The best singles ad ever.


Apr 13, 2004
Reaction score
I got linked to this on another forum:

My personal thanks to Justin Hayward of The Moody Blues for this wonderful song which captures exactly my feelings about the woman that I have been searching for for years.

I know exactly what you look like, I have your scent committed to memory, you can?t hide in a crowd from me, your scent will always give you away. I have seen you hundreds of times, in hundreds of places around the world as I chased money, a career, and simple lust motivated my desire to have your beautiful body sleep next to mine until the days no longer come to us. I?ve walked behind you into Harrods in London many times when I used to live in London (Mayfair, Knightsbridge Road directly across from Hyde Park), I?ve seen you at the perfume counters at Le Bon Marche in Paris and I?ve watched you pick out shoes at Mitsukoshi in Tokyo and seen you dozens of times in Bloomingdale?s in New York City. I?ve seen you shopping so many times, I know your taste in fashion is excellent and the clothes you pick look absolutely superb on you. I?ve been seeing you for so long that I?ve decided that when I finally at long last find you, I?m going to ask you to marry me. I would consider it a very large honor for you to agree to be my wife.

I spent eleven (11) years in college, graduate school and professional school preparing for my career, so I would have the knowledge and means to protect you and take caer of you. I?m most definitely not what the Yanks call a ?redneck? and to me, the ONLY sports that are worth participating in or watching, are those where your own life is constantly subject to loss due to the extreme peril of the sport. Trust me, ok? It is NOT a sport to sit on your ass in a chair or lie on a couch, drinking beer and eating potato chips, watching a bunch of uneducated, brain-damaged imbeciles on the television, drive around in circles turning left all day long. If that?s your idea of a sport, then please don?t bother contacting me because I absolutely assure you that we don?t have anything in common. If you?re a huge animal lover (and hence as totally clueless as the imbeciles that believe NASCAR is an actual sport or entertaining in some fashion)

If you?re one of those completely clueless imbeciles who actually believe that animals, cats and dogs primarily, are actually nothing more than ?little people? dressed up in fur coats, please do NOT bother to write to me because my reply I guarantee you, WILL seriously hurt your tender little feelings. I believe that there is ALWAYS room for animals and the proper place for them is right next to the veggies and potatoes and gravy on your dinner plate. Animals have absolutely NO BUSINESS in your bed or on any surface that food is prepared on, such as kitchen counter tops. Particularly cats. Cats are vile, nasty, filthy creatures that should be completely eradicated from this planet immediately. You?re going to let an animal that shits and pisses in a box full of clay pellets (typically in one of the bathrooms in your residence), then walks about in it, it?s own turds and cat piss, get out of the box and then jump up on your kitchen cabinets, where you (presumably) prepare your food. Or, let this filthy, nasty creature jump up on your bed, get into your face and lick you? I guess because people can?t lick their own asses, it never occurs to the average ?cat woman? that her precious little Puss & Boots, is licking her face with the exact same tongue that he probably just finished licking his own ass with. Gee, I don?t know why, but for some reason, being licked ANYWHERE on my person by a dog or cat that has quite probably just finished licking the dingleberries of his/her own ass has never appealed to me and I can absolutely assure you, it NEVER, EVER will. If it appeals to you, or you see absolutely nothing wrong with this, then trust me, we would never, ever get along. If this sort of thing appeals to you, you need to quit looking for dates here and get down to the animal shelter immediately. A large male dog can make quite the useful male friend for a lonely female, as just the briefest bit of research on the internet will readily show. You should be smart enough to know how to Google a search for this to see EXACTLY what I am referring to. If not, then we have positively established that you and I would never make a good match. I assign an extremely high value to education and view it as being more important and significant than almost every other single attribute of people, male as well as female. Unlike most people, I enforce a zero tolerance policy for 3iers?imbeciles, idiots and incompetents. Typically, you can pick 3iers out of a crowd with extremely little effort. No clue what a 3ier is? Try Wikipedia, I know there?s a definition of what 3iers refers to on Wikipedia because I?m the one who added it to Wikipedia. They do all the things that normal, ordinary, well-educated people find generally socially hostile or completely useless. Let?s see, what would be considered socially hostile? Having the majority of your visible skin covered with a bunch of completely idiotic tattoos, having safety pins stuck through your lips, eyebrows, cheek or anywhere else visible while you?re fully clothed. Wearing clothing that gives away your basic intellect. Shirts with the name and number of your favorite NASCAR driver. I?m sorry, this one confused me. I though for the longest time that those 3iers that put numbers in the rear windows of their cars/trucks, were advertising that they liked car # 8, 24, whatever the number they had posted in their window. In fact, what they?re actually advertising is their IQ. Obviously, the higher the number, the better suited the driver would be for breeding purposes. If only they had cars with numbers in the hundreds or thousands. Remember, you CAN practice eugenics and significantly contribute to the overall welfare of the planet. No clue what eugenics is? Try Wikipedia, they have an excellent definition. The term eugenics derives from the Greek word eu (meaning good or well) and the suffix -genes, meaning born. Hence, ?well born.? Remember, the better you are today at picking the father of your children, the brighter, better your offspring are likely to grow up to be. Now really, do you want your kids to grow up to be some redneck, semi-literate, imbecile that thinks NASCAR is the best entertainment ever invented, or would you rather see him grow up and appreciate education and culture, perhaps even know how to read AND write, perhaps become a well-paid scientist some day, or a doctor? I?m fairly sure that you do NOT want any of your daughters to ever have the distinction of being voted the most attractive girl at the NASCAR races one weekend because she is the only one in the crowd that does NOT have a black eye, right? If people, both males and females, were a fair bit more selective about who they had children with, the world would be a far, far better, easier and much more pleasant place to live because there would be far, far fewer imbeciles, idiots and incompetents around to complicate and mess up our lives.

It?s far, far, far too much to ever hope that someday, there will ever be sufficient numbers of intelligent people around capable of breeding and producing reasonably intelligent offspring to stand any reasonable chance of breeding the 3iers into non-existence. As long as society keeps making awards for being an imbecile and a completely clueless idiot available to the general public, there will NEVER be a shortage of 3iers. And what, exactly are these rewards? Someone explain to me how the total crap they see fit to broadcast on the television networks can EVER be classified as anything but rewards to 3iers? Let?s see? Reality shows? Yea, there?s good entertainment for you. How about NASCAR? Again, great entertainment (for the severely brain damaged and totally uneducated) Dancing with the stars? Oh yes, there?s a prime example of the best that the 3iers that run the networks are capable of creating today. They ought w these shows on the short buses that take today?s kids to school everyday. They should also have prominent warning signs displayed inside the buses: Children, DO NOT stick your tongues against the candy cane windows of the short buses, serious harm can result. Of course, any warning sign like this would presume that the kids riding in the short buses had the ability to read and comprehend the signs. I see an immediate problem here already.

It?s fairly easy to sum up exactly what I look for in a female: NO animals, NO imbeciles, how much easier is it possible to make it than this? How bad can any guy be that hates cats and imbeciles? If I was a female looking for someone, anyone meeting this description would move to the very top of my short list, lol. Actually, when you get right down to it, when you rule out animal lovers as a category, and cat lovers specifically, you?re completely excluding almost all 3iers. Anyone who actually believes that kitty cats and puppy dogs are actually ?little people dressed up in fur coats? are complete imbeciles to begin with. If this is what they truly believe (and I?ve met any number of ?animal rights activists? over the years who truly DO believe that this is in fact the case), it should be patently apparent to even the slowest of learners that whenever they run into some obvious 3ier like this, that they?re most definitely NOT dealing with the sharpest knife in the silverware drawer, or the brightest lightbulb in the package. RUN, don?t walk, RUN away from anyone you ever meet like this, immediately. Do yourself a huge favor. There?s this great old saying that?s usually attributed to the Jews that goes ?Why suffer just because you know how?? Why indeed? The further you can stay away from 3iers, the better off you?ll be. This should be obvious to everyone, but it isn?t.

You know the drill, your pic gets mine, yada, yada, yada. Be really nice to hear from people who can actually read AND write for a change. ?Saw your ad on Criagslist? Great, that really, really narrows it down for me since at any given time, I may have any number of ads running on CList, for any number of things. Which specific ad might you be responding to? You want to buy the antique hutch I have for sale, are you responding to my personals ad, or do you have a Yamaha sport bike for sale that you?re contacting me about purchasing? What are you doing New Year's Eve?
he needs to learn how to use paragraphs... that was a pain on the eyes to read...
What does that mean anyway? I always get confused when I see that.... phrase.
It means he's a lazy ass. You're a lazy ass Monkey.

That's okay though, because I am too. :E
basically some stuck up idiot complains why he can't get a woman
Why the hell did I spend 8 minutes of my life reading that...?
For people who are too smart/experienced/sensible/lazy to read it, it's basically a stalker ranting about people who like cats and NASCAR. Then he goes on about using eugenics to rid the world of "3iers". My psychoanalysis: this man...

is an idiot.
Started off well, but the rant against the Cats & dogs just became a little too obsessive. It's one thing not to like Cats or Dogs, it's another to want them wiped off the face of the planet (no wonder he's single). TLDR the rest. In the event that you are a Dog/Cat hater the 'diplomatic' approach to dissuade your loved one is to claim your allergic to them. :dozey:
Probably the biggest tl;dr I've ever felt.
