The borealis


Litigious Fnargharbler
Apr 4, 2010
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Ok, now that your all listining.....

This is one of my first posts, and it was the main reason i joined this forum. The borealis is a ship which supposedly dissapeared and was made by the aperture science co-operation(not sure thats the right name, but meh). I'm tired of the vague references made during the game, flaring my curiousity.

Eli comments it is a very great and unstable power, and should not be harnassed. Before he tells you the importance of the Borealis he dies, taking the secret to his grave. From the blueprints shown briefly on Dr kleiners computer screen the front half seems to be an ordinary ship's layout, but there is a massive space in the middle which is shown as "confidential".

The borealis dissapeared before the seven hour war and was lost. The combine seem desperate to find it, and i'm wondering what could be inside??

I think it's an advanced or inverted form of the portal technology, but it must be more(?).
Most likely large-scale Portal technology that was unstable.

Or, shower curtains.
Must you joke about every post I create?

Because you didn't get the joke(it would have been funny if you had) I don't think you're in a good position to be making hypothesis.
Aperture Science is a shower curtain manufacturer so why not, that could be kind of cool. I don't see how curtains teleport large ships though
Aperture Science is a shower curtain manufacturer so why not, that could be kind of cool. I don't see how curtains teleport large ships though

If you got big shower curtains, put them up, and then had a ship travel through it, it teleported the ship to the other side of the curtain.

If you got big shower curtains, put them up, and then had a ship travel through it, it teleported the ship to the other side of the curtain.


I got the Joke: the CEO of the Aperture Science had begun his tycoon as a curtain suplier to the Army. I just though it irrelevant to the disapearance of my beloved:))) Borealis. I mean, come on, could Curtains really cause the mysterious dissapearance of a ship reffered to as a WMD?

And plus, Aperture Science stopped producing Curtains years ago, when the CEO was diagnosed with a variety of fatal medical alignments.
If you got big shower curtains, put them up, and then had a ship travel through it, it teleported the ship to the other side of the curtain.
