Things Your Media Momma Didn't Tell You

If one day Americans were attacked by poisoneos gas and government said it was from Al Qaida or whatever terrorist they could think of, remember this news. Keep in mind that chem-weapons, nuclear weapons, bio-weapons, climate weapons.... all these need large resource to research, experiment to produce. It's not that easy to get, especially for those so said "run from cave to cave" terrorist . Unless they have a magic lantern of Alladin.

Pentagon to test invisible gases in Crystal City

Mar 1, 2008 3:00 AM (5 days ago) by Taryn Luntz The Examiner
WASHINGTON News - The Pentagon is scheduled to release an odorless, invisible, and yes, harmless, gases into the city Thursday to test how quickly they spread through buildings, officials said.

The test is part of the military's national security preparation for the capital area.
I want Kathaksung to make a conspir--- I mean a TRUTH theory about wadsy's "disappearence", I mean obviously it was connected to the "autumn plot", committed by the "inside group".
Lord help me, I've learned some of his vernacular.
Alex Jones, a mole to search 911 witness

Quote, "Alex Jones
An honest investigator of crimes?

Or a criminal trying to confuse us and protect his network?
Alex Jones is typical of investigators in this 9/11 truth movement. Specifically, he has been exposing 9/11 and other crimes for many years. He is an experienced investigator.
This page has some audio and video excerpts of Alex Jones to help you understand that he is trying to shift the blame away from Zionists and onto other people, mainly Americans, but also some British and Chinese. Most of the people and the "truth movement" are doing exactly as he does, so try to understand this technique so that you are not fooled by it.

Not a kook but a hook.

He pretends to be a host of 911 truth movement. To collect the witnesses information. And these information, likely go to the Feds office in the end.

Of course, in order to appeal the people who have real important information, what Alex Jones' work are mostly truth. A true bait to attract true bird.

For those who really have information that is fatal to this regime, you can imagine there is a disastrous end for them.

This is an evil country in the name of democracy. Be careful people.
Paul Wolfowitz's next disaster

Thursday, May 22, 2008 12:34 PDT
Paul Wolfowitz's next disaster

Last we saw Paul "everything-I-touch-turns-to-quagmire" Wolfowitz, the architect of the Iraq war and miserable failure as president of the World Bank was licking his wounds as a fellow at the right-wing think tank, the American Enterprise Institute. Now comes word via Michael Turton's View From Taiwan, that Wolfowitz has accepted the position of chairman of the board of the U.S.-Taiwan Business Council.
Stern: Ascender or sockpuppet?

Seriously, his rank is "sockpuppet".
Question is, who is he the sockpuppet for?, or a government faction similar to the nsa and the cia but built specifically for the purpose of taking down kathaksung?

We shall see....
Ex-State Dept. official: Hundreds of detainees died in U.S. custody, at least 25 murdered

By Think Progress 19/06/08 --

-- At yesterday's House Judiciary Subcommittee on Civil Rights hearing on torture <>, Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Colin Powell, told Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) that over 100 detainees have died in U.S. custody, with up to 27 of these declared homicides:
Mr. Sung, what makes you think your sources are any more credible than the mainstream media?
Tim Russert murdered?

Quote. Tim Russert's Death

Was Russert another casualty of WMD damage control and the Plame Game?
by Salvador Astucia, June 23, 2008

Tim Russert's sudden death is one of the most troubling high-profile deaths in recent times. There can be little doubt that Russert had enemies in high places, and they may have feared they would be indicted as war criminals if Russert was not stopped. With Israel's current saber rattling, an Israeli strike against Iran seems eminent, with support from the Bush Administration. When such things are being planned, the plotters must get their propaganda machinery in place prior to the attack. This could be another reason for Mr. Russert's sudden demise.

Russert hinted on Meet the Press that 9/11 was an inside job.

On the June 1st, 2008 airing of Meet the Press, Tim Russert subtly opened the discussion of 9-11 being an inside job. He did this by reading a passage from guest Scott McClellan's book, What Happened(?) - Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception. He read the passage, then he pressed McClellan to say when the Bush Administration first made the decision to invade Iraq. Here is the exchange between Russert and McClellan:
WTC-7 mystery will soon be "solved". Nearly 7 years later.

The final mystery of 9/11 will soon be solved, according to US experts investigating the collapse of the third tower at the World Trade Center.

The 47-storey third tower, known as Tower Seven, collapsed seven hours after the twin towers.
Investigators are expected to say ordinary fires on several different floors caused the collapse.
Conspiracy theorists have argued that the third tower was brought down in a controlled demolition.
Unlike the twin towers, Tower Seven was not hit by a plane.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology, based near Washington DC, is expected to conclude in its long-awaited report this month that ordinary fires caused the building to collapse.

That would make it the first and only steel skyscraper in the world to collapse because of fire.

Dissenter spoke out.

UL Executive Speaks Out on WTC Study
November 12 2004 - Articles

"The buildings should have easily withstood the thermal stress caused by pools of burning jet fuel." - Kevin Ryan

Friday, November 12, 2004
( news service -- updated 11/13, 11/14)

An executive at Underwriters Laboratories (UL), the company that certified the steel used in the construction of the World Trade Center, has questioned the common theory that fuel fires caused the Twin Towers to collapse.

In a letter dated Thursday (11/11, complete text below), UL executive Kevin Ryan called on Frank Gayle, director of the government team that has spent two years studying how the trade center was built and why it fell, to "do what you can to quickly eliminate the confusion regarding the ability of jet fuel fires to soften or melt structural steel."

Kevin Ryan is Site Manager at Environmental Health Laboratories (EHL) in South Bend, Indiana. This is a division of UL, the product-compliance and testing giant. Because UL certified the WTC steel for its ability to withstand fires, the steel's performance on September 11 is obviously of concern to the company. While Ryan's letter does not constitute an official statement from Underwriters Laboratories, it suggests incipient disagreements between UL and NIST about the true cause of the WTC collapses.

But he was fired ten days later. Very efficient compare for that six years not solved question.

Kevin R. Ryan Terminated at Underwriters Laboratories

Area Man Stirs Debate on WTC Collapse:

South Bend firm's lab director fired after questioning federal probe
JOHN DOBBERSTEIN / South Bend Tribune 22nov04

SOUTH BEND - The laboratory director from a South Bend firm has been fired for attempting to cast doubt on the federal investigation into what caused the World Trade Center's twin towers to collapse on Sept. 11, 2001.

On Nov. 11, Ryan wrote a letter to the National Institute of Standards and Technology - the agency probing the collapse - challenging the common theory that burning jet fuel weakened the steel supports holding up the 110-story skyscrapers.
US General Accuses Bush Administration of War Crimes

Wednesday 18 June 2008

by: Matt Renner and Maya Schenwar, t r u t h o u t | Report
Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba (now retired) served as the deputy commanding general for support for the Third Army for ten months in Kuwait during the early days of the Iraq occupation. In a statement released today, he bluntly accuses the Bush administration of war crimes and lays down a challenge for prosecution.

In 2004, Taguba released a classified report detailing abuses committed at Abu Ghraib Prison. The "Taguba Report" (executive summary <>) urged Pentagon officials to follow up on its findings by enforcing adherence to the Geneva Conventions in interrogations.
Taguba retired in January 2007, later alleging that Pentagon officials had ordered him to retire for being "overzealous" in his criticisms of the military.

Vice Presidential candidate Sen. John Edwards was caught visiting his mistress and secret love child at 2:40 this morning in a Los Angeles hotel by the NATIONAL ENQUIRER.

The married ex-senator from North Carolina - whose wife Elizabeth continues to battle cancer -- met with his mistress, blonde divorc?e Rielle Hunter, at the Beverly Hilton on Monday night, July 21 - and the NATIONAL ENQUIRER was there! He didn't leave until early the next morning.
The Secret Deal For Iraq's Oil

Jason Leopold
August 17, 2008

Four months before the United States invaded Iraq, the Department of Defense was secretly working with Vice Pesident Dick Cheney's old company, Halliburton Corp. on a secret deal that would give the world's second largest oil services company total control over Iraq's oil fields, according to interviews with Halliburton's most senior executives.

Judiciary Committee To Investigate Plot To Paint Plane In UN Colors And Provoke Shootdown Over Iraq

Conyers conducting examination into intelligence fixing and forgery

Steve Watson Friday, August 15, 2008

As part of a major examination into the evidence that the Bush administration forged intelligence documents to justify the invasion of Iraq, the House Judiciary Committee will also look into various considerations, plots and attempts to provoke war, including the idea of goading Saddam Hussein to shoot down a mock UN plane.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers has announced that he and his staff will investigate the evidence most recently collated and presented by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Ron Suskind in his book The Way of the World: A Story of Truth and Hope in an Age of Extremism.

According to a press release earlier this week, Conyers' office will examine:

"Reported examples of the Bush Administration considering other deceptive schemes to justify or provoke war with Iraq, such as the reported consideration of painting a U.S. aircraft with UN colors in order to provoke Iraq into military confrontation."

The revelation first appeared in February 2006

<> when minutes of George Bush and Tony Blair's pre-war January 2003 meeting surfaced. Amongst the clear evidence that the two were planning to begin military action on March 10th 2003, irrespective of whether the United Nations had passed a new resolution authorizing the use of force or not, came the provocation idea.

President Bush said: "The US was thinking of flying U2 reconnaissance aircraft with fighter cover over Iraq, painted in UN colors. If Saddam fired on them, he would be in breach."

He went on: "It was also possible that a defector could be brought out who would give a public presentation about Saddam's WMD, and there was also a small possibility that Saddam would be assassinated."
The Truth about Lockerbie, and Pan Am 103, and Drugs

The C.I.A. drug trade through the Syria and Iran was going pretty sweet for Syrian C.I.A. contractor Monzer al-Kassar.

He gives the suitcase, C.I.A. agents clear the suitcase through to New York. When the suitcase of drugs was switched for a bomb in Dec 21, 1988, it was cleared as usual. Central Intelligence Agent Charles McKee was aboard, as were 4 other agents, all killed. At the crash scene, CIA agents posing as Pan Am employees walked away with a suitcase.

First, the press had word of a Syrian or Palestinian suspect, but when wind of the C.I.A. involvement began to surface, the C.I.A. needed a scapegoat. The socialist isolationist country is always the best bet, because they are enemies of the U.S. by their mere existence, so bombing and/or sanctions always needs a good excuse. C.I.A. killed two birds with one stone, and pinned the Flight 103 bomb on Libya.
How quickly Americans forget: Time Magazine, 4/27/92, cover story:

Pan Am 103: Why Did They Die? "Washington says its Libya sabotaged the plane. Provocative evidence suggests that a Syrian drug dealer may have helped plant the bomb- and that the real targets were intelligence agents working for the CIA."

New doubts over Lockerbie bombing
Published: Thursday, 28 August 2008, 11:14PM

An exclusive News at Ten interview has cast new doubt on who was to blame for the Lockerbie bombing.

A witness who helped convict a Libyan secret service agent of bringing down Pan Am flight 103 has now changed his story.

Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi was convicted of the bombing that killed 270 people, including 11 residents of the Scottish town of Lockerbie.

But electronics engineer Ulrich Lumpert says what he told the trial about the timing device said to have detonated the explosives was wrong.

A key part of the evidence in the case was a singed fragment of a timer traced to Swiss company Mebo, where Mr Lumpert worked.

Mebo admitted selling timers to Libya but Mr Lumpert now claims the fragment found was part of a non-functional timer that could not possibly have helped to bring down Pan Am 103.

Mr Lumpert now says the bombing could not have happened in the way prosecutors described it, leaving more questions unanswered about the Lockerbie bombing.
Pentagon's secret weapon: Woodward?

A legend's sci-fi claim is met with raised eyebrows
Sep 13, 2008
So what was Bob Woodward talking about?

Some sort of electromagnetic weapon? An invisible death ray? The Voice of God device that (allegedly) makes someone think they're listening to the Almighty?

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's ... well, Woodward knows - as he assured 60 Minutes and Larry King this week - but he's not telling.

The famed investigative journalist and author says a top-secret capability developed by the U.S. military has changed the course of the war in Iraq. Whatever "it" is, it's being used to locate, target and kill key Al Qaeda figures and other insurgents. And he credits it with the dramatic drop in violence otherwise widely attributed to last year's surge of U.S. troops.

Woodward has compared the "thing" to the top-secret Manhattan Project that developed the atomic bomb, saying, "Some day in history, it will be described to people's amazement." But the details must remain secret for now or it would "get people killed."

That's a confusing remark, given that he also says the terrorists are well aware of the new capability: "The enemy has a heads up because they've been getting wiped out and a lot of them have been killed. It's not news to them."
Gunman in Mumbai attack has blond hair

Gaffar Abdul Amir, an Iraqi tourist from Baghdad, says he saw at least two men who started the firing outside the Leopold Cafe.

He was returning to his hotel from the seaside with a friend when he saw two men carrying bags and brandishing AK-47s walking in front of them, shooting.

"They did not look Indian, they looked foreign. One of them, I thought, had blonde hair. The other had a punkish hairstyle. They were neatly dressed," says Mr Amir."
The Fed Who Blew the Whistle Is he a hero or a criminal?

Michael Isikoff, NEWSWEEK
From the magazine issue dated Dec 22, 2008
Thomas M. Tamm was entrusted with some of the government's most important secrets. He had a Sensitive Compartmented Information security clearance, a level above Top Secret. Government agents had probed Tamm's background, his friends and associates, and determined him trustworthy.

It's easy to see why: he comes from a family of high-ranking FBI officials. During his childhood, he played under the desk of J. Edgar Hoover, and as an adult, he enjoyed a long and successful career as a prosecutor. Now gray-haired, 56 and fighting a paunch, Tamm prides himself on his personal rectitude. He has what his 23-year-old son, Terry, calls a "passion for justice." For that reason, there was one secret he says he felt duty-bound to reveal.

In the spring of 2004, Tamm had just finished a yearlong stint at a Justice Department unit handling wiretaps of suspected terrorists and spies-a unit so sensitive that employees are required to put their hands through a biometric scanner to check their fingerprints upon entering. While there, Tamm stumbled upon the existence of a highly classified National Security Agency program that seemed to be eavesdropping on U.S. citizens. The unit had special rules that appeared to be hiding the NSA activities from a panel of federal judges who are required to approve such surveillance. When Tamm started asking questions, his supervisors told him to drop the subject. He says one volunteered that "the program" (as it was commonly called within the office) was "probably illegal."

Tamm agonized over what to do. He tried to raise the issue with a former colleague working for the Senate Judiciary Committee. But the friend, wary of discussing what sounded like government secrets, shut down their conversation. For weeks, Tamm couldn't sleep. The idea of lawlessness at the Justice Department angered him. Finally, one day during his lunch hour, Tamm ducked into a subway station near the U.S. District Courthouse on Pennsylvania Avenue. He headed for a pair of adjoining pay phones partially concealed by large, illuminated Metro maps. Tamm had been eyeing the phone booths on his way to work in the morning. Now, as he slipped through the parade of midday subway riders, his heart was pounding, his body trembling. Tamm felt like a spy. After looking around to make sure nobody was watching, he picked up a phone and called The New York Times.

That one call began a series of events that would engulf Washington-and upend Tamm's life. Eighteen months after he first disclosed what he knew, the Times reported that President George W. Bush had secretly authorized the NSA to intercept phone calls and e-mails of individuals inside the United States without judicial warrants. The drama followed a quiet, separate rebellion within the highest ranks of the Justice Department concerning the same program. (James Comey, then the deputy attorney general, together with FBI head Robert Mueller and several other senior Justice officials, threatened to resign.) President Bush condemned the leak to the Times as a "shameful act." Federal agents launched a criminal investigation to determine the identity of the culprit.

The story of Tamm's phone call is an untold chapter in the history of the secret wars inside the Bush administration. The New York Times won a Pulitzer Prize for its story. The two reporters who worked on it each published books. Congress, after extensive debate, last summer passed a major new law to govern the way such surveillance is conducted. But Tamm-who was not the Times's only source, but played the key role in tipping off the paper-has not fared so well. The FBI has pursued him relentlessly for the past two and a half years. Agents have raided his house, hauled away personal possessions and grilled his wife, a teenage daughter and a grown son. More recently, they've been questioning Tamm's friends and associates about nearly every aspect of his life. Tamm has resisted pressure to plead to a felony for divulging classified information. But he is living under a pall, never sure if or when federal agents might arrest him.

Exhausted by the uncertainty clouding his life, Tamm now is telling his story publicly for the first time. "I thought this [secret program] was something the other branches of the government-and the public-ought to know about. So they could decide: do they want this massive spying program to be taking place?" Tamm told NEWSWEEK, in one of a series of recent interviews that he granted against the advice of his lawyers. "If somebody were to say, who am I to do that? I would say, 'I had taken an oath to uphold the Constitution.' It's stunning that somebody higher up the chain of command didn't speak up."

Tamm concedes he was also motivated in part by his anger at other Bush-administration policies at the Justice Department, including its aggressive pursuit of death-penalty cases and the legal justifications for "enhanced" interrogation techniques that many believe are tantamount to torture. But, he insists, he divulged no "sources and methods" that might compromise national security when he spoke to the Times. He told reporters Eric Lichtblau and James Risen nothing about the operational details of the NSA program because he didn't know them, he says. He had never been "read into," or briefed, on the details of the program. All he knew was that a domestic surveillance program existed, and it "didn't smell right."

Hemant Karkare / M0ss4d / Mumbai

The latest updates in Mumbai from the Indian press and Pakastani Daily:

-The reason why the terrorist attacks on Mumbai was done on the specific date of November 26th is that the Anti-Terror Squad chief Hemant Karkare planned to reveal to the world press the next day 27th, that the Mossad was involved in funding and training militant fanatic Hindu terrorist group, who bombed Malegaon, India a few months ago, attacks that the Indian government wanted to blame on Muslims. Karkare saw the facts and was not fast to blame the Muslims; he ordered and investigation and found out that the Hindu terrorist group did the bombing. Upon interrogating the Hindus, they admitted to Karkare and his agents that the Israeli Mossad hired and trained them to do the bombings. The Hindus pointed out two Israeli Mossad agents in Mumbai, who were arrested, interrogated, and gave confessions. Karkare had the proof, witnesses, and confessions to blame Mossad, who planned, in arrogance, to kill Karkare one day before the expose, while at the same, time executing an Indian 9-11, "killing two birds with one stone." Karkare was shot in the back of the head while in bullet rpoof vest and helmet in his jeep. In other locations, 5 of Karkare's aides on the expose were also shot to death in different areas, quelling the Mossad expose from ever coming out.

-an Indian cop ran into the Chabad Lubavitch center during the attacks and was shocked to see a bunch of "white men" holding weapons, the mossad.

-the shootings started in the Chabad Lubavitch center, where many boxes of ammunition were found.

-the terrorists' blood showed evidence that they had talen LSD, Coccaine and alcohol. This is not the behavior of a Muslim. two of the terrorists had beers before they opened fire in a restaurant. These men were mercenaries who were hired by mossad. These mercenaries ar desperate men who work for the sake of their families, who need the money to survive in the poverty.

-the firefighters were told not to put out the fires, allowing the evidence to burn.

-the satillite phones found on the terrorists showed that their last call was to a Dan Samuel in New Jersey, a Mossad agent.

-many Israeli agents, more than usual, were seen and are on record as visiting all of the hotels attacked.

-the Indian woman that supposedly saved the Lubavitch child was sent to Israel and given an Israeli citizenship so that she could be monitored so that she wouldn't make a mistake and talk the truth about what really happened. The mossad possibly has given her money and a threat not to speak of the truth but only of what they instructed her to say. It is highly ely that she was a Mossad spy playing her role. She is a so called Indian Jew, which Jews have been focusing on for a few years, as the "Indian Jews" foryears were begging for acceptance as being known as Jews and Israeli citizenship, but were denied citizeship because of their lack of Israelite dna. This created a longing within the Indian Jewish community to be recognized as Jews and to be Israelite citizens, thus the Indian Jews who would be willing to do anything for the Jews just to be recognized as a Jew and to earn Israeli citizenship they have bee begging for, for years.

-Mossad affiliates in the government, Mossad agents, and the heads of the Indian government worked together to created the attacks.
Russian state TV suggests USA involved in drug-trafficking from Afghanistan, February 17, 2008

Russian state-controlled Channel One TV has broadcast a report containing allegations that US forces are involved in drug-trafficking from Afghanistan to Europe. It also highlighted the problem of drug abuse in the British army.

In 2007, Afghanistan cultivated 193,000 hectares of opium poppies, an increase of 17% over last year. The amount of Afghan land used for opium is now larger than the corresponding total for coca cultivation in Latin America (Colombia, Peru and Bolivia combined). Favourable weather conditions produced opium yields (42.5 kg per hectare) higher than last year (37.0 kg/ha). As a result, in 2007 Afghanistan produced anextraordinary 8,200 tons of opium (34% more than in 2006) becoming practically the exclusive supplier of the world's deadliest drug (93% of the global opiates market)
Israel's yes man in White House. US acts only as a servant for Israel.

Olmert: I told US not to vote for Gaza resolution:
Tue, 13 Jan 2009

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert says he had told the US president not to vote in favor of the recent United Nations resolution on Gaza.

"I told him (George W. Bush) the United States could not vote in favor. It cannot vote in favor of such a resolution. He immediately called the secretary of state and told her not to vote in favor," said Olmert on Monday.
Holy crap. Just... Holy crap. I can't even bear to go through one of his posts without laughing.
The Greatest Lie of All: 'Bush Kept Us Safe'

... NYCARTIST said on 1/23/2009 @ 11:28 am PT... Many have said, and I like stating the obvious: yes, to Brad's "thesis", but the obvious:"W" did not keep us, in NYC safe on Sept. 11,2001.

There were terrorist attacks on American soil since 9/11, and well over 4,000 Americans killed by terrorists since then to boot...

If I hear one more Bush Legacy con-artist --- or worse, supposed Progressives who brainlessly buy into the masterstroke of propaganda --- state that "Bush kept us safe" or "There have been no terror attacks on American soil since 9/11," I think I may shoot someone, or poison them with anthrax --- just to keep them safe.

To be clear, there were deadly terror attacks --- and on American soil! --- since 9/11.

5 people were killed and 17 other were injured in the 2001 anthrax attacks in what was the most deadly use of lethal bioterrorism on American soil in this nation's history. Many of those multiple terror attacks included notes intended to signal that they were attacks by supporters of Islamic jihadists.

Additionally, in October 2002, for three weeks, D.C. and environs were ground to a panicked stand-still as sniper attacks by a terrorist from the Nation of Islam went on for three weeks, killing 10 people and injuring 3 at 15 different sites throughout the Beltway.

Both the Anthrax Attacks and the Beltway Sniper Attacks were terrorist attacks on Americans, on American soil, following 9/11.

As to Bush having kept us safe beyond the 15 killed and 20 injured in the dozens of terror attacks on American soil since 9/11 as mentioned above, to date 4,230 U.S. troops have been killed in Iraq. Additionally, 172 American civilian contractors were also killed in the unnecessary, optional war on a country which had nothing to do with 9/11. Moreover, tens of thousands of U.S. troops were permanently injured in the conflict.

The number of U.S. troops killed in Iraq, under Bush's optional deployment, far exceeds, by more than one thousand, the number of American citizens killed on 9/11.

Counting only the dead (and only the American dead, in this case, since estimates of violent Iraqi civilian fatalities during the war are currently estimated to be anywhere from a conservative 150,000 to more than 1,000,000) that totals 4,245 Americans killed by terrorists, or in optional conflicts with terrorists, since 9/11.

"Bush kept us safe"?

Since 9/11, we could have had 14 different massive domestic terrorist bombings, in 14 different major U.S. cities, kill 300 Americans in each attack, and still had fewer Americans killed by terrorists since 9/11 than we have under the bold and courageous leadership of George W. Bush.

None of the above refers to the likely millions of individuals across the world now far more interested in bringing us harm than they were prior to 9/11, but other than that, yeah, "Bush kept us safe".