The need for sleep

If you're talking about realistic terms, Gordon is being controlled by either a keyboard or a controller.

If you're talking game terms, I think it has something to do with the HEV suit that gives him the extra power.
or bathed..... alyx as well. i kno they're supposed to make those grandkids for eli, but i imagine they both reak of filth.
enough about sleep... when was the last time gordon had food or water? before the resonance cascade? where does that man get all that energy?!
Gordon sleeps, drinks, eats and performs other types of physiological activities when you're away from keyboard :dork:
Well as for food energy input you can go 3 weeks without food just living off existing fat stores, and if it comes down to it, existing muscle mass. I would, however, imagine the HEV suit has an intravenous feed of some high-calorie slurry inject right into his bloodstream.
On the subject of sleep, after the first 96 consecutive hours awake your brain starts to incur permanent brain damage (not sure how severe it is). After about 24 your performance lags considerably (speaking from experience here), it's a pretty rapid drop-off actually. As for sleep 20 years and waking up, do you seriously think that it works like that? An automatic linear sleep system? You need about a 2:1 ratio of awake to sleep to be fully functional. 16 hours awake, 8 hours asleep. As for Gordon? Pretty much he's a badass and that's why he doesn't need it. I don't know if being unconscious works as a resting period for you brain to essentially do the system reboot it does in your sleep.
And let's not forget, this is all real time. How many hours of gameplay is HL2 w/ episodes? Like 35 total? 25 for HL2, 4 for Ep1. and 6 for Ep2? So not including the times your KO'd which are indeterminate periods the fact is you're not awake straight a very long time relatively speaking. If the Unconscious periods count as rest times then it's a pretty doable affair if you ask me.
Also, the stasis in which Gordon was placed would basically be his life-signs slowing to almost nil and there would be no actual 'sleeping' as we term it. G-Man may also have put him in an accelerated time cycle to where he essentially is in an area of space where time moves much slower.
A boat on a mountain makes a lot of sense.
Yeah, so a boat on a mountain totally works. *coughcough* It's got to be in the arctic circle somewhere, it's the only place salt-water freezes over like that. Considering that we're in Russia or somewhere similar then I'd guess it would be a long ride but not more than 12 hours at most.
or bathed..... alyx as well. i kno they're supposed to make those grandkids for eli, but i imagine they both reak of filth.

As long as we're on the topic of personal hygene, how about a change of clothing for Alyx? I'm sure Gordon would rather keep his H.E.V. suit on but i doubt a jacket with two holes torn in the back of it, the rim of which are covered in blood, along with every-day jeans and finerless gloves are the best thing's to choose for a trip to the Arctic. I know this is supposed to be one of the (or just THE) most realistic games of all time so come on Valve, as long as we have the chance at White Forest let's get Alyx into something less blood stained.
Half-Life isn't really realistic, nor does it necessarily aim to be.
Half-Life isn't really realistic, nor does it necessarily aim to be.

I just believe that since the physics are near perfect it would be aiming for realistic instead of when firing a tire with the gravity gun it goes over the entire city before it decides that gravity should get it's turn.
But, you know, the gravity gun is quite possibly one of the most unrealistic video game weapons ever.
The series is realistic in that it implements implausible ideas (like the Gravity Gun) is a somewhat plausible manner, if you get what I mean. Also little details like those newspaper cuttings about the 7 Hour War, they make the world seem more real.
It's a Zero Point Field Manipulator Gun...Zero Point referring to the quantum physics theory that matter is created an destroyed. So I guess if it takes advantage of Zero Point Energy it has an enormous amount of energy to tap into to manipulate gravitational fields.
Again, that's just making an excuse for a theoretically implausible weapon.
Half-Life isn't really realistic, nor does it necessarily aim to be.
True, but it's odd when you consider that back when HL1 was released, its modern-day 'average-workday gone wrong' feel was what made it stand out in a sea of supernaturally themed FPS games.

And everyone knows that Hannibal will put sleeping pills into Gordon's drink to get him on the plane.
I think "believable" is a more appropriate term to use. The Half-Life series itself employs a lot of things that are unrealistic. But it implements and exposes them to you in a way that the player accepts without questioning. It's immersing and engrossing, so much so that it renders the idea of one man fighting through City 17 against hordes of aliens while chucking toilets at them rather convincingly.

I think of games like OpFlash when I think of realism.
As long as we're on the topic of personal hygene, how about a change of clothing for Alyx? I'm sure Gordon would rather keep his H.E.V. suit on but i doubt a jacket with two holes torn in the back of it, the rim of which are covered in blood, along with every-day jeans and finerless gloves are the best thing's to choose for a trip to the Arctic. I know this is supposed to be one of the (or just THE) most realistic games of all time so come on Valve, as long as we have the chance at White Forest let's get Alyx into something less blood stained.

yea agreed. if they dont change her clothes for epi 3 while in the artic i will be upset. but half life 2 and the 2 episodes take place in like 3 days.... assuming u dont take into consideration the week long time laps with the combine portal. so its really only 3 days. so i suppose for rebel fighters thats not bad. i mean they are probably still dirty as hell. but for fighting off the combine they can catch a brake.

and as for a realistic game, it is in the future, and with the introduction of the vorts and other alien life forms I'm sure they had some what of a technological jump. and who knows what technology the govt already holds in secret, or privately funded labs. and yea valve displays it in a way that makes it seem acceptable and realistic.
I should certainly imagine that they'll be a fairly substantial time delay between the end of ep2 and the the beginning of ep3, since ep2 ended on such an emotional note. Might begin with Gordon waking up to begin his travels to the Borealis, or like you said, in-flight.

I'd be suprised if we don't see Barney again- hes a staple of the series, but I imagine he'll be bought back as a suprise, mid game, be it in ep3 of Half Life 3, rather than being right there at the beginning.
I think it should start out right where episode 2 left off. Like this, Alyx picks up her father and asks DOG to pick up gordon. Then they go back to Dr.Kleiner, during the walk there, Gordon randomly shuts his eyes at moments. When they get there, Dr.Kleiner takes Eli's body somewhere safe, and you go on the helicopter.
It should start right where ep2 left off... but it would be better if you wake up and you have a few moments of watching Alyx cry over Eli and then some one runs in and discovers you and runs to get help, a few minuets latter during which you could have some Alyx character development, a sentamental moment where Alyx and Gordon (you) become closer, or you could be visited by the G-man or someone else (BUT WHO?) then a whole buch of people run in and well a shole bunch of stuff chould happen after that....... oh and there is a whole thread dedicated to this.
I think it should start out right where episode 2 left off. Like this, Alyx picks up her father and asks DOG to pick up gordon. Then they go back to Dr.Kleiner, during the walk there, Gordon randomly shuts his eyes at moments. When they get there, Dr.Kleiner takes Eli's body somewhere safe, and you go on the helicopter.

This sounds good too, but how long do you think the helicopter ride would be then? Would we flying for only five minutes (during which we would have some exposition) and then get shot down/land?
We'll land for whatever reason and fight Ep. 3's Ravenholm (and possibly something else as well). Then we'll proceed to the Borealis. That's what I think anyway.
I'm thinking it will start out with you seeing the Alyx crying over Eli, as we left. Think about it, all of the HL2 have started where the last one ended. HL1 ended on a train, HL2 begins on a train and ends in the citadel, Episode One begins in the citadel, ends on the train, Episode two begins on the train, etc.

Kliener, Magnusson and Labby will likely come in, as they (at least the first two) have promised to say goodbye, and I just love Labby so he gets to be there. I doubt we will hang around for Eli's funeral, thats the last thing he would have wanted when the whole freakin' world is about to get raped. Again.
I'm thinking it will start out with you seeing the Alyx crying over Eli, as we left. Think about it, all of the HL2 have started where the last one ended. HL1 ended on a train, HL2 begins on a train and ends in the citadel, Episode One begins in the citadel, ends on the train, Episode two begins on the train, etc.

Kliener, Magnusson and Labby will likely come in, as they (at least the first two) have promised to say goodbye, and I just love Labby so he gets to be there. I doubt we will hang around for Eli's funeral, thats the last thing he would have wanted when the whole freakin' world is about to get raped. Again.

It's a pattern! EP2 ended in a garage, EP3 begins at the citadel.
I must question where this thread made a shift from a discussion about Gordon's sleep to "OMG WHEREZ EP3 GONNA START?!".
this happens a lot. normally it will go back to the original topic after a while or it just dies.
It'll probably start off right where EP2 left off. However, remember that in every episode, there needs to be a time allocated for new players to practice with weapons and be comfortable with the elements in the game.

So the question, how do you start off EP3 after such a climatic scene in EP2 and still let new players to adjust themselves to the game?

Also HL series starts the game with the player being weaponless. That's another factor we have to look into before coming up with predictions of how to start off EP3.

I could somehow sense that lord_raken has some ideas because he writes some amazingly good stories in posts around the forum. :) But I could be wrong...
It'll probably start off right where EP2 left off. However, remember that in every episode, there needs to be a time allocated for new players to practice with weapons and be comfortable with the elements in the game.

So the question, how do you start off EP3 after such a climatic scene in EP2 and still let new players to adjust themselves to the game?

Also HL series starts the game with the player being weaponless. That's another factor we have to look into before coming up with predictions of how to start off EP3.

I could somehow sense that lord_raken has some ideas because he writes some amazingly good stories in posts around the forum. :) But I could be wrong...

:) actually I do have an idea or two. Thanks for your confidence. Taking what you said in mind I came up with this.

It will start with a recap/trailer of the events of ep1 and ep2 like ep2 did. But this will be different. For one, all the shots will be from Gordon's perspective. To those who pay attention it will be clear that that this recap is Gordon's memory of the last few days. When it gets to the last scene in ep2 (Alxy crying over dead Eli) it will fade to black and then more images will appear. The same scene in the hangar but when Dr. Kliener and Magnuson run in to witness the tragedy. Break, medics are working over you. One of them says ?he looks unhurt, but he is going to have one major head ache? his joke is without humor. You look over to see Alyx cradling Eli's body crying with dog standing over her. A bunch of Medics are trying to assist her but he shrugs them off. You get up shoving the medics out of the way and walk over to Alyx (Dog lets you get close). You crouch down and your hand extends to touch her on the shoulder. She looks at you and slowly lets Eli go ( Dog steps back and medics come in to take Eli away) suddenly she launches herself into your arms and you embrace her. She begins to cry anew and sobs something like ?I can't believe he is gone... don't leave me too.?

Break, your on a hilltop outside White Forrest. Many others are gathered around a platform on which is Eli (in a coffin or draped in some cloth) you are next to it with Alyx, Dr. Kliener, and Dr. Magnuson. Kliener is giving a elegy. Break, some type of ritual is being preformed over Eli by to Vorts, Alyx and several other cry soflty.

Break, your back in White Forest in the room where you watched the Borrialis tape. Magnuson, Kliener, and Alyx are there. The tape plays on the screens. Alyx is siting on the couch looking at the picture of her mother and father. Magnuson it talking in his regular 'you must be an idiot voice'.?I understand you desire to honor Eli's wishes, Alyx, but what is on that ship could give us and invaluable advantage against the Combine.? Alxy looks you and Magnuson, puts the picture aside, stands up and advances on Magnuson. Eh says something like ?My Dad knew more about this than you do or ever will!? he voice in a mixture and anger and grief. Kliener steps up and places a reassuring arm on Alyx and tries to console her and suggests that they do not have enough information to make an informed decision.

Your siting in a bedroom with Alyx talking. She talks about how much she misses Eli
and how glad she it to still have you. Also about he uncertainty of your mission and Exe. this scene ends with her hugging you once again.

Everything goes dark for a moment. Then a series of images (like at the beginning of HL2) flash before your eyes except instead of the citadel its the Borrialis. The G-man appears and starts talking to you with his usual speech about usefulness and necessity and eludes to some task he wants you to do. Then he is interrupted by the Vorts who tell of a great task ahead and its importance to the future of all. This ends with The G-man saying something like ?Wake up, Dr. Freman. I am confident that you will not disappoint me? (he does not sound confident but threatening) and then the Vort also says something like ?The Free-man must awake an arduous take awaits.?

The screen goes dark and ?Half Life 2: Episode 3? marches out of the black.
Your eyes open and you are in a room lying on a bed. There is a bed across from yours and there is a brown Jacket with two bloody holes hanging from a coat rack. You get up from the bed and the basic movement prompts pop up on the screen. On the bedside table of the bed across from you ther is the picture of Eli, Azian, and Alyx. Someone outside pounds of the metal door. A familiar voice comes from the other side.
?Hey Gordon open up!? the ?press 'E' to open door prompt appears on the screen and when you open the door you find Barny standing there. ?Gordon. Glad to see your up. Man, you slept enough for a whole army... i guess you kind-a are one hu.? (you know Barny should be included in one of the scenes above). Barny will make some comments about Eli and what a terrible thing it was both personally and for the resistance. He is silent for a moment then continues more brightly (Barny seems like the kind of guy who wouldn't lose his bright personality or sense of humor even during the darkest of times. Pleas correct me if i am wrong). They're about to start the final briefing before we move out. Come on.? you move through the White Forrest facility and Barny talks about that happened to him during Ep2. You com to a door and you can hear some voices inside. Barny turns to you and makes a comment about how he is concerned at the long term effect this will have of Alyx and asks Gordon to watch out for her.
The door opens and you walk into a room with Kliener, Magnuson, Alyx and a Vort. You are then briefed about ?what we know?, the rough location of the ship and a few other tidbits of info. You will then be taken to ?suit up? where you are once again reunited with your old friend. But there has been some modifications to the suit. Something functional like some sort of sensor array to gather the needed info and transmit it back to Kleiner (this would be interesting but break from the ?cut off from everyone? feeling that is so prized in the other games) or it could just be a flashlight/sprint upgrade, or something that will protect you from extreme cold. Also you are given the Gravity gun.
Three things could happen: one your given all the weapons or most of them and you lose them latter in the helicopter crash, two your given the basics Gav-gun, crow bar, pistol, and smg, and then the base is attacked and you have to fight your way to the helicopter. The attack would not be a frontal assault but a small group of combine special forces sent to sabotage things (or a squad or two that got left behind after the big battle), maybe gather information on the satellite White Forrest launched. And you mut clear them out. Nothing too hard
Then you get in the helicopter a fly off. The flight could be dealt with by another sleep or a G-man/ Vort vision.
Then you get attacked the helicopter crashes and you got the rest of the way on the ground.

So, did I cover it all? By using ?memories/dreams? to illustrate the aftermath of the events in Ep2 I was able deliver those scenes more effectively that forcing the player to play though, what would probably be, an hour of no action (lots of walking). Instead all the scenes were displayed in maybe a 5 to 10 min cinematic that could be made more engaging by the method of display.
Okay, by having Gordon wake up a few days latter and having to go through the briefing and suit up basic controls are learned and solves "the need for sleep" problem.
Having the base being attacked provides a basic combat course and the first few weapons.

Sorry if I concentrated too much on one thing or the other I am very biased in my idea on how things should go and what the main point of the game is.
Wall of text...


(Too long, didn't read, try using correct grammar.)
Look. i know it is long so if you don't want to read thats fine. but it really annoys me when people take the time to announce their disinterest.
and I know my grammar is bad... probably because i did no bother to check it...
Well that's too bad...

But I'm not reading it. I'd rather be a sissy and bitch about how long it is. :D
good lord we were blessed with the return key for a reason. and its not to return anywhere.
:) actually I do have an idea or two. Thanks for your confidence. Taking what you said in mind I came up with this.

It will start with a recap/trailer of the events of ep...........................................

Well, that's a great script but the cinematic for the whole scene would be like 10-12mins. However I do see the need to elaborate on Eli's death and expand Alyx's character. And the introduction of Barney is a nice touch since the scene was very dramatic and he provides the much needed comic relief.
yea it would be really long but much shorter than playing though those events yourself. and they might be able to make in under 10min if they knew what they were doing. even if it was 15min long I would still watch it :D
Look. i know it is long so if you don't want to read thats fine. but it really annoys me when people take the time to announce their disinterest.
and I know my grammar is bad... probably because i did no bother to check it...
Tip: Most people hate reading poor grammar and reading it for large amounts of text is simply torturous for pedants. People are less likely to respect or even read you ideas if they are pressented with poor grammar.
biggest problem with lord raken's idea is that valve doesnt do long cutescenes... or cutescenes at all for that matter...(exepting the ep 1 recap in the begining of 2)
but the point is that they purposely never advance the story using cutscenes because it takes away from the immersion so dont see something like that happening

as for the sleep thing lets review the series real quick:
half-life 1: gordon wakes up and goes to work and this is when the game starts... that morning. now run through black mesa all day and that night we launch the satellite (at the end of on a rail) so we know at this point he's been up all day but by the end of the next chapter gordon is knocked unconscious some soldiers (so theres some sleep). when he wakes up hes in the trash compactor escapes out into daylight so we can assume its the next moring. we make it to the lambda complex that same day and are teleported to xen and its hard to tell exactly how long we are there but we are there for like four chapters i think so probably just about to the end of that 2nd day.

20 yrs later

on a train inbound to C17 and it appears to be morning, we reach black mesa east that evening and are in ravenholm all night with no rest. We exit the mines to find daylight and get on highway 17 towards Nova Prospeckt which we reach that night and we end up there all night and we teleport out

one week later but no rest because we dont perceive any difference in time (as shown by alyx)

so we join up with the rebelion and by the time we are blowing up breen atop the citadel its evening... so basically in HL2 gordon is awake for just about 3 straight days before being put (almost) back into stasis

we dont know exactly how long its been when he awakes from the rubble because eli, kleiner, and mosman all appear to have left C17 but the sun is still setting (24hrs later or 24 secs later?)
anyways we stop the citadel from vaporizing us real quick then we start to head out of the city. when we get out of the lowlife chapter its daylight so we can assume weve been underground all night and the remainder of the episode takes place that day and it is late afternoon/ evening when we get on the train at the end so there 24hrs of being awake when we lose consciousness

we wake up in the train and its the next day. and by the time eli dies its evening so were awake less than a day before we blackout? or maybe not.

so basically the only time were awake for an extended period of time is in HL2 so i dont see sleep as an issue but as for alyx... who knows what shes doing when were not with her