Thread deleted but my post is important!

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Violent J

Ok, maybe I read that wrong green1152 and I do apologize if I was misquoting. So Fokkerpro, before he was -FP- LoS, stole renders but now that he is -FP- LoS he is doing on legit work? Ok that is fine. I am just curious why he didn't just admit he was Fokkerpro and apologize for what he had done and promise he is on the straight and narrow now? Instead he insists Fokkerpro "works" for him yet the ICQ # says he is lying. And green1152 I believe you when you say LoS is doing it's own renders but how can you trust what Fokkerpro/-FP- LoS gives you for the project? He might be up to his old tricks and it will hurt LoS's credibility. Someone proved you had a scammer on your team and had proof but yet you defend him instead of saying "shiite, Fokkerpro you are off the team!" If this was my project I wouldn't wait it tainted by him.
And I don't think it is right you guys deleting the post with all the proof about one of your members. The community deserves to know.
First, I had a moderator delete the post. Second, and for teh last time: I am not fokkerpro, fokkerpro is on the mod team. If there is anyway I can proove this then please let me know, to end all of this.
This is all nonsence. Please, stop bothering our mod. We left all that behind when we started over and renamed the mod. We try to start over and some jerk holds us down from progressing.
Yeah, explain why you are Fokkerpro's profiles are identical, down to your ICQ #?

If you can explain this honestly then I am sure everyone will let it rest. I wasn't gonna say anything when I read that post you had deleted until I saw you all picking on someone for pointed out who you were.

Fokkerpro - August 21, 1984
-FP- LoS - August 21, 1981

Fokkerpro - 153065319
-FP- LoS - 153065319

Fokkerpro - Riverside County, California, in the great United States of America.
-FP- LoS - Riverside County, California, in the great United States of America.

Fokkerpro - Modeler/3d GFX Designer.
-FP- LoS - Modeler/3d GFX Designer

How are you two different people. Even a dimwitted detective could figure this out.
Originally posted by -FP- LoS
First, I had a moderator delete the post. Second, and for teh last time: I am not fokkerpro, fokkerpro is on the mod team. If there is anyway I can proove this then please let me know, to end all of this.


1) Why do you have the same profile then?

2) Why is your nick 'FP'?

Ok how about this. Your not FokkerPro and more, but you used to be. Now your a much nicer guy who's not gonna step on any ones toes. :)
I understand you want to start over but why start over with lies and deceit? -FP- LoS is lieing about being Fokkerpro so how do you know he isn't lieing about any work he is doing for you?
How about this

1)Im done with this conversation

2)I will get flamed and ranted for this, but I dont care. I am not fokkerpro, I never was, I never will be. Continue with your ranting, I do not care. You two are no more than a couple of losers, who have nothing better to do than sit behind a computer screen, with a fake alias, pointing fingers at people you have never, and will never meet. Get up. Go out, have some fun AWAY from the PC.
Originally posted by -FP- LoS
How about this

1)Im done with this conversation

2)I will get flamed and ranted for this, but I dont care. I am not fokkerpro, I never was, I never will be. Continue with your ranting, I do not care. You two are no more than a couple of losers, who have nothing better to do than sit behind a computer screen, with a fake alias, pointing fingers at people you have never, and will never meet. Get up. Go out, have some fun AWAY from the PC.

Re 1): Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out! hehe.

Re: 2): We may be losers, but your a loser and a liar. At least we have honor.
Originally posted by -FP- LoS

EDIT: Content removed, I am actually feeling a little energized by all of this. I am kind of enjoying it. I will stick around for a bit longer, just to have some fun :D.

OK please address the questions then :).
Why'd you have to go and post this, VJ? You know we luvs ya, but the boss ain't got unlimited patience ya know. Youse gots a wonderful point a' view, really, but da boss's gonna have ta shut down another thread. And if this continues, I'm gonna have ta shut you down...
And if this continues, I'm gonna have ta shut you down... [/B]

Wow that sounded like a threat. Someone dissents with your point of view and you threaten? That's intelligent.
lol, it was supposed to be a "Mafia" type voice. You should have heard it in my head. You should have heard all the voices in my head...

EDIT - are you accusing me of being intelligent? - EDIT
Originally posted by Draklyne
lol, it was supposed to be a "Mafia" type voice. You should have heard it in my head. You should have heard all the voices in my head...

EDIT - are you accusing me of being intelligent? - EDIT

You forgot a big ol wink then :dozey: lol.
Argh...fokkerpro I come again to prove you are lieing...

Alright lets get started...

fokkerpro that was banned from forums that was proven a model stealer

Now lets look at your profile here..

Hmm...seems identical...

Now that is proven without a doubt...unless your not very smart.

You are fokkerpro...Unless you are going to say your his brother or something and use the same things as him..

Also in a thread that seems like it was deleted here(I didnt look very hard)

It was the thread announcing your mod;
You said to contact you at [email protected]


Alright I came to just prove this once again, as your are lieing once again. All you have to do is say you are fokkerpro and that you are on a straight line now, and everything will change. But until you stop lieing then you are going to keep being bashed..
oh yah, ok. Anyhow, can we move this onto the Clash of Opinions forum?
Originally posted by Sherrill
But until you stop lieing then you are going to keep being bashed..

Be careful Sherril or they're gonna start saying you are me. Or am I you... I forget ;). Another voice of reason!
Originally posted by Draklyne
oh yah, ok. Anyhow, can we move this onto the Clash of Opinions forum?

I kinda think this needs to be here. It's important to the whole mod community - Fokker is trying to recruit left and right and it's my opinion ppl need to know the facts.
The discussion may be here, but it will also eventually be in Clashing Opinions. If one of you doesn't post, I will. Thing is, the one who posts it in Clashing Opinions must present it in an unbiased fashion with the two parties given equal opportunity to speak. Otherwise, sides will be taken based on a whim.

Another thought is For/Against opening statements could be made by Shirow/Sherril/Violent J and green1152/-FP- LoS, then rebuttals could be made on this thread. It would be less orderly, but fine in the interim. All parties would have to give consent.
Originally posted by Draklyne
The discussion may be here, but it will also eventually be in Clashing Opinions. If one of you doesn't post, I will. Thing is, the one who posts it in Clashing Opinions must present it in an unbiased fashion with the two parties given equal opportunity to speak. Otherwise, sides will be taken based on a whim.

Another thought is For/Against opening statements could be made by Shirow/Sherril/Violent J and green1152/-FP- LoS, then rebuttals could be made on this thread. It would be less orderly, but fine in the interim. All parties would have to give consent.

If you are unbiased then I nominate you to start the thread. But you confused me with the second part hehe. Where's the jury of peers!

@Sherril: I am s/he as you are s/he as you are me and we are all together :)
Originally posted by Shirow
@Sherril: I am s/he as you are s/he as you are me and we are all together :)

WTF did you just say... :cheese:

I am he btw ;)...

Dyaklyne; Are we having a court system brought to these forums? Or can we just argue like little children? :dork:
I or Fp don't want to argue, we just want to get on with the mod and be left alone.
Originally posted by green1152
I or Fp don't want to argue, we just want to get on with the mod and be left alone.

so what you're saying is, fokkerpro is FP LoS ?
I never said anything like that... Stop being immature.. All of you.
Sorry green I dont like to argue...

but stealing models isnt immature?

lying that you didnt steal models isnt immature?

lying that your someone else isnt immature?
OMG, If you could have only read the first post i made in that deleted thread.
omg, if I could have only.. ;)

Please state it again. I would love to hear it, I am sorry that I never got to.
Just for you Sherrill.
I said: Fokkerpro never stole any models. He asked the DoD team if he could use their models, they agreed. He posted them on in his own name (which was wrong). People ranted him about stealing so he consulted the DoD team but they never replied so we used different models. When he said "I have a backup Just incase". He meant he had a model made by himslef, not stolen or borrowed.
Originally posted by Sherrill
Alright I came to just prove this once again, as your are lieing once again. All you have to do is say you are fokkerpro and that you are on a straight line now, and everything will change. But until you stop lieing then you are going to keep being bashed..

Ok, its a done deal. I am fokkerpro. Everything you have said is true, and everything I have said is false. I said it.

Well, now that that is over, lets all be good good friends!
Drinks are on me, boys.:cheers::bounce:

Lets all be friends!
Still claiming credit for other peoples work Fokker?

I guess some people just don't learn.
I'm done with this. I am gong to bed.
One last thing i got to say.

Dun nu nu dun dun dum--HOOHA! WaR! good god. what it isnt good fo! Absolutley nothin! nutin!
Grow up PLS. I'm starting to understand Cerberus' statement about maturity on this forum...

Just don't reply if you haven't something good to say. And don't worry about all these upcoming mods. Most of them are kids and their mod will probably never reach an alpha version. Especially not when you have to pick your models from a public database.

I think it is better if an admin closed this thread

Hmmm the only thing I have to add is that there's only one thing worse than plagiarism and that's blatent plagiarism - it insults the user's intellegence, imlpying that they wont notice the obvious copying. If you'd want to be forgiven, Fokker, you shouldn't have posted this:

Second, and for teh last time: I am not fokkerpro

and this

I am not fokkerpro, I never was, I never will be. Continue with your ranting, I do not care. You two are no more than a couple of losers

before eventually posting this:

I am fokkerpro ... everything I have said is false ... Lets all be friends!

It's not just the DOD model, or the stolen 3D cafe models, it's everything else, repeated lies & insults and then some sort of a brush off and a 'let's be freinds' once you realised that the poeple here are not stupid and have plenty of evidence.

In future mod[erators]s could clear up cases of people creating new IDs once they are banned by checking IP adresses of posts. Even if people are on a dial up with dnynamic IPs the subnet will be the same in every case.

This thread reminds me of Jerry Springer!
Originally posted by -FP- LoS
New to this board, but I plan on being very active. I am currently a moderator at the forums, and have been so for about 2 months. I think I could help out alot around here, and really do for the better

Originally posted by -FP- LoS
You two are no more than a couple of losers...

I love this guy, he wants to be a moderator now, oh that's funny! I love the irony there. Maybe as a modertor he can rip people off and not be banned, hmmm.....
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