The background and ideologies of City 17 explained here


Apr 7, 2005
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Hello there HL2 fans. This is the first time i'm writing in this forum, but it will be quite interesting. I will try and explain many of the questions about City 17 and its background, which have so far only been specualted in this forum.
Firstly, I found a specualtion that City 17 is in Russia. I think that it's in no apparent palce in the world. The city is just meant to symbolise the whole world. Firstly, the cyrillic characters in the game spell words NOT in Russain, BUT in Bulgarian. But this is understandable, as the level designer (Victor) was probably Bulgarian as his name and work suggest. This does not mean that City 17 is in Bulgaria though, as the city looks nothing like Bulgarian cities. It's just meant to be differnet and more exotic than Russian, as it doesn't look like Russia either. Also the characters are American, so there you go. The city is meant to symoblise the terror and the lyfestyle throughout the world in the given time, rather than one city in one country.
Secondly, ALL the vehicles scattered around in the game, except the VW Golf, the alien spacecraft and the Combine's vehicles, are Russian made cars and trucks from the 70s. They are as follows:
1. ZAZ: normally found in green colour, with white numberplates
2. Volga: normally if not always white, first seen in Ravenholm, on the cranes
3. Moskvich: normally white, has missing parts
4. UAZ truck: a skip truck with a blue cab
5. KAMAZ: only seen a few times, in highway 17, busted up with a red cab.
6. Other trucks and the van are also Russian.
Also, all the cars have Bulgarian format number plates, which again is a hint about the nationality of the level deginer, but NOT the geographical coordinate of City 17. Also the buggy, that you get to drive sounds like a Russian engine, but that's just my speculation.
So this comes as a huuuge contrast: the modern technology of at least 21st century, and the old Communism time Russian cars. Also the high rising blocks of apratments are Russian type. I saw one block, of about 12 storeys, which I've seen in one place in Bulgaria. So again a contrast between the alien tech and the old communism-time type of life.
Thirdly, everything in the game shows communist ideology and presence. All civialians wear the same clothes and live in the same rat holes and are equal. Also, the name of the city suggests communist ideology: it has a number, rather than name. In Russia, schools were called ''School number ??'', to show ''equality''. So what we have, is a COMMUNIST CITY in the 21st or 22nd century, whose people are being terrorised.:bonce: An ideology, which today's politicians are fighting against, comes back in the future. Someone really messed up the whole world, didn't they?
So city 17 is not modelled after one particular existing place, but is a borrowing from former communist USSR, some Bulgarian writing and a bit of alien technology. I could give more evidence why the city is no particular place in the world, but already this is too long. I hope you have found it interesting. I myslef am very thrilled by City 17 and can do nothing, but praise the level designer. If you want more information or screenshots, then pls write.
Its very difficult to see what your getting at really. As explained in many places such as interviews and raising the bar etc - City 17 is a combination of eastern european cities. There isn't really anything to speculate about it, but thats just me.
Samon said:
Its very difficult to see what your getting at really. As explained in many places such as interviews and raising the bar etc - City 17 is a combination of eastern european cities. There isn't really anything to speculate about it, but thats just me.

I'm just imroving some of the speculations that I've seen and I'm giving more ideas. bet you didn't know abput the cars ;) lol, jokin. But it has some information which was not mentioned in the forum before. NAd it depends how much of a c17 fan you are. :imu:
I too think C17 looks great in its looks, but everyone knows it not in a specific place ;)

Good info though.
Nice first thread, welcome to teh boardz.

People have speculated about this before but that's some nice in-depth information on the cars. Perhaps one explanation for them could be that the Combine bombarded the Earth with lots of dodgy Russian cars in an attempt to break humanity's spirit and will to live? :O

Also, if you do a bit of digging you might find some old thread where people posted photos of places like Sofia and St. Petersburg (iirc) which looked really similar to C17 in some ways. I think someone even managed to find the real-life counterpart of the map locations that Valve used on all the walls and diagrams throughout HL2.

However, I think you also find evidence of a few other mixed Eastern European languages throughout the game which again suggests C17 is no definite location, so you're right.

edit - here's some links to threads you might like (they are dead, though, don't dabble in necromancy):
Laivasse said:
Nice first thread, welcome to teh boardz.

People have speculated about this before but that's some nice in-depth information on the cars. Perhaps one explanation for them could be that the Combine bombarded the Earth with lots of dodgy Russian cars in an attempt to break humanity's spirit and will to live? :O

Also, if you do a bit of digging you might find some old thread where people posted photos of places like Sofia and St. Petersburg (iirc) which looked really similar to C17 in some ways. I think someone even managed to find the real-life counterpart of the map locations that Valve used on all the walls and diagrams throughout HL2.

However, I think you also find evidence of a few other mixed Eastern European languages throughout the game which again suggests C17 is no definite location, so you're right.

edit - here's some links to threads you might like (they are dead, though, don't dabble in necromancy):

LOL! i like the part about the bombardment with russian cars!:farmer:
Thanks for the info and the links. They'r nice.
bat_lyubo said:
Thirdly, everything in the game shows communist ideology and presence. All civialians wear the same clothes and live in the same rat holes and are equal. Also, the name of the city suggests communist ideology: it has a number, rather than name. In Russia, schools were called ''School number ??'', to show ''equality''. So what we have, is a COMMUNIST CITY in the 21st or 22nd century, whose people are being terrorised.:bonce: An ideology, which today's politicians are fighting against, comes back in the future. Someone really messed up the whole world, didn't they?

Shut your foul mouth, fool!

I lived in Communism, and it was a million times better than now in this repressing Capitalist system that my country choose.

Do not talk nonsense that you were brainwashed in school when you were young because you obviousley do not know what are you talking about.

City 17 was designed that way because it is a perfect place for a semi-horror story to be placed - eastern european scenery remained popular ever since the Dracula was published in the old days ;)
Wedge Antilles said:
Shut your foul mouth, fool!

I lived in Communism, and it was a million times better than now in this repressing Capitalist system that my country choose.

Do not talk nonsense that you were brainwashed in school when you were young because you obviousley do not know what are you talking about.

City 17 was designed that way because it is a perfect place for a semi-horror story to be placed - eastern european scenery remained popular ever since the Dracula was published in the old days ;)
You just ran contrary to EVERY russian immigrant I've ever known.

So unless your a former KGB your a moron.

Secondly, Valve actually made a point, (read Raising the Bar) that they didn't want to focus on the gothic horror parts of E. Europe. They choose the setting, because E. Europe is where old and new meet. And so it fit very well with the meeting of humanity and the combine.
Wedge Antilles said:
Shut your foul mouth, fool!

I lived in Communism, and it was a million times better than now in this repressing Capitalist system that my country choose.

Do not talk nonsense that you were brainwashed in school when you were young because you obviousley do not know what are you talking about.

Don't talk to people like that. If you want to last here, lose the attitude.
Wedge Antilles said:
Shut your foul mouth, fool!

I lived in Communism, and it was a million times better than now in this repressing Capitalist system that my country choose.

Do not talk nonsense that you were brainwashed in school when you were young because you obviousley do not know what are you talking about.

City 17 was designed that way because it is a perfect place for a semi-horror story to be placed - eastern european scenery remained popular ever since the Dracula was published in the old days ;)

you fool are happy that I see this now, and i can't be bothered. What are you? A 70 year old grandpa, who used to work for the KGB, which only gave you a tiny sum to live on and a busted up square Pistolet Makarova.
Secondly in my country there was no communism, so don't start on that.
Thirdly, this isn't a thread on communism, so don't talk to people like that.
Lastly, go away or stick to the point of this forum Half-Life 2, in case you don't know what the abreviation stands for.
cool find, i wonder if any otther buildings in hl2 were built to model other landmarks.
rrastko said:
Hello guys!
Forget about communism, it's (mostly) dead nowadays (thanks God). Let's talk about locations in HL2.
Does this building look familiar?
This is the building of Parliament of Serbia and Montenegro in Belgrade. Any comments?

First of all, if you're American, I'd like to apologise for flaming and ask you kindly to STFU about communism. If you're from Europe, I think you should ask you parents to tell you more about it, or use the almighty Internet. However propaganda is stuffed everywhere, so be careful not to stumble upon a site among the lines of:


*Cough* Back on topic *cough*. The picture barely reminds me of Half-Life 2, but yes, in some matter it does remind the atmosphere itself. However, i can found such architecture in Russia, Lithuania, Latvia and tons of places.

Sorry for being a mumbling & flaming person, and welcome to teh forums! Both of you. Enjoy your stay.
iMMuNiTy said:
First of all, if you're American, I'd like to apologise for flaming and ask you kindly to STFU about communism. If you're from Europe, I think you should ask you parents to tell you more about it, or use the almighty Internet. However propaganda is stuffed everywhere, so be careful not to stumble upon a site among the lines of:


I am from ex-communist country, so I know very much about communism myself - dont need do bother my parents.

iMMuNiTy said:
*Cough* Back on topic *cough*. The picture barely reminds me of Half-Life 2, but yes, in some matter it does remind the atmosphere itself. However, i can found such architecture in Russia, Lithuania, Latvia and tons of places.

Sorry for being a mumbling & flaming person, and welcome to teh forums! Both of you. Enjoy your stay.

This time I understand what you are trying to say, but you have missed the point I am making. It is quite obvious that the building on the picture
(once again,
is used as a model for the "Nexus building" in HL2 (so far I could not find better photo, but I will try some more these days). Try to play "Follow Freeman@ again to see what I mean. My point was that you cannot say that one specific city was used to make City 17, but many cities in eastern and central Europe.
Exactly. City 17 is a mixture of all Eastern European cities. But yeah, that building does look similar somewhat to Nexus Building.