The World Trade Organisation's Collapse?

el Chi

Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
Well, something rather wonderful happened the other day as you may have seen on the news... The poorer countries grouped together and took a stand against the WTO.
Excellent. People have been speculating about this signifying the WTO's end, and to be perfectly honest I hope so. This organisation has been too powerful for too long (I also remember reading somewhere that it was illegal...)
Hopefully what replaces it will be fair and more democratic.
Huzzah huzzah huzzah!


I read about all these things some years back, but I can't remember anything concrete now. Only thing I remember is that they aren't that great. :D
Find some information about the WTO and how it was unfair fo me from a fair source... Im just curious certainly not disagreeing.
Me too, I'd be interested on a little reading on the topic.
Any of the Freemarket sites will have stuff on the WTO. :bounce:

Both left and right recognise it as a corrupt and unaccauntable.

Kind of like a Russian bank but without the Dyevkas.:cheers:
Originally posted by Lordblackadder

Kind of like a Russian bank but without the Dyevkas.:cheers:

Ah dyevushki my favorite topic. Pardon me while I hijack this thread with a very important link:

Olga Dibrova is my fav (she's my desktop now:dork: ), but there's no doubt Russian girls are simply awe-inspiring. I should know, I married one!

[click twice on a girl, then choose either 2D or 3D view]
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
You really arent serious about the second link right? God I hope not.

Wait x2 , what the hell are these links? Seriously lol. Go back to studying the Free Masons you Tin Foil wearing moron. hahahh

wow, tin foil wearing moron? what happend to trying?

edit: funny how you have to laff "hahaha" at your own joke. do u honestly think that will get people started? god damn tin foil. wtf
In reply to the first post:
You must have another news source then I have. According to the news on my TV, the rich and poor countries failed to make an agreement about agriculture. Because of this failure, inflated import taxes remain in place, thus damaging the economies of the poor countries.

Anyone care to explain the positive side of all this?
On the surface, perhaps this was simply a disagreeent and break down of talks, but the repercussions are what's important. The ramifications will, hopefully, be very significant.
The positive would be that this latest collapse of meetings has shown the richer countries that the 3rd world cannot be pushed around in the way they were convinced it could be. It shows solidarity and this SHOULD lead to fairer deals for them as they now have more muscle to flex, so to speak.
Even better, it would lead to the dismantling of the WTO and start up something more democratic and fair.
I hope everybody realizes that a free global market is a very bad idea. It only benifits large corporations and poor countries, while harming the middle-class ( = us) and blue collar workers of developed countries. Much of the manufacturing jobs have already moved to countries like China and hundreds of workers in the US lost their jobs.

You may not think that's so bad, but now skilled jobs are being removed as well. Many companies move their call centers to India where they can pay someone $5 per day.

Who benifits from this?

Well the person in India does cause that $5 is worth a whole lot more there. And of course the corporation benifits because it saves thousands of dollars per year on each person.

Dismatling the WTO would be just the first step, but really a lot more needs to be done.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
I hope everybody realizes that a free global market is a very bad idea. It only benifits large corporations and poor countries, while harming the middle-class ( = us) and blue collar workers of developed countries. Much of the manufacturing jobs have already moved to countries like China and hundreds of workers in the US lost their jobs.

You may not think that's so bad, but now skilled jobs are being removed as well. Many companies move their call centers to India where they can pay someone $5 per day.

Who benifits from this?

Well the person in India does cause that $5 is worth a whole lot more there. And of course the corporation benifits because it saves thousands of dollars per year on each person.

Dismatling the WTO would be just the first step, but really a lot more needs to be done.

Good points and Id like to point out for future whiners that when he says (=us) he means: us as in we who can afford a computer and internet access , not the United States.
I think you've got some good points but I totally disagree that it benefits the 3rd world. It just lets big corporations take advatage of them and screw them for all they're worth.
I think it's one third of the world's population live on a dollar a day. On the flipside, 8 companies earn more than half the world's population combined.
If the WTO is replaced it needs to seriously take big business by the scruff of the neck and punish it until it plays and trades fair. These corporations are blinded by greed and they end up being disgraceful edifices to the sh*ts that human beings can be. Those sh*ts in question being corporation heads.
Originally posted by el Chi
I think you've got some good points but I totally disagree that it benefits the 3rd world. It just lets big corporations take advatage of them and screw them for all they're worth.
I think it's one third of the world's population live on a dollar a day. On the flipside, 8 companies earn more than half the world's population combined.
If the WTO is replaced it needs to seriously take big business by the scruff of the neck and punish it until it plays and trades fair. These corporations are blinded by greed and they end up being disgraceful edifices to the sh*ts that human beings can be. Those sh*ts in question being corporation heads.

Well even a dollar a day is better then no job at all. In those countries a dollar could feed your whole family.
Originally posted by Solidarnosi
Ah dyevushki my favorite topic. Pardon me while I hijack this thread with a very important link:

Olga Dibrova is my fav (she's my desktop now:dork: ), but there's no doubt Russian girls are simply awe-inspiring. I should know, I married one!

[click twice on a girl, then choose either 2D or 3D view]

Mail Order Brides from Eastern Europe. Just as cheap as Fillipinas but with Blonde hair and Blue eyes.:cheers:

Gotta Love'em:bounce: :cheers:

When my mother finally talks me into getting married, I'll go back to the homeland to find a wife.:naughty:
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
I hope everybody realizes that a free global market is a very bad idea. It only benifits large corporations and poor countries, while harming the middle-class ( = us) and blue collar workers of developed countries. Much of the manufacturing jobs have already moved to countries like China and hundreds of workers in the US lost their jobs.

You may not think that's so bad, but now skilled jobs are being removed as well. Many companies move their call centers to India where they can pay someone $5 per day.

Who benifits from this?

Well the person in India does cause that $5 is worth a whole lot more there. And of course the corporation benifits because it saves thousands of dollars per year on each person.

Dismatling the WTO would be just the first step, but really a lot more needs to be done.

Quite right LoneDeranger. :cheers:

BTW try this they have some good stuff.
Hmm never heard of this thing but i trust ure judgement el chi sounds gd to me