The Big Unlocks Poll

In what way should weapons be unlocked?

  • Time played (current system)

    Votes: 6 13.3%
  • Achievements (old system)

    Votes: 14 31.1%
  • Other ...

    Votes: 25 55.6%

  • Total voters
Oh so because you're obsessed with getting it as quickly as possible it's grinding?
I'm sorry I got excited last week at the prospect of new weapons and couldn't wait to use them. Forgive me.

Also yes, whether I like it or not, it's still grinding by definition.
What you are doing may be grinding, the system however does not necessitate or encourage it in any way. You're just being a nutball.
How does it not encourage it. Guess how many people sat in spectator servers last night?

I also have a distinct tactical disadvantage against other spies. So the unlocks can be necessary.

Also since you just keep 'refuting' the fact that it's grinding by continually saying that it just can't be because the system isn't supposed to encourage it I'm going to just stick by my guns too.
It doesn't encourage it because you get them by playing as you normally would. You can be completely unaware of the unlock's existence and still get them.
If you want them 'faster' you can play more, but you're still going to spend the same amount of time ingame to get them, just less spread out than it would otherwise be, like 12 hours in 3 days instead of 5 or whatever.
I guess Valve don't want to see the game they've put so much time, effort and care into turn into a chore.

But in the very system I proposed, earning the unlocks would not be a chore. It would be an inevitable consequence of natural play. There is no grinding involved. Furthermore, the benefit of the system is that it would allow me the freedom to choose what I want to unlock according to my own schedule; something the current system does not. Now, if people want to turn to custom maps and grind out their scores any way, that's an entirely different issue. That would be done sheerly out of the player's own volition rather than being compelled to do so (as was the case with the achievement system).

Basing them on random drops may eliminate the grind, but that doesn't make it any more ideal.
Isn't that what the new system exactly is?

It does, but what it sacrifices is consistency. As much as I was annoyed by grinding out many of the achievements, at least it was a direct measure of progress. With the current system, there is no control. You might pick something up in the first hour of play or get nothing in a single night. And chances are you probably already have it, so you're just cluttering space, holding onto garbage for a feature that's not even implemented yet (and not even necessary).

I'd rather know I'm working towards a definable goal instead of having progress measured by some indeterminate random variable. TF2 doesn't take up even a quarter of my current playtime these days, but I know I'll do fairly well and kick ass whenever I start it up. This particularly obtuse concept of time spent playing Valve is employing doesn't account for any of my skill.

It's blatantly catering to casuals by making everything practically even-steven. A currency system would be a good compromise for rewarding aggressive, competitive play, while still ensuring that casuals and those of lower skill are still always making headway.
If there was a new random unlock every 2-3 hours of play (play = being alive, and the timer would be exact) then everybody would be happy (of course it would defeat the purpose of the trading system BUT THERE IS NO GODDAMN PURPOSE TO THE TRADING SYSTEM)

Absinthe's system sounds pretty cool.
I played for hours today and didn't get a goddam thing... ****ing stupid.
Seeing as all they're trying to do is get more people to play longer, I've already fulfilled that duty over and over. Hell I've got people to buy this game based on my recommendation. And stop pretending the user has no say, it's getting old.


And I like the current system more than the old one.
Same here, but that doesn't stop it being fustrating.
True, I'm down for a more fair system, but this isn't the shabbiest piece of shit on this side of the sea, you know?