The Surprise Is Here!!


Nov 9, 2003
Reaction score
...and whou would have thought - it's HL2:DM!!!! :cheese: :thumbs: :cheers:

only two maps though, but both are rather large.
dm_overwatch is a map placed in some part of City 17 with Citadel looming in the distance (I think its the part when you had t get to Barney hiding from the snipers), and
and dm_lockdown is in Nova Prospekt (mainly the bathrooms).
judging by the available player models there is a possibility for massive combine vs. resistance fights.

but the best thing is - everyone comes equipped wit the Grav Gun and there's lots of stuff to throw around!!
the physiscs is much much better than in CS:S, allmost similar to HL2.

no new weapons as for now, but I only played the maps for about 5 minutes so maybe there's something more in stock for us:D

let the fight begin!!!!! :bounce: :bounce: :sniper:

EDIT: HL2:Dm is of course HL2: DM
stupid emots;)
wow awesome, is it fun? don't have time to play right now
wow awesome, is it fun? don't have time to play right now

Imagine playing as a resistance member, pulling a radiator from the wall with your lovely Grav Gun and smashing it in the other player's - who of course is a Combine Metrocop - head.

yes, I think it's a load of fun :E

Jackal hit said:
wow awesome, is it fun? don't have time to play right now
It most certainly is. Just played a bigish stint on it. Awesome to the max! Can't wait for more maps to come out!!!!
Oh my mova f**kin' god...

THANKYOU VALVe!!!!!! tHANk YOU!!!11111!!1
I was getting such a low latency earlier this morning, but now even servers that claim to have pings of about 35 are painfully laggy. Anyone else experiencing this problemo?
SonicTitan said:
I was getting such a low latency earlier this morning, but now even servers that claim to have pings of about 35 are painfully laggy. Anyone else experiencing this problemo?

yeah.. the lowest ping i can find is 214 ms (!!!) but of course im living in singapore. you lucky bastards! i still managed to get a positive ratio on one of these servers... now i wish i could see what my score is when the playing field is level :D
Hopefully the situation will improve over the next month or so, with more people playing and more servers.
Throwing explosive barrels at people is so fun, it just never gets old.

On the other hand, it's incredibly laggy, and there aren't many maps (2).

I'd say the HL2 DM is ok, they should have waited until they had at least 5 maps to release it. It's a good glimpse of things to come, anyways.
HL2DM owns. It owns. Pwns, even. Gravity gun toilet-flinging deathmatch hilarity is the best thing since Battlefield 1942. The only problem is the lag, but it's so much fun even so.
Sulkdodds said:
HL2DM owns. It owns. Pwns, even. Gravity gun toilet-flinging deathmatch hilarity is the best thing since Battlefield 1942. The only problem is the lag, but it's so much fun even so.

Agreed. Now all they need is a bit of spawnpoint tweaking for TDM, possibly some new maps and a new weapon or two.