The start of my first Halflife2 model


May 18, 2003
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Hy, I have just begun the start of my first Halflife2 model. Its a mix between and insect and a dreagonand I have just finished the head. I wont start on the body untill I have a clear idea on how I want the body to look. enjoy

concept art of the head:

front view:

side view:

perspective view:
Looking at the drawing I think the eyes should be somewhat lower. The grin already looks quite evil :) that's nice.

I wonder how the modelling thing is going to work, how you would need to define the muscles in the face and such for the new emotion system.
I dont know on how the muscle system is going to work on creature models.

and it doesnt have any eyes, it is a nostrel :) (I know.. its a bit unclear)

I am interested on what kinda texture maps I need to use.

doom3 has 5 textures for thier models
normal map
specular map
transparancy map
and the normal texture
looks like something from Resident Evil..good work..
Your doing a good job :) , cant wait to see the final product :cheese:
Just what does a specular map do? I have a vague knowledge that it's somewhat like a shininess(or whatever it's called) map but with coloring information...:dozey:
well, in 3DSMax it determines how light reactes with it to some extent. does it reflect or refract? dull or sharp? etc.
yeah.. its a greyscale map that determines the shininess of a surface. you can see this very clearly in the doom3 screenshots. everything that looks like wet blood is white on the specular map
Hope u finish the model, nice start anyway. :thumbs:

Thnx guys.. I am into a little trouble with the body. its soo frustrating if you suddenly have a great ideah for the head.. but you havent thought about the body and now you cant think up something good. So if any of you guys know soething that would suit this head very well.. then please tell me :)
well if it is a insect it needs 6 legs otherwise its no insect..right ? :dozey: :bounce:
nice! :)
wish i even could model a bit :)
oh well ;)
my advice would be to follow the somewhat big and vertical shape to do the body, and not make it have a vertical body, and try and make the nack as small as possible...i have an image of some creature with 4 legs, and the some fighting legs, streachable that is not touching the ground :)
give it a body like ifrit from the final fantasy series


+ a tail, and maybe have it walk on all fours but be able to stand on the hind legs for attacking etc.
go with muffinmans idea...I dont like ff but they got kickass chars
the finalfantasy series have great creatures.. bu I will think i will go the insect way and give it an starship trooper arachnid like body.
make it like a strong natural dog-big cat style looks like a strong alien or whatever by looking at the head, and a nice firm chest and body would make it look even more stronger.
Originally posted by MuffinMann
give it a body like ifrit from the final fantasy series


+ a tail, and maybe have it walk on all fours but be able to stand on the hind legs for attacking etc.

nice idea :)
that would look damn good ingame if it was fully worked on so that it looked almost real
could someone tell me if you could use milkshape 3d to make hl2 models???
could someone tell me if you could use milkshape 3d to make hl2 models???

Right now you can use it to build youre basic model. I believe XSI is probably going to be the standard HL2 modeling tool. Valve seems very happy with it (and you can get it for free!).
Dont bother trying to animate youre models with Milkshape right now(I'm not even bothering with texturing either).
You can convert and import/export the model real easy between most any format, its the animations and texture co-ordinates that have alot of trouble.

Build youre models geometry with whatever you have or are comfortable with now, and then import youre mesh into whatever will be the program where you skin and animate them later when we know exactly how its going to be done (probably all in XSI).

The Punisher