The Welder...


Sep 21, 2003
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Has anyone actually tried talking to the resistance member welding something on a car just before you get out to destroy the autocannon? I just realized nobody ever talks about the underappreciated man who just wants to go to Hawaii. :D
Saw it. Just great. And of course if you break his beer bottle...
You know who to look for if you wanna go...

*raises hand*

I wonder if Hawaii in HL2 really is still a paradise...
You know who to look for if you wanna go...

*raises hand*

I wonder if Hawaii in HL2 really is still a paradise...

Thats where the main Combine HQ is...

(I know its a horrible edit but whats a man to do when he has no photoedit skills?)


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I was just happy they had a welder outfit and everything. Welders ftw (including me)! :)
The guy outside there that's recovering from the chopper attack is good too.
welder dude with cool welder lighting fx is the awesomz..

and QF, i wouldnt want to see that worm in a sack in the beach..
I had missed this on my first play through - I guess I assumed he'd say the same default NPC lines.
where does half life 2 take place in anyways, anyone realize something familiar in their city???
Apparently one of the game's designers is from Sofia, Bulgaria - and I think it shows.


City streets...

And this is the Independence Monument in Sofia... it HAS to be the inspiration for Combine architecture.
bulgeria is the scene for a half life resistance scene, who'd of thought it eh still could have been worse could have been in france! mmmmm lots of fields to hide in :D