TheNerdNews : Michael Jackson Denies Surrogate Mother Report


May 20, 2003
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Beleaguered pop star Michael Jackson (news) on Tuesday flatly denied a magazine report that he is about to become a father to quadruplets by way of a surrogate mother.

"This is not true, and we are not going to further comment on stories of this nature," publicist Raymone Bain told Reuters when asked about the report in Us Weekly magazine.

Bain also denied that Jackson, who is facing a trial later this year on child molestation charges, was to be the father of any children born through a surrogate-mother arrangement. "This is not true. None of this is true," she said.

But a spokeswoman for Us Weekly said the magazine stood by its story, which cited unnamed sources close to Jackson as saying he recently spent time in Florida with an identified woman who was pregnant with quads she was to bear for the singer.

The 45-year-old performer already has three children -- Prince Michael I and daughter Paris Michael by his former wife, Debbie Rowe, and Prince Michael II, the child he notoriously dangled from the balcony of a Berlin hotel in November 2002.

Jackson later revealed in a television documentary that Prince Michael II had been born to a woman who was essentially a stranger to him. "I used a surrogate mother and my own sperm cells," he told British interviewer Martin Bashir. "She doesn't know me."

It was in that same interview that Jackson ignited a public furor by saying he saw nothing wrong with having other children spend the night with him in the bedroom of his Neverland ranch home in California.

One youth who appeared in that documentary is now at the center of the child molestation case pending against the performer.

Jackson is charged in a 10-count indictment with committing lewd acts on a boy under the age of 14, as well as child abduction, extortion and false imprisonment. He has pleaded innocent, and a trial is set for Sept. 13.

Yeah, I honestly don't think he's involved in any of this child molestation stuff. It's just that he's got a childish mind in a cold world where liking kids equals paedophelia. He likes Peter Pan and such, thus he made Neverland. He likes to talk and interact with kids and such, he likes to make 'em happy. Bet the parents are money-hungry bastards who tell their kids to say stuff just to get a shitload of cash.
Heh, I love when people hate or stick up for something/someone they no next to nothing about. Because he's well known automatically means you have to have an opinion about him one way or the other. Kinda seems silly to judge him either way if you don't know shit about him.
Bad^Hat said:
Heh, I love when people hate or stick up for something/someone they no next to nothing about. Because he's well known automatically means you have to have an opinion about him one way or the other. Kinda seems silly to judge him either way if you don't know shit about him.
some of us like to assume the best, some the worst. we're entitled to our completely unfounded, void, and unimportant as much as everyone else is.
KagePrototype said:
I feel sorry for MJ. All of this negative news hitting him in the face.

I don't know if it was intended but the mental image that came into my head was just too much to keep a sick sick smile away...I won't describe it but when you think about all the problems hes had with his face.
Farrowlesparrow said:
I don't know if it was intended but the mental image that came into my head was just too much to keep a sick sick smile away...I won't describe it but when you think about all the problems hes had with his face.

Hehe, you're too twisted for words. :p
He's starting his own Jackson Fi.. er, seven!
CrazyHarij said:
Yeah, I honestly don't think he's involved in any of this child molestation stuff. It's just that he's got a childish mind in a cold world where liking kids equals paedophelia. He likes Peter Pan and such, thus he made Neverland. He likes to talk and interact with kids and such, he likes to make 'em happy. Bet the parents are money-hungry bastards who tell their kids to say stuff just to get a shitload of cash.

Ya and he's never had plastic surgery on his face either. I mean that's what he said. You believe him don't you?
Why do people give a **** about celebrity lifestyles?
Neutrino said:
Ya and he's never had plastic surgery on his face either. I mean that's what he said. You believe him don't you?

I hope your kidding......

I saw a show about plastic surgery and they interviewd MJs skin bleacher and plastic surgen. But what do I know.....

(I think I spelled surgery wrong)
TheUnkillableDot said:
I hope your kidding......

I saw a show about plastic surgery and they interviewd MJs skin bleacher and plastic surgen. But what do I know.....

(I think I spelled surgery wrong)

S.A.R.C.A.S.M. :p
To quote a South Park episode (to the best of my knowledge): "Its okay to like kids and stuff but when you have a child of your own you need to f****** grow up!"