the only blog I actually read: Baghdad Burning


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
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I've learned so much about this war from the Iraqi prespective from this site, I check back at it every few weeks and am always astonished by his or her comments, I suggest anyone to read this blog be you conservative or liberal. This thread is not to debate the United States involvement with Iraq but rather to discuss what it like for an Iraqi currently liveing in such conditions. read, learn, share

A little new years post from the blogger

Here we are in the first days of 2006. What does the ‘6’ symbolize? How about- 6 hours of no electricity for every one hour of electricity? Or… 6 hours of waiting in line for gasoline that is three times as expensive as it was in 2005? Or an average of six explosions per day near our area alone?

The beginning of the new year isn’t a promising one. Prices seem to have shot up on everything from fuels like kerosene and cooking gas, to tomatoes. A typical conversation with Abu Ammar our local fruit/vegetable vendor goes something like this:

R: “Oh nice lemons today Abu Ammar… give us a kilo.”

Abu A: “They are Syrian. You should see the tomatoes- if you think these are nice, take a look at those.”

R: “Hmmm… they do look good. Two kilos of those. How much will that be?”

Abu A: “That will be 3600 dinars.”

R (feigning shock and awe): “3600 dinars! What? That is almost double what we paid a week ago… why?”

Abu A (feigning sorrow and regret): “Habibti… you know what my supplier has to go through to bring me these vegetables? The cost of gasoline has gone up! I swear on the life of my mother that I’m only profiting 50 dinars per kilo…”

R: “Your mother is dead, isn’t she?”

Abu A: “Yes yes- but you know how valuable the dear woman was to me- may Allah have mercy on her- and on us all! The dogs in the government are going to kill us with these prices…”

R (sighing heavily): “You voted for the dogs last year Abu Ammar…”

Abu A: “Shhh… don’t call them dogs- it’s not proper. Anyway, it’s not their fault- the Americans are making them do it… my Allah curse them and their children…”

R (with eyes rolling) and Abu A (in unison): “… and their children’s children.”

A few days ago, the cousin took me to buy a pack of recordable CDs. The price had gone up a whole dollar, which may seem a pittance to the average American or European, but it must be remembered that many Iraqis make as little as $100 a month and complete families are expected to survive on that.

“B. why has the price of these lousy CDs gone up so much???” I demanded from the shop owner who is also a friend, “Don’t tell me your supplier has also pushed the prices up on you because of the gasoline shortage?” I asked sarcastically. No- supplies cost the same for him- he has not needed to stock up yet. But this is how he explained it: his car takes 60 liters of gasoline. It needs to be refueled every 2-3 days. The official price of gasoline was 50 Iraqi dinars before, so it cost him around 3000 dinars to fill up his car, which was nearly two dollars. Now it costs 9000 Iraqi dinars IF he fills it up at a gas station and not using black market gasoline which will cost him around 15,000 dinars- five times the former price- and this every two to three days. He also has to purchase extra gasoline for the shop generator which needs to be working almost constantly, now that electricity is about four hours daily. “Now how am I supposed to cover that increase in my costs if I don’t sell CDs at a higher price?”

People buy black market gasoline because for many, waiting in line five, six, seven… ten hours isn’t an option. We’ve worked out a sort of agreement amongst 4 or 5 houses in the neighborhood. According to a schedule (which is somewhat complicated and involves license plate numbers, number of children per family, etc.), one of us spends the day filling up the car and then the gasoline is distributed between the four or five involved neighbors.

The process of extracting the gasoline from the car itself once it is back at the house was a rather disgusting and unhealthy one up until nearly a year ago. A hose was inserted into the gasoline tank and one of they unlucky neighbors would suck on it until the first surge of gasoline came flowing out. Now, thanks to both local and Chinese ingenuity, we have miniature gasoline pumps to suck out the gasoline. “The man who invented these,” My cousin once declared emotionally, holding the pump up like a trophy, “deserves a Nobel Prize in… something or another.”

I know for most of the world, highly priced gasoline is a common concern. For Iraqis, it represents how the situation is deteriorating. Gasoline and kerosene were literally cheaper than bottled water prior to the war. It’s incredibly frustrating that while the price of petrol is at a high, one of the worlds leading oil-producing countries isn’t producing enough to cover its own needs.

There is talk of major mismanagement and theft in the Oil Ministry. Chalabi took over several days ago and a friend who works in the ministry says the takeover is a joke. “You know how they used to check our handbags when we first walked into the ministry?” She asked the day after Chalabi crowned himself Oil Emperor, “Now WE check our handbags after we leave the ministry- you know- to see if Chalabi stole anything.”

I guess the Iraqis who thought the US was going to turn Iraq into another America weren’t really far from the mark- we too now enjoy inane leaders, shady elections, a shaky economy, large-scale unemployment and soaring gas prices.

Goodbye 2005- the year of SCIRI, fraudulent elections, secret torture chambers, car bombs, white phosphorous, assassinations, sectarianism and fundamentalism… you will not be missed.

Let us see what 2006 has in store for us.
Not fake, its been around and topical for a couple of years now.
Ive read stuff from there a couple of times, but only when referenced in another story.
What other industries other than oil can Iraq use to bring the place up to standard? Forgive my ignorance but it's a pretty desolate place isn't it? That rules out profitable food exports, livestock exports. Fish stocks? I would assume the persian gulf would be raped for supplies by the other countries on the coast like Iran. No chance to sell delicious abalone to hungry Japanese markets.

Technology? Could they start a massive high-tech computer chip research/design and development industry? Not every country on earth is lucky enough have certain industrial opportunities. Afghanistan is in an even worse situation.

I don't read this blog, but is there anything like "I wish Saddam was back in power?" mentioned.
Lemonking said:
yes, everything on the Internert is true

Now, I wonder why you say this. Is it because you are simply skeptical - and rightly so - of absolutely anything on this here information superhighway? It's true that glancing twice at anything just to make sure is essential in this space between nations, and that maintaining a healthy level of cynicism is a good idea. But in that case, someone's already said it's true and it's quite credible, so it would seem silly to be so instantly dismissive.

Or is it that you're just saying that because you don't believe that anyone in Iraq could possibly oppose the occupation?

I don't get it, O king of citrus fruits.
Hmm.. a dissident that doesn't know how to sit back and enjoy freedom..... <- qoute, btw.

Sulkdodds said:
Now, I wonder why you say this. Is it because you are simply skeptical - and rightly so - of absolutely anything on this here information superhighway? It's true that glancing twice at anything just to make sure is essential in this space between nations, and that maintaining a healthy level of cynicism is a good idea. But in that case, someone's already said it's true and it's quite credible, so it would seem silly to be so instantly dismissive.

Or is it that you're just saying that because you don't believe that anyone in Iraq could possibly oppose the occupation?

I don't get it, O king of citrus fruits.

so just because SAJ says says so its true?
They whine about the price of Lemons, yet they pay the Internet bill or can afford to go to a Internet caffee?

you have yet to EVER back up one of your statements lemonking, all you ever do is make inflammatory statements and when you get called on them you run like a frightened girl.
back up what? its right there!
"feigning shock and awe): “3600 dinars! What? That is almost double what we paid a week ago… why?”"

there is nothing to back up, its that simple If you wanna buy Lemons from Syria, then stop paying the Intnernet bill.

and just becuase Mr.SAJ says its not fake ,that doesnt mean its fake.
so you want to try to prove it is fake?

your justification is stupid "cuz they cant afford lemons they must be backward ass"

well for your information there's HUNDREDS of blogs coming out of Iraq, some quite well known (just because YOU dont know about it doesnt mean it doesnt exisit) others not so well known fact some are paid by the US to pretty much say "all is well in iraq"

here's just some of them:

# Ali Mohammed
# An Iraqi's thoughts
# Baghdad Girl
# Beth-Nahrain
# Days of My Life
# Democracy in Iraq
# Diary from Baghdad
# Diwaniya
# Emotions
# Friends of Democracy
# Hammorabi
# Healing Iraq
# Ibn Al Rafidain
# Iraq at a glance
# Iraqi Expat
# Iraqi4Ever
# Iraqi Humanity
# Iraqi in America
# Iraqi Kurdistan
# Iraq Pundit
# Iraq Rising
# Iraqi Vote, The
# Ishtaria
# Kardox
# Kurdo's world
# Mesopotamian
# Nabil's blog
# Neurotic Iraqi wife
# Pearls of Iraq
# Sooni
# Talisman Gate
# Treasure of Baghdad
# 24 Steps to Liberty

but I guess those must be fake too cuz they cant afford lemons
Why are you balming this on the Lemons?

I could write a blog right now calling it "Iraqigirl1985 seeking lonely US G.I" and right all kinds of crazy shit-infact everybody could.

americans,cubans,germans,canadians. EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!
you couldnt convince me in any way that your pov is based on anything remotely resembling facts ..what makes you think I'd take you seriously if you were in blog form?

anyone with half a brain would be able to tell it's bullshit the minute they saw it
That was a exsample, it comes down to this

EVERBODY CAN BE ANYTHING they want on the Internet.
so that means that all information on the internet is false because it's "on the internet"? such a naive and immature pov
Mr-Fusion said:
What other industries other than oil can Iraq use to bring the place up to standard? Forgive my ignorance but it's a pretty desolate place isn't it? That rules out profitable food exports, livestock exports. Fish stocks? I would assume the persian gulf would be raped for supplies by the other countries on the coast like Iran. No chance to sell delicious abalone to hungry Japanese markets.

Technology? Could they start a massive high-tech computer chip research/design and development industry? Not every country on earth is lucky enough have certain industrial opportunities. Afghanistan is in an even worse situation.

I don't read this blog, but is there anything like "I wish Saddam was back in power?" mentioned.

The thing is .. pretty much everything you just mentioned requires oil, production on any large scale requires electricity to power mechanic's to creating cold fridges to maintain food to heating a filament to soften metal ready for bending. Everything production based and highly profitable especially relies on the oil industry, therefore it is the immediate core of the attention when you have the worlds largest and most easily accessable supply.

Dependant on It as we are, it is the one determinate resource alongside water.

Its like an RTS game except with real lives on the line, resources > everything else. Sometimes I cant see why its so hard to put it into perspective, thats how the world works.. people really are ruthless when it comes to resources. They dont want to share control... they want it all, they want to bleed it dry, and they want you to line their pocket's first. It has to become unprofitable before they switch the majority buisness over to anything more eco friendly
Lemonking said:
so just because SAJ says says so its true?

I didn't say that. I said that it's ****ing stupid to treat it as you did, with such total certainty - 'oh yeah, that obviously isn't true'. One person has said it's true (one person, I might note, who I respect far more for backing up what he says and acting maturely and being honest and so on far more than I respect you, sir!) and it sounds credible so it's far more likely to be true than not be true. You know, there's a difference between healthy skeptism and denial. An example of the former: "That might not be real." An example of the latter, what you're saying: "That's obviously not real...because it's on the internet/because my political views do not allow it to exist as anything else other than a tool of the 'other side'." I'm still trying to work out which of those is motivating you.

As for the price of lemons...just because he's complaining about it being expensive it doesn't mean he can't afford it. Now I'm not going to trust this blog entirely because quite apart from the (small, I believe) possibility that it isn't real it might be exaggerating things to make everything look bad (unlikely, I believe). But I'm not going to just totally disregard it, because I have eyes, and also a brain, plus opposable thumbs. What about you? A, B, C, or All Of The Above?

Lemonking said:
I could write a blog right now calling it "Iraqigirl1985 seeking lonely US G.I" and right all kinds of crazy shit-infact everybody could.

Yeah right, only yours would be really obviously a load of bullshit.

Wow, I just spent a post flaming someone...I apologise for being so frank. But there you have it. I guess if there's one person I had to spend an entire post flaming, there's no-one more deserving than Lemonking!
that's it? you gotta put up a better fight than that'll be eaten alive in the politics forum, perhaps you'd feel more at home here
Dont make me a sad panda :(

I just dont feel like being banned again, and after all.its a forum not a kind of contest.
For the record , I didnt say it was true, just that it wasnt fake. Being fake and being accurate are (as I'm sure you are aware) two different things .
To the best of my knowledge it is a genuine blog from an Iraqi perspective, and has been around for a couple of years at least.

Not that any of this matters at all, its not as though any UN motions will be tabled as a result of this blog. Its just a blog after all, an insight into life mixed in with experiences and opinions, not investagative journalism.

and just becuase Mr.SAJ says its not fake ,that doesnt mean its fake.
I don't doubt it, it won't be many years before our "lemon's" prices start rising on the cause of oil.

Whats it like being so ignorant? Is it really bliss?

I've allways wondered and never actually asked a trully ignorant person before. Thought i'd take the chance.

No offence of course.
Haha, funny Lemonking has not come back for a counter-point. Though if I were him (which i'm thankfully not) i'd come back with at least something. <3
Its an interesting read, as are many of the blogs (supposedly) coming out of Iraq and many other countries where controversy is afoot. It sometimes is difficult to discern which are wholly true and which are lies. Indeed, I would argue that none are entirely "true" since blogs are inherently subjective, but even so, they often contain the same facts or issues but from many different points of view which makes for extremely informative reading. You can't take any of them too seriously on their own, but taken as a whole, they begin to paint a very interesting picture of the various sentiments regarding the war, whether they are civilian or military.