The best game intro ever!

Freespace 2 has an absolutely awesome intro.

Also, Grim Fandango.
The game was crap compared to the first but I loved the intro.


Props to Grey Fox for the FFVIII intro. God I love that intro.
This has to be one of the coolest intros I have ever seen:

Dawn of Wars was epic too, Operation Flashpoints is definately worth a mention, i mean yeah it doesn't have the stunning visuals and cinematography but its just the setting of the scene and the music is just brilliant.

Never get out of the car...
My 2 PC faves from ye olde times


Omg mechwarrior 2. It's official, MW has the best intros ever.
verrily twas groundbreaking back in the day.

Great intro.
I preferred The Mechwarrior 3's intro to Mechwarrior 2's intro (I mean come on using machine guns against what looks like a thor (or sunder perhaps.))

MechWarrior 3 Intro.
Guys, how can you NOT of mentioned Dungeon Keeper yet? It's brilliant, the music rocks too.

have you guys downloaded gamespy's top 25 game cinematics of all time? most of which are in high res
pretty cool IMO
Either BF1942:


or the original Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator:

Westwood Studios takes the cake for almost everything.
I cant let this thread die before giving Dungeon Keepoer 2s intro a mention, anything with horny in it = win. :p


Oh LAWD is dat sum epic
I cant find the starcraft one where marines have some beers in a nuclear bomb. help ?