Three Questions: Cameras, Skyboxes, and Gibshooters



I am almost completely new to mapping, so I'm making a sort of "sandbox" map just to see what I can do. I've been able to solve most problems, but I have a few that I just can't figure out. Any help would be appreciated.

The first thing I tried was to make a vending machine that could shoot cans fast enough to kill or injure the player. I got a working machine using a gibshooter, but the cans clip right through the player. Is this just an issue with gibs, and if so is there another entity I could use?

Second, I placed the G-Man in front of a camera, but he doesn't appear on the screen that's linked to the camera. Just to make sure the camera worked, I placed Breen next to him, and he shows up just fine. Am I doing something wrong, or is the G-Man weird like that? (Picture)

And finally, the edges of my skybox are visible. I am not using a 3D skybox. I made this one by creating a box around the map, then hollowing it and applying the sky texture. I hollowed inward and outward - both produce the same glitch. What is going on here? (Picture)

Thank you for any help or insight you can give.
First 2, dont know, skybox one go into map properties and change the skybox to sky_day03_06'. I had the same problem with the skybox you are using, im guessing its a crappy skybox.
you need to use the tools/toolskybox texture for the skies in hammer, this is then replaced with the skybox specified in map properties ingame.
I don't know why you're Gman isn't showing. I have had him in two of my maps, both of them on cameras. "npc_gman" I believe. He shows up just fine for me. I don't remember setting anything special. Maybe you should delete that one and try a new one? My 2c.