This has been done before but... Your game ideas


Jan 30, 2008
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I searched and searched but the only other threads were too old to bump. I think you ought to know what the idea behind this thread is (if you guessed sharing your ideas for a game you'd be right).

You should all know what an incredibly good game Star Wars Battlefront was. After seeing the new Lord of the Rings equivelant, something hit me. Why the heck haven't they made a Warhammer 40K version? There'd obviously be quite a few more classes, and each army would be entirely unique, but as a multiplayer game with the same system as SWB this would be the greatest thing to ever roam the earth. Say, get 10 kills in a life and you'd have the option to play as a Force Commander or the equivelant for other races, 20 kills for a Dreadnought/Carnifex/whatever.

As mentioned each army would need many classes to please fanboys. For the Space Marines alone you'd be having Marines, Assault Marines, Scouts, Marines w/Flamers, Devastator Marines, Devastators w/Heavy Bolters, Marines w/Missile Launchers, Devastators w/Lascannons, Terminators, so on so forth. I'm thinking, 8 races. Probably the most popular of the lot, being the Marines, Orks, Chaos, Eldar, Tyranids, Tau, Necrons and Imperial Guard. Bots would be completely necessary for balancing, given that Marines are a lot stronger than Guardsmen, bots could balance it out becoming more plentiful for the weaker armies. (the hero unit bonuses for generally weaker armies would require lower kills)

Vehicles would be much the same. I imagine the control point system would be too. The most significant change from Battlefront would be the way any armies can be played on any map. In multiplayer this would either require a vote or a choice from the host. suppose certain maps could be exclusively for certain armies, maybe an Ork stronghold map or the like, or those could be campaign only, which then opens up co-op campaign possibilites. If they DID make this, my head would overflow with so much awesome and I would od whatever I could to play it.
I would kill you, and everyone you have ever known, loved, been an acquaintance to, and passed on the street in your entire life for a pokemon MMO.

It would be the perfect game.
Caesar 3 mixed with Total War mixed with Rise of Nations mixed with Civilization + Supreme Commander's zoom cam.
Something like Faces of War/SHoWW2 except somehow more easy to manage squads of guys... Maybe some kind of turn based version.
A real time mmo that involves epic air kung fu battles and shit. You can jump off walls and shit and involves alot of acrobatics.
How about an action comedy that is actually funny. Take these guys and some other big actors and actually just make a game around them and how funny they are.

or at least try something really funny. Bad Company was a start but it didn't make me laugh out loud....and i know for a fact that it can be done:

also a game that when you die they actually show heaven and or hell at the very end and depending on the person you are you'd go to the correct place. not that i'm for religion or anything. but it would be cool to see how your actions really lead to something epic
The best damn mmo ever. No levelling and you can be anything (taken from a post I made ages ago):

I'm not a fan of the way levelling in current mmos herds players through the game world, taking away much of their freedom to explore and do as they please. It puts a massive limit on where they can go while levelling and 90% of the world become redundant once they've reached the maximum level (no decent drops/mats/challenge). And then there's pvp which, imo, just doesn't work (and this is from someone who's spent the time to become exhaulted with av twice). Any game that allows players to take on umpteen foes without fear of a scratch is fundamentally flawed and open to all types of lame behaviour and exploitation.

So, i'd like an mmo that involved no levelling at all. Instead, the more you play the more you get to tailor your character (what they look like, how they move - down to each animation - how they sound, how they fight, what they can make), but not necessarily make them much tougher. Of course, you would be able to get more powerful, but never to the extent that you can take on 2 or 3 people without concern. I'd like two people who are new to the game to have a fighting chance against a guy who's put in 1000's of hours.

The inspiration for this has come from 3 games. The first is Fire Pro Wrestling (great series of wrestling games) on the DC and various other platforms. You could create your wrestler, dress them up, choose their build, their moves, and even some of the animations used. I loved this, and would spend hours making new wrestlers to fight with characters my friends had made. Do you want a more traditional punch to the gut, or a karate style whack to the face? A flailing toe punt to the nuts, or a round house to the chops? You got to choose the animation. It's always satisfying to beat someone up in a video game, but to do it in a way that you've chosen is even better.

Now expand on this 1000 fold - do you want you character to lope around town, have a limp, or move gracefully? Instead of a punch maybe a vicious scratch to the eyes. The difference will be purely aesthetic - basic stats aside, a weak punch would do the same damage regardless of the animation - but I can guarantee it'd be a whole lot more satisfying. 1000's of animations to cover every action in the game would be needed - how we get access to these I go into a little further down.

The second game is Gunbound - a free online game that shares much in common with Worms. The major difference being that winning earns you gold, allowing you to buy new clothes and accessories which in turn give a boast to stats. You can then take your new gear to servers and battle it out. However, there are servers that allow you to wear your uber clothes without giving any of the bonuses that come with them, and thus thus level out the playing field. To my suprise these are by far the most popular. People spending a silly amount of time just to collect clothes - and they're only doing it to look different, individual. Much is the same in Animal Crossing. People spend hours designing new shirts to wear, or sell, or send to friends. They fill their houses with all sorts of crap in order to make them their own. And there's the Sims, of course - people love this stuff. In my ideal mmo we'd be able to to the same, but again to a much greater extent. There'd be all manner of creating and trading of furniture/clothes/weapons/armour/accessories. The gameworld - our houses, streets, gardens - would change as the players designed, built and altered. There would have to be some limitations - we don't want some twat painting an entire town pink - but we would be able to affect the world.

Lastly there's No Mercy on the N64 (with a little of Power Stone thrown in). Another wrestling game which has the most versatile fighting system i've encounted (and I play alot of beat em ups). It would work just as well for wrestling as it would for any martial art, with or without weapons - which, for a game that is all about making whatever character you want, is needed. I'm also a much bigger fan of real time combat then turn based, behind the scenes dice rolling, and would like a fighting system to match. (for those who have never played the series, and to give some idea of what i'd aim for, the combat is a rather measured, paper scissors stones affair - just with a few extra varibales thrown in)

Stick these together and we have a game in which we can make a truly unique character, down to the tiniest detail. You'd start with a generic looking fellow and the basic choices - hair/eye/skin colour etc. Over time you could work on his/her build - bulk up, go on a diet, exercise. As your build changes your stats alter to match and other options open up (you'd need to be a certain weight for Sumo, but being fat may prevent something else). Training in certain schools of combat or profession would unlock various moves and animations, or allow you to buy certain clothes/weapons - which you could then combine with others if you wanted. Maybe a dancing lesson would grant the option to walk with cheesey strut or improve your balance, or perhaps an injury to the leg would give the option for you to have a limp. How about a kick to the nuts allowing a really high pitched voice if you so choose - pretty annoying, but it could also give the option to learn an eardrum breaking shriek to cripple your enemy. Maybe we could learn/discover moves from people or creatures we defeat. The options are pretty endless - and each one changing how you look, sound, move, fight.

As there is no big difference in raw power between players, pvp will be based more on skill and be that much more tense and exciting for it. I imagine the intial stages of a fight would be quite cagey, sizing each other up and trying to work out what exactly it is you're up against - the more someone plays the more they can specialise, you wouldn't know if they knew some Judo, had been trained by a pirate, or were proficient with an axe (maybe all three), untill you saw it for yourself. There would be clues - their clothes, the sounds they make, perhaps how they move (you may know that someone can only get the cool 'Bruce Lee style' walk by mastering Kung Fu, for example). Variety, suprise, and practise will be the way to win - not by spending endless hours grinding for new uber gear.

As we can make some of the gameworld ours we'd have a vested interest in it, a sense of ownership. 'I planted the trees in my village and will be damned if faction x will come and mess things up'. A far cry from the miniscule incentive something like WoW gives - you'd actually have something to fight for. Our characters will truly be unique (what game can boast this to anything but the most basic of level?), fleshed out, open to serious rp (if you're into that sort of thing), comedy, or just being cool as ****. You may see someone walking down the street with a item of clothing you designed and sold to a merchant, who then travelled to a distant city and sold to a clothes shop. You could be a sumo wrestling kung fu midget with mad clown skills (they'll never expect the squirting flower to the eye move). You could be ............................. which is the whole point.
I sometimes throw around ideas for games in my head, although usually they just something like "Combine X and Y games to make SUPERHAPPYFUNTIME!" and this is really no exception:

The idea is basically a half-breed between a survival horror and an adventure game (that said, survival horrors tend to have a lot of adventure game elements). The idea is only a rough one seeing as the total amount of time I've spent developing it is just letting my mind wander a little over the last three days. It's an occult setting involving black magic (and possibly psychics), an evil cult and all the other generic crap that's an excuse for the monster-infested town. The game is linear but branched and puzzles have and puzzles will have different solutions that will move the story in different ways and ones that do not have to be solved, but will give clues to the story if they are.

The player character has a journal that he will automatically takes important notes down in, and that the player can take extra notes down in. As is obligatory for any survival horror game, you find notes/files/newspaper clippings around the place, but you don't automatically save them, you have to chose to take them down (or you can chose to avoid cluttering your notebook). The idea is that the notebook would work like the one in Discworld Noir. You take notes for each character, major plot point, major symbols etc. and compare and contrast the different notes to come up with theories. You can use notes/theories for new dialogue options with characters (Though it's not like an adventure game where you can talk with someone fifty times on the same subject, leave and come back to them, you get few chances of dialogue and if you fail to get anything out of it well tough shit you just lost an opportunity).

Another idea was making the player character have anger issues (stemming from family breakup or lost love or something) and if he starts to go off the deep end his anger will warp the psychically-sensitive environment. You can take anger medication or just get him to relax to make things go back to (semi-normality). That's only a vague idea. I dunno. I'm sick of typing.
Pokemon MMO.


**** YES :D

My friends and I have been having conversations about this shit for years. A fully-fledged Pokemon world, where each player is a trainer and goes around CAPTURING AND BATTLING and and and....

also, for my game ideas, click here
Anyone remember that mod Cause And Effect? No? Didn't think so. Anyway, that. It was pretty epic, I had worked out the story and dialogue and some incredibly intuitive controls.
3 factions was a poor idea, in my opinion. An MMOFPS should focus on taking the best elements of popular online FPS games like Call of Duty 4, Counter Strike, and other shooters and just scale it up a thousand times.
World of Warcraft has already been made, mchammer.

Also, if you take grinding out of an MMORPG, the game suddenly becomes boring because the primary sense of achievement in MMORPGs come from getting the phattest lewt and doing epic things with your guild. Both are economically intrinsic to the MMO experience.
Pokemon MMO.


Oh God, why has that never occured to me?

A decent open world zombie game. Mercenaries + Dead Rising + Resident Evil 4.

An amazing MMO FPS.

I've actually toyed a little with ideas for a supervillian game like the one Yatzeeh pitched. There's a game I'd like to see in the future.

What I'm saying is with a MMOFPS it would be nice if it was just about getting achievements,..etc. to get access to different weapons. There is no loot or any of that in a MMOFPS, so that wouldn't be a problem and it would keep any one player from conquering everything. In conclusion I want Valve to make an MMO :D. Of course it would take the a decade to ****in do it. But it would be nice
3 factions was a poor idea, in my opinion. An MMOFPS should focus on taking the best elements of popular online FPS games like Call of Duty 4, Counter Strike, and other shooters and just scale it up a thousand times.

Nah man, the 3 faction system ruled. Two armies fighting so hard they completely neglect the third faction thundering towards them. It was epic.

Although there were points when 2 factions would have resulted in more action.
^This. If they had just made the maps smaller and more focused and give a freakin goal to the game then it would have done well.

What I'm saying is with a MMOFPS it would be nice if it was just about getting achievements,..etc. to get access to different weapons. There is no loot or any of that in a MMOFPS, so that wouldn't be a problem and it would keep any one player from conquering everything. In conclusion I want Valve to make an MMO :D. Of course it would take the a decade to ****in do it. But it would be nice

They've said they have interest in making an MMO along with a Wii game in the past. But yeah, not any time soon.
^Takling bout 3 factions, the hl universe would be perfect for this.
Hmm a wii mmo would be interesting.

What I'm saying is with a MMOFPS it would be nice if it was just about getting achievements,..etc. to get access to different weapons. There is no loot or any of that in a MMOFPS, so that wouldn't be a problem and it would keep any one player from conquering everything. In conclusion I want Valve to make an MMO :D. Of course it would take the a decade to ****in do it. But it would be nice

But people want to conquer everything in an MMO. Also, achievements is just another way of "collecting [5] boar hides" type quests that are done in WoW. TF2 doesn't have upgrades, it just has alternative weapons. An MMO needs lots of players that play all the time (for server upkeep and such)- there's no incentive for people to play all the time if people can't actually be better than others, stats/items/abilities wise. The Warcraft mod for Counter-Strike is a good comparison.
^Takling bout 3 factions, the hl universe would be perfect for this.
Hmm a wii mmo would be interesting.

Just in case you thought I meant Valve was considering making a Wii MMO, I was not. Those two ideas are seperate.
Zombie MMOFPS where your main cities are in continual need of reinforcement, and aren't safe from the zombie hordes completely. Relatively minor quests such as 'Go get some oil drums from neighbouring city surplus x' need heavy planning. You'd need to get a truck from somewhere, which you'd have to factor in fuel-wise too (paid in full when you retrieve the oil drums though, so it's like an investment), medical supplies which might be in short supply, and weapons which unless you find them while travelling, have short ammo supplies.

Zombies would be mainly A.I. but with the option of having a zombie alter-ego which doesn't level up on its own, and is just used as an escape from the main human quests. You can even set up your own zombie 'group's and go on scheduled city raids with hundreds or thousands of other zombies.

Not entirely sure how a full economy would work in an MMOFPS like that though.
Zombie MMOFPS where your main cities are in continual need of reinforcement, and aren't safe from the zombie hordes completely. Relatively minor quests such as 'Go get some oil drums from neighbouring city surplus x' need heavy planning. You'd need to get a truck from somewhere, which you'd have to factor in fuel-wise too (paid in full when you retrieve the oil drums though, so it's like an investment), medical supplies which might be in short supply, and weapons which unless you find them while travelling, have short ammo supplies.

Zombies would be mainly A.I. but with the option of having a zombie alter-ego which doesn't level up on its own, and is just used as an escape from the main human quests. You can even set up your own zombie 'group's and go on scheduled city raids with hundreds or thousands of other zombies.

Not entirely sure how a full economy would work in an MMOFPS like that though.

This i hadnt actually thought anything like that up till i read that.
Also I hate to say it but I don't like the fast zombies of L4D etc. Well I enjoy them, but shamblers are far more terrifying. I was thinking for something like that MMO, you'd have both types of zombie--shambler and fast runner. The main difference between the two would be fast runners are newer, fresher corpses, and shamblers are zombies who have felt the effects of corpse rotting on their brains and bodies, causing them to move slower. This gets the best of both worlds and increases tension because you don't know what kind of zombie they are until they've spotted you.

I mean just imagine saving up money from doing small respawnable quests around the city (such as extra reinforcements for defences or patrolling the borders of the town for zombies), hiring a 4x4 with enough fuel for a round trip to a small village that might have 5 or so fuel drums somewhere in it. You rent a minigun with 500 rounds and fit it to the back of the truck, then head on out.
On the way you're driving through a forest that's so packed you haven't got space to manoeuvre the minigun about, and suddenly you get ambushed by a pack of fast movers. They almost climb aboard but you break out of the forest just in time, unfortunately you're then spotted by an entire herd of a mix of shamblers and fast movers, so you need to make a major detour.
The distance you travelled means you haven't got the fuel to return all the way to the city with all 5 oil drums. This would net you a tidy profit, but with every can you can't take your profits diminish. Then you have to make the choice between dumping the barrels and coming back for them, hoping some scavengers haven't picked the rest off by then, or you shoot 2 of your group-mates to lighten the load on your truck enough to make it back?

Harsh, but you would have to think of these things in a real situation.
Territory game where a randomly generated map has several provinces that you contend over for control, battles done with die rolls.
Oh wait, I already made that on pen n paper.
I even put nukes in it.
But people want to conquer everything in an MMO. Also, achievements is just another way of "collecting [5] boar hides" type quests that are done in WoW. TF2 doesn't have upgrades, it just has alternative weapons. An MMO needs lots of players that play all the time (for server upkeep and such)- there's no incentive for people to play all the time if people can't actually be better than others, stats/items/abilities wise.
Which would ruin any chance of a decent mmofps. What would seperate one player from another is just skill level not some random number crunching going on in the background. Thats why I've never understood PvP in MMORPGs, its just click on your enemy, and watch as you either kill him/he kills you by predetermined stats. BORING. What I'm talking about is an MMO where anyone who generally enjoys FPS's could jump in and feel like they are ****ing doing SOMETHING. Not just grinding forever til they get to the good parts.

This is the way I see it: If an mmofps could come out where its essentially a CP game extended to a HUGE arena (continents..etc.), then I would be happy. The same rules would apply in any other FPS game right? Its not like you want to jump in TF2 and get your ass handed to you because some douchebag is 5 levels above you. Right? How else would a FPSMMO work?

The Warcraft mod for Counter-Strike is a good comparison.
WHAT???? link please.
Which would ruin any chance of a decent mmofps. What would seperate one player from another is just skill level not some random number crunching going on in the background. Thats why I've never understood PvP in MMORPGs, its just click on your enemy, and watch as you either kill him/he kills you by predetermined stats. BORING. What I'm talking about is an MMO where anyone who generally enjoys FPS's could jump in and feel like they are ****ing doing SOMETHING. Not just grinding forever til they get to the good parts.

This is the way I see it: If an mmofps could come out where its essentially a CP game extended to a HUGE arena (continents..etc.), then I would be happy. The same rules would apply in any other FPS game right? Its not like you want to jump in TF2 and get your ass handed to you because some douchebag is 5 levels above you. Right? How else would a FPSMMO work?

WHAT???? link please.

Planetside had 3 things wrong with it:
1) The continents were too big----they anticipated way more players than there actually were.
2) There was no goal----you could cap all the bases but it really didn't mean a ****ing thing overall...why not just have the game restart once one faction capped all the bases???

3) The gameplay/ art style just flat out SUCKED hardcore. Why is it that most of the places just look like empty deserts/forests..etc.?
I really enjoyed the art style of Planetside at the time. It looked downright snazzy with all the graphics set to high. And the animations on some of the vehicles were top-notch even by some of today's standards.

Planetside 2 only ever seems to happen in my dreams. But when it happens in real life I really will drown in my own jizz so it's possibly a good thing.

I also really want a Warhammer 40k simulator. None of this RTS jargon. And I don't care if it doesn't have animations. But I would like a good physics engine whereby if you accidentally drop your Hive Tyrant, that arm you spent 7 hours trying to glue on will fall off. And when you roll the dice in frustration, they roll right into the middle of those plastic Dark Eldar and when you stick your hand in to retrieve the dice you get stabbed by thousands of little rifles.

Basically just like real 40k without the price. And it will all be played in my mate's dad's front room.

Seriously. Imagine the awesome.