the first appearence of the citadel

You're getting silly here.
Yes, okay, there was an area called citadel in Doom.
Valve stole the idea for Half Life off a short story, Doom, and a shitty 90's sci-fi movie!

Cool, giving us a link with zero evidence that this has anything to do with HL2's citadels.

You are aware that citadels aren't exclusive to video games, right?
No you f*ck

Citadel definetly comes anywhere on earth so valve is robbing earth.
aaaahahahahahaa...sorry but troll alert ...GHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA im really sorry..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH SOOOOO GREAT...TROLL ALERT hahahahahahahaha
The first appearence of d0ctorfish was on the ol' Francis Bacon Wrote Shakespeare's Plays-site, in 1962...
There is currently no text in this page; you can search for this page title in other pages or edit this page. :cheese:
BACK OFF. I was gone for a while D: I saw this on the first page of the forum and didn't think to check the date :(

Woah, weird. There's a script that disables all-caps posts?
Apparently there was a citadel on Gallifrey. OMG, the worlds of Half-Life and Doctor Who have clashed! City 17 is, in fact, found on Gallifrey! :O
"There is currently no text in this page; you can search for this page title in other pages or edit this page." Ya uh.... Troll alert I must say? Besides, Valve didn't steal any idea. You can find quite a few CITADELS around the whole wide world. Fish.
"There is currently no text in this page; you can search for this page title in other pages or edit this page." Ya uh.... Troll alert I must say? Besides, Valve didn't steal any idea. You can find quite a few CITADELS around the whole wide world. Fish.

:E The same thing has happened to me.