where they're aiming at so you can drive accordingly.
If you want realism I suggest you join the army. This is an arcade game after all.
craig said:
If you want realism I suggest you join the army. This is an arcade game after all.


He never said complete realism, he said as realistic as possible.
TheSomeone said:
Wow Amish those are 1337. How do I get demos from the recorder?

You have to be on a server with the recorder running. The server browser filter for "Battlerecorder" works. Then you have to hope that the server actually uploads the demos to a server for everyone to d/l from. When you finish a round the demo should come up in your Community screen on the main menu. All the rounds (with timestamps and which server) you have available to d/l should be there on the left. Download and play.

We had half of the site on there, Raziaar was a helluva commander and the squad was beasting.
Pretty cool. I haven't really messed with BFRecorder yet.

This is probably the most memorable gaming experience, ever.

It was 10 USMC / 14 MEC during the final moments of the game. I was Assault on USMC and I recognized the score. I avoided encounter with a tank, a sure death, and went on to easier fish. I shot two m4 grenades at an APC, blew it up and killed two passengers and a driver. It was 6-7 by this time. There was an enemy buggy with a driver and a gunner rolling by, bam, m4 grenade takes it out. Those were my final 2 kills, and it eventually came to a 1-1 stand off. I hoped to god I wouldn't die.

My heart stops.

VICTORY!!! I guess the 2 kills came right after one another, but ours came first. We rock! Congratulations to my fine team, who I had verbally barraged earlier on for not forming into squads :(
Heres a couple I took. I had to edit some to zoom in a bit because I suck at taking screenshots.

Heres a shot of the Aircraft carrier, one of the first shots I took, and is my favorite because it shows the size of the thing, and it looks awesome when seen through a cockpit.

A couple of vehicle shots.

Redundant and squad moving to the artillery.

Here is another favorite of mine. Me and pilot in a stolen jet muahaha.

And this was just a funny shot. This guy couldnt make up his mind to either take off forward or take off vertical, so he kinda just rolled off. Its a good thing though, because when he bailed, that jet to left blew the crap out of it hahah. It was class.