The Borealis.


Party Escort Bot
Oct 29, 2011
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I may not be a Half-Life forum veteran here, but I haven't seen many posts about the Borealis and what makes it's cargo so important. So, what do you think is on the Borealis that everybody wants to get?
just regular hats that you can tease the combine with because they don't have one and hope they leave the planet?
The Combine came to Earth for our hat technology.
waiting for the next game has made most members cruel towards these kind of threads

PS: Definetly hats.

Borealis is overrated. It's just some random ship that got stuck in ice. That's all you need to know about it!
We will never see Episode 3 because it's the cargo of Borealis. ;_;
No one is probably taking this seriously because there has already been a lot of speculation about the Borealis and her cargo and more threads about are just silly. I'm not saying anyone who posts here won't bring something new and/or interesting to the table but that's usually not the case with these threads.
Now that you mention it... hats do sound like something an alien dictatorship might want to have.
Cleaver Theory. I think it is super powerful weaponry which can end the war. The combine want to sercure it but the humans want to use it
I've always wanted a fez. I hope they have fezs on that stinkin' shell of a ship.
I may not be a Half-Life forum veteran here, but I haven't seen many posts about the Borealis and what makes it's cargo so important. So, what do you think is on the Borealis that everybody wants to get?

I'd say pretty advanced portal technology. The Combine are interested in it because it's currently their only option for re-establishing communication with the Overworld.

Which pretty much spells doom for the last bastion of humanity.
I'd say pretty advanced portal technology. The Combine are interested in it because it's currently their only option for re-establishing communication with the Overworld.

Which pretty much spells doom for the last bastion of humanity.

Wow. That's deep.
Maybe clones of Cave Johnson? Perhaps the Mantis Men stowed away in the hull? GLaDOS from another dimension?
Have a vague recollection of reading something where Valve denied that the ASHPD would be in Episode 3. May be wrong though...
I remember the first previews of HL2 carried a picture of the Borealis. They said the crew of the Ice-Breaker used in research were Half-Life fans, and were excited to have their ship involved. Those guys have been waiting for Episode 3 longer than anybody! ... assuming they didn't freeze like cartoon cavemen.. in which case it will be a much shorter wait. (It happens!)
My money's on a citadel type thing, maybe aperture came up with a way to teleport to the combine homeworld. Oh and hats, to jump on this bandwagon.
its the setting for HL3 ep3 or some kind of portal half life merger in witch they have to secure the powerful portal technology that the borealis used to teleport its self (and some of the dry dock) out of aperture laps 1970 condemned testing area to god knows where, no doubt they can use this portal tech to send the combine back.

The human resistance may either work with or against GLaDOS, I feel with is more likely as since GLaDOS has realised she is Caroline she has been... nicer!