The zombies with headcrabs speak backwards! sound inside!

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Mantis nice find.
I always thought they were screaming for help or something but they couldn't say it right cuse the headcrab wasn't letting them think well thought out sentences.
Or perhaps this is a side effect to being headcrabbed? Backwards thoughts/speech?
Reverse speak is actually a common thing and hides stuff like this way better than the way used in HL1 (more about that later). The basic idea is that while the reversed speak still sounds creepy, you can't really make out what it is saying but you can somehow "feel" what the character is yelling.

In HL1 they just seemed to use either pig latin or like with vortigaunt attack sounds, Finnish :D For example one of the vortigaunt sounds in HL1 could be written to text as "hyi saatana", which means literally translated "Yuck, Satan" or if the meaning is translated, "Eww, f***!" or "F***ing eww!". Somehow I feel that VALVe didn't originally know what those words were while getting the sounds etc.

Another great useless info tidbit for the community :)
lol could you post the .WAV files for the zombies in HL1 here?
this thread is from waaaaay back in the day....
And you dug up this year old thread because...?
Wasn't this posted ages ago?

*Checks first post*

I was right.
yeah it says the site is down. isnt there already a thread about this though?
Wow that is weird. Just imagine, someone was actually getting paid to whine and moan into a microphone. Where can I get an application?
The link I edited into my post has been up ever since I added it. Just make it go backward with that little sound program thats built into windows.

Sounds really cool...
Let's please not drag up old threads.
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