The Dionaea House


Sep 4, 2005
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This is like a collection of supposed emails this guy recieved from his friend Mark who since his last email (Or text message actually) has gone missing. After you finish reading the emails the guy has updates on the site that lead to several blogs and what not. If you have the time this is really a great read and gets kind of creepy towards the end, especially if you follow the leads.
when reading this, I can't help but notice how much this Mark Condry was writing like he was telling a story. It really naggs me when I'm reading some of the correspondance.
This is the internet, and as such I don't trust it. This sounds on first impressions to me as some form of viral Advertising. If I'm proved wrong that'd be great, because the subject matter sounds quite sick if it was to advertise something.

Does anyone else notice how Mark goes through everything perfectly? If I were writing an email to someone I'd been friends with for ages and shred the same experiences with, I wouldn't write the emails like that at all. It seems like it's being written for someone who had no knowledge of anyone in their 'group'.

EDIT: Yeah I'm gonna go straight out and say I think this is fake to the core. I haven't even read all the emails but I can tell.
its definitely fake the way things go towards the end is just unrealistic. he keeps messaging eric after every step he takes.
That's so BS it's funny. Who the hell uses full sentences and punctuation in their emails to friends. Most of my emails are: "Yup, give me a phone call" not frickin novellas
I do :|

And yeah Its a great read. :O

And you use full sentences and words in your SMS text messeges too? I would say it is an add for sprint seeing how that is the only business name in it. And the text messeges are so clear.
Good read, but undoubtedly fake. I mean come on, those text messages at the end? "IM GOING UP THE STAIRS" Who does that?
And you use full sentences and words in your SMS text messeges too?

Actually compared to his emails, his text messages make sense too :p Short and to the point.

Also I didn't post this for the "lolomgitsrealz" factor :p Posted it because its a pretty good story, although its kind of a rip-off of House of Leaves >_>
And you use full sentences and words in your SMS text messeges too? I would say it is an add for sprint seeing how that is the only business name in it. And the text messeges are so clear.

I do. I also type in full sentences and proper grammar in my emails. :|
Oh yeah forgot about that. The blogs are pretty f'ed up too :/ (specially the first one they link too, the girl finds mark's keys in the hallway. D: )
Who knows maybe its real like the wyoming incident :O(Look it up I dont feel like posting it, but If I do I warn you now you may not sleep after discovering it.)
I use proper grammar all the time when online. But honestly that was very over the top. The planning was kind of alright, but the writer didn't give Mark a real dialect. Usually when you read something say on a forum, you begin to notice that people write things differently. I, for instance, use a fair few more commas than most do. But this Mark guy was using complete standard English throughout.
Standard English is usually associated with things like formal e-mails etc. But you definately, like others said, wouldn't use it in an informal environment. Ever. The guy who wrote it should have taken that into account, as well as ommiting some of the experiences. I mean apparently Eric was there wtih him, so he needn't go over it again.

I am an English student though, so I don't know if others would have noticed it the same.
He does better with the Baby sitters blog though. Looks exactly how you'd expect a blog of the sort to look like >_>
He does better with the Baby sitters blog though. Looks exactly how you'd expect a blog of the sort to look like >_>
Yeah after reading it I did kind of see what you mean, and in that Koreenmathers blog there's a couple of anomalies in the text that make it seem more authentic.

I was pissed off to find out that Eric and his friend end up being devoured/eaten/consumed by the house :|

Although I would like to know what it the house was exactly and why they built it, but asside from the Loreen Mathters Blog telling you who built it they really dont go past that D: I guess she got killed too seeing as she was going to return with floor plans and pictures of the house :x
thanks for spoiling it for me adrik ... i didnt get that far :'(
might want to add spoiler tags to it.
lol. i think its funny how he states that he wont fall for its tricks and then the next thing you know he's all packed up and ready to head out to the house.
edit:btw i googled the wyoming incident and it didnt seem that creepy. it isnt exactly paranormal like the dionaeo house.
edit:btw i googled the wyoming incident and it didnt seem that creepy. it isnt exactly paranormal like the dionaeo house.

Eh its more than you think. At first the videos don't really seem out of the ordinary, although there a bit creepy themselves. Its when you discover the Forum that everything goes a little bit crazy (Black-eyed children, Demons, and other crazy shit >_>)
read a bit into black eyed kids. Sounds pretty weird. Really only the main story out there from the reporter guy is the one I think is 'real' enough, and everyone else is just following his lead.
Yeah I actually looked him up too after I read that last blog entry :x also heres that link to the forum. (Most of the story parts are in the forum "HACKJOB Johnny")

The story is really hard to follow if you werent there from the beginning, and even if you were theres alot of investigating you have to do outside of the forum to understand alot of it.
Eh they should've stuck with the original name instead of "The Occupants".
Well I hope they do a good job with the movie. It's a interesting story although the idea with a "carnivorous" house isn't exactly original...