The Big Mofo Faq - Idea Originally By Evil


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
Q: When will HL2 ship in stores?

A: Sept. 30th 2003

Q: Will there be multiplayer?

A: Yes

Q:I've heard rumors about an extra multiplayer feature? What is it?

A: Valve has been keeping quiet about multiplayer. They've hinted at something special, but so far fan-generated rumors are all that's around

Q: Will there be Co-op so that I can play through the single player element of HL2 with my friends?

A: No.

Q:Is HL2 modable?

A: Yes, very.

Q: Will there be ragdoll physics?

A: Yes, enhanced ones.

Q:Is there a in-game video I can download?

A:The E3 gameplay demo.

Q: Will I have any allies in the game? Will Barney be back? Yes. Yes.

A: Who are the Combine? Are they friendly? Evil dudes. No.

Q: I know there will be aliens in the game. Will there be friendly aliens?

A: A few.

Q: Will we return to Xen at some point?

A: No.

Q: Will we return to Black Mesa at some point?

A: Probably not.

Q: Will there be a surprise ending it HL2 like HL1?

A: Yes, HL3 is planned.

Q: If so will it take another 5 freakin' years for a sequel?

A: No.

Q: What HL1 weapons are returning to HL2?

A: Most, if not, all.

Q: Are the vehicles destructable?

A: Yes.

Q: What level of realism will there be with regard to "gore". Will we be able to chop off a zombies arm at any point and see the insides?

A: Question still stands, waiting on future information.

Q: Are the vehicles seen in the demo model or brush based?

A: Model.

Q: When we expect Half-Life 3?

A: You and anyone who repeats this question should be shot.

Q: Who is developing Half-Life 2?

A: Valve software are the developers of Half-Life 2 as well as the original Half-Life. For information about them visit

Q: Is Activision publishing Half-Life 2?

A: No the publisher of Half-Life 2 is Sierra Entertainment.

Q: Will Team Fortress 2 be included with Half-Life 2?

A: No, it won't be included. It will be a stand alone retail game.

Q: When will the Half-Life 2 demo be released?

A: There will be a demo released but like the original Half-Life, Valve currently has no plans to release it before the game ships to stores.

Q: Is there a leaked demo of Half-Life 2?

There is no demo of any kind yet. Anything that says it is a demo is fake.

Q: Can I play Counter-Strike with Half-Life 2?

A: No the Half-Life 2 engine is completely different and it is not compatible.

Q: What kind of PC specifications will I need to run HL2?

A: You need at least a Pentium 700Mhz and a DX6-class video card. Ideally we recommend a Pentium 2Ghz and Geforce 4 for the best visuals.

Q: Will Gordon Freeman still have his crowbar?

A: Yes the Half-Life icon remains in the sequel.

Q: Roughly how long will the game last?

A: The game is split into 12 chapters each lasting around 3-4 hours which is roughly around 36 hours worth of game time in all.

Q: Will the characters from the original game return?

A: Yes everyone from the security guard to the G-Man return for the sequel with all the same voice actors and the original story writer, Marc Laidlaw.

Q: Is there a new playable character called Alyx?

There is a new character named Alyx who is the daughter of a scientist from the original game, but you are only able to play as Gordon Freeman.

Q: What kind of locations will you play in?

A: The gameplay is based on Earth with a large number of different locations such as City 17, a harbor, a jail, the suburbs, a dried up ocean, and an icebreaker ship.

Q: Will there be a map editor for making Half-Life 2 maps?

A: An upgraded Hammer editor should ship with the game, but instead of just editing maps it's now described as a "complete development environment" for maps, mods, and more.

Q: When will the SDK be released?

A: Shortly before the release of Half-Life 2.

Q: Can I play Natural Selection and Day of Defeat with HL2?

A: No. The DoD and NS teams have no plans on porting their games to HL2 or using the source engine.

Q. Will you hear Gordon talk in Half-Life 2?

A: No you will not hear Gordon speak. Like the first game half-Life 2 has been designed to give you the immersive feeling that you are playing as Gordon during the game.

Q. Will there be a Counter-Strike 2 mod?

A. It is not yet certain that there will be a Counter-Strike 2. It's very unlikely that it will be a free mod for Half-Life 2. Its more probable that Counter-Strike 2 will be a packaged product that you have to buy in stores.

Q: Can you download Half-Life 2 from Steam?

A: Yes you can download Half-Life 2 from steam.

Q: Will there be a collectors or limited edition boxes of Half Life 2?

A: Yes, Half-Life 2 will have several collectible game boxes when it comes out, with images of Freeman, the G-Man, the new character Alyx and a special silver box that will apparently be a limited edition with some as yet unrevealed special items. Source & Box shots

Q: What kind of PC specifications will I need to run HL2?

A: You need at least a Pentium 700Mhz and a DX6-class video card. Ideally we recommend a Pentium 2Ghz and Geforce 4 for the best visuals.
Nice job, I mean, keeping EVIL's thread going instead of making a new one would have been a stupid idea, right?
Don't you think that EVIL might have had the idea to do that in his thread? Why yes, I do believe so.
Originally posted by guinny
notice thats y i have IDEA ORIGINALLY BY EVIL in the thread title?

SO WHY THE HELL did you create a new thread when there's already one around!?

And no, I won't delete my replies, this thread needs a lock.
1. this is to help EVIL so he didnt have to compile everything together, i did it for him and gave him full credit

2. your annoying

3. the last thread was all messy

4. the only reason u wont delete ur replies is because u have an ego trip on your post count
Originally posted by guinny
1. this is to help EVIL so he didnt have to compile everything together, i did it for him and gave him full credit

2. your annoying

3. the last thread was all messy

4. the only reason u wont delete ur replies is because u have an ego trip on your post count

1. EVIL doesn't need any help, he can easily edit his first post to include everything from the thread.

2. The word is "you're".

3. If he puts everything in the first post, you need not look any further into the thread.

4. I've never mentioned anything about wanting my postcount higher, what a stupid assumption.
Q: What kind of PC specifications will I need to run HL2?

A: You need at least a Pentium 700Mhz and a DX6-class video card. Ideally we recommend a Pentium 2Ghz and Geforce 4 for the best visuals.

Why Geforce 4? HL2 was showed at the ATi both at E3, so if you write like that, write ATI.

But the correct answer is Geforce 4/Radeon 9700.
Q: I know there will be aliens in the game. Will there be friendly aliens?

A: No, but you can take control of one using a special grenade that the monsters will follow the scent and kill anything in its path.
I'm pretty sure that the Vortigons are your friends. I think the Vortigons are the Slaves that shot electricity at you in HL1, and now some of them are freed and want to help you. I think I read that in the PC Gamer article, but only the part about the Vortigons being friendly.
Yup.. the Alien slaves are your allies now
If you're (;)) gonna keep the GeForce 4 bit in, add 'Ti' to the end - dont want people rushing out to buy an MX

And I think you should add some more/link to a page on the physics side of Half Life 2
NOOOOoooooo.......! Why did you recommend a GF4? Radeon is the way to go now, Valve used a Radeon 9800 Pro. And ATi is Canadian :E
Originally posted by stigmata
NOOOOoooooo.......! Why did you recommend a GF4? Radeon is the way to go now, Valve used a Radeon 9800 Pro. And ATi is Canadian :E

Well...ATI is teh win..._but_ its Canadian ;)
Q:I've heard rumors about an extra multiplayer feature? What is it?

A:Team Fortress 2, and no it was a rumor.

I think this is misleading. The A: should be: "Valve has been keeping quiet about multiplayer. They've hinted at something special, but so far fan-generated rumors are all that's around"

The answer in the faq really sounds like TF2 is a strong possibility and a rumor based on something: when we've heard nothing of the sort from Valve.
I always find it amuseing when people post their own opinions as facts in stuff like this. IMHO a return to BM is likely. Valve has said at different times and in different interviews/previews both that you will be staying on earth and "returning to familiar locations." As far as I know there is only one place that fits that description.

Originally posted by Straylight
I always find it amuseing when people post their own opinions as facts in stuff like this. IMHO a return to BM is likely. Valve has said at different times and in different interviews/previews both that you will be staying on earth and "returning to familiar locations." As far as I know there is only one place that fits that description.

My House?!? :p

Sorry, it's almost 3, I should be asleep...I'll stop my random posting now...Nite
They've also suggested that you WONT return to BM. And since they say "locations" instead of "location" I think they really are referencing places that are familiar to normal people: probably famous European locations.
owned by apos....woulda been me but he beat me to it :)
Q: Are the vehicles seen in the demo model or brush based?

A: Model.

I'm not even sure what the distinction is anymore. I mean, if we can climb inside a model: like be under the legs of a strider... it sort of blows open the concept of discrete models with bounding boxez in the first place.
Q: Will there be multiplayer in HL2?

A: The first rule of HL2 multiplayer is you don't talk about HL2 multiplayer.