The need for sleep

Feb 4, 2008
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It seems people are conflicted as to how episode 3 will start. Some think it will start right where me left off from ep 2. Others think that we will start the game in flight to the Borealis. While both make sense and would satisfy most gamers, there is a problem I have with either scenario: severe sleep deprivation.

Now, I know I'm being a finicky ass. It's not like most video games (or movies and books for that matter) adhere to extreme realism. In fact its the exact opposite for most video games. But since the beginning, Valve has taken huge steps to give realistic characters and worlds for us to explore. And I have enjoyed every moment of it. Maybe It's because I connect a great deal with the characters (thank god for good writers), but I believe Gordon and Alyx need a good rest.

I mean, can you imagine? Lets say we start the game right where we left off and we take off in the helicopter. Would Alyx be flying? I would hope not. If she was then I don't think we would really get shot down by the enemy. No, the helicopter would crash due to Alyx falling asleep at the wheel. Er, I mean, cyclic stick (thanks wikipedia). Think about it. Not only has she just had the emotional gut-punch of watching her father die (especially in that horrific manner), she was on the verge of death herself just earlier the same day. And between her near death and her fathers death, she went through a great deal of stress, including confronting hunters and the advisors. Not to mention the possible side effects the Gman had on her (as can be seen when she appears to get light headed after the "prepare for unforeseen consequences" bit). We could even go back further to the events that took place in episode one as well as Half-life 2. I'm not to sure how many days it has been since we first met up with her in Dr. Kleiner's lab, but it's been long enough that she is running on empty. And thats just Alyx.

What about Gordon? When does he sleep? I know he must have rested well during those many years of stasis. He may have gotten a few winks while under the rubble (before dog found him and woke him up). And who wouldn't get some shut eye in a derailed train car that is teetering on an unstable bridge? More than likely these were not times of great rest. And then there is the fact that this is Gordon Freeman. Not only did he take out the citadel (and then help to stabilize it again) but he has fought off hoards of antlions, combine soldiers and zombies (and every variation of their kind). And every step of the way he watched countless civilians and resistance members die. He also helplessly watched Alyx get ambushed and then later the same day watched Eli die (again helplessly). I know that most MIT graduate theoretical scientists usually show no emotion, but how much can one man take? I think he is due for some R&R. But, being how we are in an interstellar war, the vacation must wait.

But what if in the start of Ep3 Gordon "wakes up" and we are in fact in flight. But looks over and sees that Alyx is asleep. Then you look over to see who is flying and realize that it is Barney. Alyx could wake up and there would be a lot of exposition. lol Ok so the chances of that happening are not good. But at least it would sorta make sense. It would give Alyx and Gordon time to rest up (how many days have they been up?) while bringing back a familiar face (Barney) and would still start the game in a great setting (in flight to the Borealis).

Sound good? Probably not, but its just what I would like to see. Please let me know if I missed something that would contradict this! Or even if you just hate it because of my last thread post, just say so =P

Oh, and when I say "wakes up" I am implying that he most likely blacked out at the end of Ep2 (hence the fade out to credits). Some don't think that he did, but lets check the other endings and beginnings to see how they compare:

HL Ending - Gordon is put into stasis (or chooses death, but if that was so, then that would be the end now wouldn't it :p)

HL2 Beginning - Gordon is pulled out of stasis

HL2 Ending - Gordon is put back into stasis (albeit very temporarily)

Ep1 Beginning - Gordon is pulled out of stasis by vortigaunts and placed in rubble at the base of the citadel

Ep1 Ending - A car gets hurdled at both Gordon and Alyx. I don't know if this is what "knocked him out" or if he is actually knocked out, but I think it is safe to assume so.

Ep2 Beginning - Gordon "wakes up" / becomes conscious.

Ep2 Ending - After being held up by the psychokinetic powers of an advisor, then dropped to the floor moments later, Gordon's view fades to black with the last image being of Alyx crying over Eli.

So all the previous endings and beginnings have been a direct result from either the Gman, Vortigaunts, or a car getting flung to the face. There really hasn't been a beginning that started you right after the previous ending. There have either been black outs or stasis hibernations (and even then Gordon was brought back to a slightly different place and time).

On a totally different note... I didn't know Adam Baldwin lent his voice for Ep2?! Awesome =)

OK enough of this little spiel.

Edit: I just realized the time! 2am! Brings the thread title to a new meaning :)
The part about Barney driving the copter was unexpected.

Come to think of it, its a really good idea, but didnt Barney leave the citadel 1 episode ago...never to be seen again?
Not bad, well though out and reasonable. but no mater how good the characters and storyline are this IS a video game and "sleeping" really only fits into RPGs. also if you wake up in the helicopter just think of all the deep character building scenes that we would have missed. Gordon and Alyx would be awake for the Ep2 aftermath, the flight/mission prep, and take off. they COULD sleep on the way up if Barny was flying OR if the helicopter had a auto pilot. and the ending does suggest that Gordon did not pass out/fall asleep so we will start right where we left off. but in principle your right even a video game character can only go so long without sleep before it become annoyingly obvious. and if they could work is some sleep for Gordon and Alyx that would be fine.
As I have said a few times, I think Episode 3 will start off with Gordon slowly waking from his sleep, undressed from his HUV suit which hangs in a cupboard across from his bed. Then Barney, Kleiner or Magnusson (Barney or Magnusson most likely) will enter and explain the situation etc. Then we will leave in the helicopter to fully begin Episode 3.
Not bad, well though out and reasonable. but no mater how good the characters and storyline are this IS a video game and "sleeping" really only fits into RPGs. also if you wake up in the helicopter just think of all the deep character building scenes that we would have missed. Gordon and Alyx would be awake for the Ep2 aftermath, the flight/mission prep, and take off. they COULD sleep on the way up if Barny was flying OR if the helicopter had a auto pilot. and the ending does suggest that Gordon did not pass out/fall asleep so we will start right where we left off. but in principle your right even a video game character can only go so long without sleep before it become annoyingly obvious. and if they could work is some sleep for Gordon and Alyx that would be fine.

I do agree that starting right where we left off would make a lot of sense. Plus it would finally be the first time Valve didn't cop out to the gman/stasis/black out option :) But if it does start right where we left off, then how long is the helicopter ride going to be? Are we really going to the arctic? I know we are heading somewhere north that appears to be mostly ice and snow. Maybe a mountain range? But whether its at the arctic or some mountain, how long are we going to be flying in that helicopter? I wouldn't think any longer than 5 to 10 minutes of game play. How far would that really get us to the Borealis? (before we get shot down/crash and lose all our weapons :p ) I guess I came up with my theory since it was a reasonable way to transition from ep 2 to 3, while having the characters already en route to their destination.
Gordon could fall asleep for the copter ride and wake up a few times during the ride.
I do agree that starting right where we left off would make a lot of sense. Plus it would finally be the first time Valve didn't cop out to the gman/stasis/black out option :) But if it does start right where we left off, then how long is the helicopter ride going to be? Are we really going to the arctic? I know we are heading somewhere north that appears to be mostly ice and snow. Maybe a mountain range? But whether its at the arctic or some mountain, how long are we going to be flying in that helicopter? I wouldn't think any longer than 5 to 10 minutes of game play. How far would that really get us to the Borealis? (before we get shot down/crash and lose all our weapons :p ) I guess I came up with my theory since it was a reasonable way to transition from ep 2 to 3, while having the characters already en route to their destination.

You may like to know that the White Forest base isn't at all far from snow. I'll quote myself:

I'd just like to point out that the helicopter ride won't be a very long one. There is one part in Episode Two, Alyx exclaims:

"I know that peak! You can see it from White Forest!"

This "peak" was a huge snowy mountain which didn't appear to be very far away. And it was among other huge snowy mountains.

Possibly the only reason we need a helicopter is that mountains would be too difficult to traverse on foot.
I'd just like to point out that the helicopter ride won't be a very long one. There is one part in Episode Two, Alyx exclaims:

"I know that peak! You can see it from White Forest!"

This "peak" was a huge snowy mountain which didn't appear to be very far away. And it was among other huge snowy mountains.

Possibly the only reason we need a helicopter is that mountains would be too difficult to traverse on foot.
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Thank you! I have been wondering why most people think the Borealis is in the Arctic circle. I just sorta assumed that it would be very far away since most people think that it will be. I even thought this myself at first, but after playing ep2 the second time I realized that the mountain that Alyx points out could in fact be where the Borealis is residing. That would make a short helicopter ride from the base to the mountain that could happen in near real time (with plot and character exposition and in-flight battles happening during that time). However, it seems almost too convenient if it was in fact at that mountain. I mean, the White forest base was relatively close to City 17, and now the mountain is relatively close to the White Forest base. And why, out of all the places of the world, would the Borealis get teleported so close to City 17/White Forest? Unless of course the Gman had a hand in that. But thats a matter for a totally different thread all together =)
The part about Barney driving the copter was unexpected.

Come to think of it, its a really good idea, but didnt Barney leave the citadel 1 episode ago...never to be seen again?

Yes, he took a different train, maybe to a different location all together. But I like to think that he was probably on his way to White Forest and got side tracked by some hunters (or something to that effect). He then makes his way to the base just in time to fly Gordon and Alyx to their destination. I mean, how cool would it be to have both Alyx and Barney fighting along side us? Even if it was for just a short battle it would be nice. But this is just what I want and not necessarily something that would/could work within the Half-Life story. But who knows. Valve has probably read enough "wheres Barney" threads and emails that they might add him into ep3, even if it is just a cameo (unless of course they've been planning this from the beginning, which I would not put past them).
I even thought this myself at first, but after playing ep2 the second time I realized that the mountain that Alyx points out could in fact be where the Borealis is residing.
You don't think it would be unlikely that a Resistance base that can clearly see the mountain peak wouldn't have discovered the Borealis in the (presumed) decades of its disappearance.

People assume it's in the Arctic because that's where the old story drafts said you'd go post-Air Control and AFAIR, because the files associated with the Mossman scene are called 'arctic'.
You don't think it would be unlikely that a Resistance base that can clearly see the mountain peak wouldn't have discovered the Borealis in the (presumed) decades of its disappearance.

People assume it's in the Arctic because that's where the old story drafts said you'd go post-Air Control and AFAIR, because the files associated with the Mossman scene are called 'arctic'.

Very good point. So I guess this and from what others have said in other threads is that the Borealis is most likely in the arctic, or at least, within the arctic circle. If it is in the arctic then this brings me back to the ep3 opening debate (starts in flight vs. starts right where we left off in ep2). It just makes more sense if Gordon passed out at the end of ep2, since if Ep3 started with us back at the White Forest base, wouldn't that be quite a long flight? But if we were to start out Ep3 in flight, we could already be in the arctic circle when we either land at the Borealis or get shot down.
I say they go to the Borealis at least 10 minutes into the game. And then they run out of cake.
I hope that Episode Three doesn't start with Gordon waking up after being knocked out to find that they've already bundled him onto an aircraft headed for trouble. He's not B.A Baracus.
I hope that Episode Three doesn't start with Gordon waking up after being knocked out to find that they've already bundled him onto an aircraft headed for trouble. He's not B.A Baracus.

Well I for one don't have a problem with starting out the game in flight, nor do I have a problem starting the game right where we left off at the end of Ep2. It just seems logical that it would start in flight (well it does in my logic anyway :cheese:). If we started right where we left off, there would be the whole process of getting onto the helicopter and then the flight to the Borealis. And unless Valve wants to cheat and either have the Borealis close by (ie the peak seen from White forest) or to have a 5 minute helicopter ride and "magically" we are at the arctic, it would seem that the flight would take quite a while. Even if we were to be shot down after 5 or 10 minutes of exposition, wouldn't that still be a hell of a long walk? But if Valve does take a bit of a short cut and do either scenario above it would be fine with me, since it is a video game and therefor realism has to take the backseat to some creative liberties. And if we did start in flight, I personally would love it if the copter was being piloted by Barney. But thats just my lousy 2 cents :)
What you said was good and made perfect sense, but I dont think gamers would like to wait 10 minutes just to actually start walking around.

Or heck, why not let the helicopter flight be a chapter itself, like Black Mesa East.
Sleep! What a novel comcept! Seriously, I would like the idea, but I can tell you that many people wouldnt. I dont mean your concept for EP 3, but sleeping in games as a whole, and as a requirement. I wouldnt mind though.
And I want mah Barney back
= (
I would think that if valve are determined to bring some sort of realism to the characters, especially shown with Alyx. The helicopter ride would take a fair amount of time to reach it's destination so wherever it's Barney or a rebel piloting the helicopter while Alyx and Gordon are having a rest would make sense because i can't picture Alyx being in the right frame of mind to pilot the helicopter. Therefore opening the potential for sleep and maybe even a encounter with the g-man?

On a side note, being my first post i'd just like to say hi everyone!
Sleep! What a novel comcept! Seriously, I would like the idea, but I can tell you that many people wouldnt. I dont mean your concept for EP 3, but sleeping in games as a whole, and as a requirement. I wouldnt mind though.
And I want mah Barney back
= (

Well I would probably mind if players had to sleep in a game lol. I just thought that sleep would be a good transition from the end of ep2 to the beginning of ep3. You know, the game would start with Gordon waking up after all the emotional and physical stress from the past previous days and see that he is in flight to the Borealis. Barney (because in my vision, Barney would be piloting) would see that he was awake and say something to the affect of "rise and shine Gordon, you've been out for 6 hours! Cant blame you though, seeing all thats happened to you" (or something to that effect). I'm not saying all games need the main player to sleep, but in this instance, it might make the transition to the Borealis quicker and still be logical.

And welcome Gordonsglasses and SS_Bane. As you can see I am fairly new here myself =)
6 hours! LOL
I can barely wake up in the morning after 9

maybe a bit more...
The Helicopter ride would be a great opportunity to fill in some back story, have some character development, g-man scene, and yes some sleep.
Ah, sleep.

Fortunately, we have the trusty HEV suit.

I can hear it now:

Ah, sleep.

Fortunately, we have the trusty HEV suit.

I can hear it now:

Hehe :E
I already posted this in another thread, but it fits here too.

I'd like the episode to open with Gordon fading out of darkness on the bottom bunk of a bed, Alyx next to him, holding his hand, seeing tears on her cheeks. She looks at Gordon as he turns his head to her, the look on her face worth a million words. Excitement, happiness, relief, all that good stuff. Gordon sits up and finds his crowbar and gg on the ground next to his bed.

"I think they put the rest of your weapons in the chopper." Alyx says. "Oh, Gordon, thank god you're okay. I thought I'd lost you too..."

The look on her face shows her embarrassment, and she shyly picks at her locket again. Gordon can tell, after realizing what she was doing, she is overcome by grief. The look on her face changes, she appears to be on the verge of tears. She remembers her dad when she touches it. Bravely, she wipes her eyes with her arm.

"Sorry." she says. "We should probably get going. The sentries said they spotted more combine heading this way. We have to leave before they can get close enough to shoot us down."

As they walk out of the room, in the hallway there are shrieks of pain and grief. The news has just finally reached the ears of the resistance. Alyx appears distant as you walk past a sobbing couple (you know the two I mean.) She seems to walk a bit faster as you pass the garage, into the control room. Kliener looks up as they enter the room. Sitting on the couch he seems to be trying to say something. He can't get the words out, but instead he stands up and walks over to Alyx. He puts his hands on her shoulders, she's still fiddling with her locket. The Doctor gently shakes her. Alyx look up at him from the corner of her eye as he speaks.

"Alyx, are you ready?" he asks (Something along those lines, I've never been good with dialogue."
"Yes..." She says, quietly. "We're ready."
"Then you must go, now, quickly. There is no telling how much time we have."

Alyx and Gordon say goodbye and head back to the hangar. On their way they are passed by a group of people who seem to be carrying something. they cannot see what it is, but many are sobbing. It could only be a stretcher with his body on it. Alyx turns to the opposite wall, and tries her best to keep from looking at her father. Gordon can't control himself, he puts an arm around her. She hugs him, sobbing, he seems to consul her quickly, she isn't used to getting much attention from him. Amazingly, she smiles at him, for the first time in the last few hours she really looks happy. Tears in her eyes, she turns and continues to walk with Gordon. On their way, Magnussen passes by. He is hanging his head, and looks over to Alyx. He remains silent, he just keeps walking, and turns away. This seems to not effect Alyx now. She is only concerned with the task ahead. When they reach the hangar, there are many resistance members gathered around in a circle at the bottom of the elevator. They appear to be there to aid in the takeoff, yet their presence couldn't hope to keep onlookers from seeing the pools of blood on the floor. Some of it yellow, most of it Maroon. Alyx is fiddling with her locket again. She looks to the ground as if there is something there for her.

"You ready to go?" says one of the men.

There isn't a response.

"Well... The chopper's ready for you. Freeman, your weapons are in the back. I still can't tell how you carry all of them at once... you would have been good at smuggling."

Not realizing the bad timing, the man's joke was ignored. Taken aback, he carries on.

"Right... Well, Alyx, I'm not sure how much experience you have in the sky, but you'll be flying. You'll only be in for 2 hours, so you've got plenty of gas. Good luck to you both, and... Miss Vance... I'm sorry..."

Slowly, Alyx climbs in the chopper, Gordon close behind her. The chopper blades fire up as Gordon grabs his gear. He goes to sit in the cockpit with Alyx, as he peeks his head in he hears a sob. He sits down next to Alyx, and trying to be tough, she wipes her eyes and smiles at Gordon. The chopper lifts off, and as the hanger draws farther away, the blood seems to disappear. It's behind them now. The real fight has just begun.
Does anyone think that this is the last episode (EP3) and than HL3 or its all over forever? (Reply Plzz)
Does anyone think that this is the last episode (EP3) and than HL3 or its all over forever? (Reply Plzz)

No. There will be more to come, definitely. Too much story has been left untold for this to end in the next two games.
I really don't feel like thinking about something that probably won't happen for about 10 years (the end of HL3).
The series so far as announced-

The Resonance Cascade -
Half Life 1
Opposing Force
Blue Shift

Combine War -
Half Life 2
Half Life 2: Episode 1
Half Life 2: Episode 2
Half Life 2: Episode 3

Next HL Story -
Half Life 3

Most series never get this many full games which all have relevance to just one overall story, so consider HL a llucky exception.
gordan didn't black out at the end of epi2. he just straight up fell asleep. he was like **** this shit and hit the sack right then and there.
gordan didn't black out at the end of epi2. he just straight up fell asleep. he was like **** this shit and hit the sack right then and there.

Well... i guess he needed to get some rest somehow.
What are you guys talking about?

Gordon had 10 years to sleep....

If your talking about the original stasis he was in then that was 20, and i doubt that was anything close to rest unless you've tried it then look me up and tell me about it sometime. No really i'd love to talk 20 years of total nothingness with you because i obviously have nothing better to do. Also i think president bush is our best yet and that the world is going to end in 2012! Ok maybe not. Wow this is quite a rant isn't it? Anyway back to reality, i do not believe those last two statements were true, but i also don't think that anything, sleep included into the 'anything' category unless you want to include it in the more important 'everything' category, NO! BAD FISHY! but i also don't think that anything, sleep included into the 'anything' category, happens during statis. I can just imagine it now...

"Rise and shine... Mr. Freeman... Rise and shi-"

"Five more minutes..."
If your talking about the original stasis he was in then that was 20, and i doubt that was anything close to rest unless you've tried it then look me up and tell me about it sometime. No really i'd love to talk 20 years of total nothingness with you because i obviously have nothing better to do. Also i think president bush is our best yet and that the world is going to end in 2012! Ok maybe not. Wow this is quite a rant isn't it? Anyway back to reality, i do not believe those last two statements were true, but i also don't think that anything, sleep included into the 'anything' category unless you want to include it in the more important 'everything' category, NO! BAD FISHY! but i also don't think that anything, sleep included into the 'anything' category, happens during statis. I can just imagine it now...

"Rise and shine... Mr. Freeman... Rise and shi-"

"Five more minutes..."

My apologies but I couldnt tell if you were "scolding" me for my post or giving me some friendly criticism. But I'd imagine it to be EXTREMELY boring to do nothing but float in total darkness for 20 years, I'd assume that Gordon used those time to rest as well... he couldnt do anything else.

Dosent Episode 1 - Episode 2 last for about only a few days or 1 week at most? I'd imagine someone that has slept for 10-20 years be able to stay awake for 1 week.

I apologize for my lack of knowledge.
as far as that goes, I've slept for almost 2 days before, and even then I stayed awake for about the length of another day. More sleep doesn't mean you can stay awake longer. It's not like charging a battery, at least, as far as I know. The mind can stay in a conscious state for only so long before becoming woozy and needing rest. Even if Gordon doesn't need sleep, how about Alyx? She's had a rough damn week. her home was destroyed, her father was captured, she tried o save him, but then her "friend" betrayed her, taking her father to the citadel, then she gets captured herself, citadel goes boom because Gordon saved her... (Lost train of thought for a second.) and on top of that she now has to make it out of the damn overrun city, fighting her way through every block, fighting in an abandoned parking garage where the only reason she can see is Gordon's light, and sometimes it doesn't even work right. And then the train she takes to escape it caught in the explosion. She thinks that Gordon was dead, but she continues to look for her crush for hours, finally finding him, then learns that the main force of the combine is coming back to earth, just to get attacked by a hunter put on the brink of death. She is saved of course, and we all know that now she has to deal with her father's death... she's earned a good 16 or 18 hours of sleep.

That took a lot longer to type out than it did to think it...
My apologies but I couldnt tell if you were "scolding" me for my post or giving me some friendly criticism. But I'd imagine it to be EXTREMELY boring to do nothing but float in total darkness for 20 years, I'd assume that Gordon used those time to rest as well... he couldnt do anything else.

Dosent Episode 1 - Episode 2 last for about only a few days or 1 week at most? I'd imagine someone that has slept for 10-20 years be able to stay awake for 1 week.

I apologize for my lack of knowledge.

Actually i was attempting to make it just friendly criticism but my lost my train of thought several time and wrote down whatever came to mind, usually resulting in me getting overactive.
I could see Gordon falling asleep on the helicopter ride for a bit.
enough about sleep... when was the last time gordon had food or water? before the resonance cascade? where does that man get all that energy?!

but yeah, if he is sleeping in the next one, the gman will most likely haunt those dreams... or actually try to communicate with him.