The Wayback Machine

Back when it was uncool and everybody had fun... cause I wasn't there.
sept 11 2001

Back when websites were functional and not filled to the max with bullshit to slow down your browser and load slowly. Hell I remember some sites on 56k that loaded as fast as some do on broadband nowadays. I wish webmasters and news sites still appreciated that. I dont need 3 videos on every page and animations/popouts everywhere.
sept 11 2001

Back when websites were functional and not filled to the max with bullshit to slow down your browser and load slowly. Hell I remember some sites on 56k that loaded as fast as some do on broadband nowadays. I wish webmasters and news sites still appreciated that. I dont need 3 videos on every page and animations/popouts everywhere.

Websites are still functional. And 2011 is hardly filled with bullshit. There's just more images representing the news, and there's more usage of cascading style sheets with a better website design.

Also old designs like the cnn 2001 wouldn't really stand up today as far as design is concerned. It's also a news site, why wouldn't you want easy access to news articles and news footage?
On the upside I can load it on my 800x600 CRT.
I miss VERC, reading the articles, and the forum posts.